Posted polymax
几乎看到的所有的热敏打印机都支持EPSON的ESC POS指令,因此首先可以去度娘上找一份热敏打印机指令集,阅读一番
(1) 位图模式打印,通过文档发现支持位图打印模式,可以打印图片,就意味着我们可以通过随意定制html模板,然后填充数据,最后渲染成图片,对于打印机来说,就是打印图片,一个接口就可以搞定所有问题,这里只是提供一种思路,具体细节实现不在这里发散,感兴趣可以私信我,通过我们的实践,这种打印方式打印出来的效果最好,字体不受打印机限制,可以打印的特别清楚,这也是最为推荐的一种方式,有几个坑需要注意:
(2) 通过指令集进行打印,按照指令集文档进行打印,这种打印的优点就是数据量小,非常适合串口打印机,缺点是格式受限制,字体受限制,打出来的小票没有图片打印方式好看,下面是我们在打印过程中的一些常用命令的实现
1 #ifndef PRINTERPROTOCAL_H 2 #define PRINTERPROTOCAL_H 3 #include <vector> 4 #include <string> 5 #define SERIAL_SIZE 8 6 class PrinterProtocal { 7 private: 8 std::vector<std::string> data_; 9 std::string tmp_data_; 10 PrinterProtocal &writeString(std::string str); 11 PrinterProtocal &writeByte(std::initializer_list<uint8_t>); 12 public: 13 PrinterProtocal(); 14 enum CharacterSet { 15 USA, 16 FRANCE, 17 GERMANY, 18 UK, 19 DENMARK, 20 SWEDEN, 21 ITALY, 22 SPAIN, 23 JAPAN, 24 NORWAY, 25 DENMARK2, 26 SPAIN2, 27 LATINAMERICA, 28 KOREA, 29 Slovenia, 30 Chinese 31 }; 32 33 enum CodeTable { 34 PC437, 35 PC850, 36 CHINESE = 30 37 }; 38 39 enum AlignMode { 40 LEFT, 41 MIDDLE, 42 RIGHT 43 }; 44 45 enum PrintReadable { 46 NONE, 47 ABOVE, 48 BELOW, 49 BOTH 50 }; 51 52 enum BarcodeType { 53 UPCA, 54 UPCE, 55 EAN13, 56 EAN8, 57 CODE39, 58 I25, 59 CODEBAR, 60 CODE93, 61 CODE128, 62 CODE11, 63 MSI 64 }; 65 66 67 PