Posted lisalala
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event( instance, events, deadline=timeout, error_callback=self._neutron_failed_callback): self.plug_vifs(instance, network_info) self.firewall_driver.setup_basic_filtering(instance, network_info) self.firewall_driver.prepare_instance_filter(instance, network_info) domain = self._create_domain( xml, instance=instance, launch_flags=launch_flags, power_on=power_on) self.firewall_driver.apply_instance_filter(instance, network_info)
@contextlib.contextmanager def wait_for_instance_event(self, instance, event_names, deadline=300, error_callback=None): """Plan to wait for some events, run some code, then wait. This context manager will first create plans to wait for the provided event_names, yield, and then wait for all the scheduled events to complete. Note that this uses an eventlet.timeout.Timeout to bound the operation, so callers should be prepared to catch that failure and handle that situation appropriately. If the event is not received by the specified timeout deadline, eventlet.timeout.Timeout is raised. If the event is received but did not have a \'completed\' status, a NovaException is raised. If an error_callback is provided, instead of raising an exception as detailed above for the failure case, the callback will be called with the event_name and instance, and can return True to continue waiting for the rest of the events, False to stop processing, or raise an exception which will bubble up to the waiter. :param:instance: The instance for which an event is expected :param:event_names: A list of event names. Each element can be a string event name or tuple of strings to indicate (name, tag). :param:deadline: Maximum number of seconds we should wait for all of the specified events to arrive. :param:error_callback: A function to be called if an event arrives """ if error_callback is None: error_callback = self._default_error_callback events = {} for event_name in event_names: if isinstance(event_name, tuple): name, tag = event_name event_name = external_event_obj.InstanceExternalEvent.make_key( name, tag) events[event_name] = ( self._compute.instance_events.prepare_for_instance_event( instance, event_name)) yield with eventlet.timeout.Timeout(deadline): for event_name, event in events.items(): actual_event = event.wait() if actual_event.status == \'completed\': continue decision = error_callback(event_name, instance) if decision is False: break
yield在此有何用处? 为何需要yield呢?
”任何在yield之前的内容都可以看做在代码块执行前的操作,而任何yield之后的操作都可以放在exit函数中。wait_for_instance_event ()就是
先准备计划等待一些event, 然后运行_create_domain_and_network()中提到的代码块,同时开始等待,等待超时后调用error_callback,
def contextmanager(func): """@contextmanager decorator. Typical usage: @contextmanager def some_generator(<arguments>): <setup> try: yield <value> finally: <cleanup> This makes this: with some_generator(<arguments>) as <variable>: <body> equivalent to this: <setup> try: <variable> = <value> <body> finally: <cleanup> """ @wraps(func) def helper(*args, **kwds): return GeneratorContextManager(func(*args, **kwds)) return helper
class GeneratorContextManager(object): """Helper for @contextmanager decorator.""" def __init__(self, gen): self.gen = gen def __enter__(self): try: return self.gen.next() except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError("generator didn\'t yield") def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if type is None: try: self.gen.next() except StopIteration: return else: raise RuntimeError("generator didn\'t stop") else: if value is None: # Need to force instantiation so we can reliably # tell if we get the same exception back value = type() try: self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback) raise RuntimeError("generator didn\'t stop after throw()") except StopIteration, exc: # Suppress the exception *unless* it\'s the same exception that # was passed to throw(). This prevents a StopIteration # raised inside the "with" statement from being suppressed return exc is not value except: # only re-raise if it\'s *not* the exception that was # passed to throw(), because __exit__() must not raise # an exception unless __exit__() itself failed. But throw() # has to raise the exception to signal propagation, so this # fixes the impedance mismatch between the throw() protocol # and the __exit__() protocol. # if sys.exc_info()[1] is not value: raise
with 语句的语法格式如下:
清单 1. with 语句的语法格式
with context_expression [as target(s)]: with-body
这里 context_expression 要返回一个上下文管理器对象,该对象并不赋值给 as 子句中的 target(s) ,如果指定了 as 子句的话,会将上下文管理器的 __enter__() 方法的返回值赋值给 target(s)。target(s) 可以是单个变量,或者由“()”括起来的元组(不能是仅仅由“,”分隔的变量列表,必须加“()”)。
Python 对一些内建对象进行改进,加入了对上下文管理器的支持,可以用于 with 语句中,比如可以自动关闭文件、线程锁的自动获取和释放等。假设要对一个文件进行操作,使用 with 语句可以有如下代码:
清单 2. 使用 with 语句操作文件对象
with open(r\'somefileName\') as somefile: for line in somefile: print line # ...more code
这里使用了 with 语句,不管在处理文件过程中是否发生异常,都能保证 with 语句执行完毕后已经关闭了打开的文件句柄。如果使用传统的 try/finally 范式,则要使用类似如下代码:
清单 3. try/finally 方式操作文件对象
somefile = open(r\'somefileName\') try: for line in somefile: print line # ...more code finally: somefile.close()
比较起来,使用 with 语句可以减少编码量。已经加入对上下文管理协议支持的还有模块 threading、decimal 等。
PEP 0343 对 with 语句的实现进行了描述。with 语句的执行过程类似如下代码块:
清单 4. with 语句执行过程
context_manager = context_expression exit = type(context_manager).__exit__ value = type(context_manager).__enter__(context_manager) exc = True # True 表示正常执行,即便有异常也忽略;False 表示重新抛出异常,需要对异常进行处理 try: try: target = value # 如果使用了 as 子句 with-body # 执行 with-body except: # 执行过程中有异常发生 exc = False # 如果 __exit__ 返回 True,则异常被忽略;如果返回 False,则重新抛出异常 # 由外层代码对异常进行处理 if not exit(context_manager, *sys.exc_info()): raise finally: # 正常退出,或者通过 statement-body 中的 break/continue/return 语句退出 # 或者忽略异常退出 if exc: exit(context_manager, None, None, None) # 缺省返回 None,None 在布尔上下文中看做是 False
- 执行 context_expression,生成上下文管理器 context_manager
- 调用上下文管理器的 __enter__() 方法;如果使用了 as 子句,则将 __enter__() 方法的返回值赋值给 as 子句中的 target(s)
- 执行语句体 with-body
- 不管是否执行过程中是否发生了异常,执行上下文管理器的 __exit__() 方法,__exit__() 方法负责执行“清理”工作,如释放资源等。如果执行过程中没有出现异常,或者语句体中执行了语句 break/continue/return,则以 None 作为参数调用 __exit__(None, None, None) ;如果执行过程中出现异常,则使用 sys.exc_info 得到的异常信息为参数调用 __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
- 出现异常时,如果 __exit__(type, value, traceback) 返回 False,则会重新抛出异常,让with 之外的语句逻辑来处理异常,这也是通用做法;如果返回 True,则忽略异常,不再对异常进行处理
>>> def gens(N): ... for i in range(N): ... yield i**2 ... >>> gens(3) <generator object gens at 0x7fb3ac98ec30> >>> s = gens(3) >>> s <generator object gens at 0x7fb3ac98ee60> >>> s.next() 0 >>> s.next() 1 >>> s.next() 4 >>> s.next() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> StopIteration >>> dir(s) [\'__class__\', \'__delattr__\', \'__doc__\', \'__format__\', \'__getattribute__\', \'__hash__\', \'__init__\', \'__iter__\', \'__name__\', \'__new__\', \'__reduce__\', \'__reduce_ex__\', \'__repr__\', \'__setattr__\', \'__sizeof__\', \'__str__\', \'__subclasshook__\', \'close\', \'gi_code\', \'gi_frame\', \'gi_running\', \'next\', \'send\', \'throw\']
>>> def gent(N): ... for i in range(N): ... i = i**2 ... >>> gent(3) >>> print gent(3) None >>> dir(gent(3)) [\'__class__\', \'__delattr__\', \'__doc__\', \'__format__\', \'__getattribute__\', \'__hash__\', \'__init__\', \'__new__\', \'__reduce__\', \'__reduce_ex__\', \'__repr__\', \'__setattr__\', \'__sizeof__\', \'__str__\', \'__subclasshook__\']
对比上述两个方法,可以看出,加入yield之后,函数的返回,实际上不是一个值,而是一个generator object(生成器对象)。这个对象,本身是支持next方法的。这就回答了上面问题1。
以下内容来自Mark Lutz的《learning Python》:
让使用 @contextmanager 创建的上下文管理器在异常情况下正常工作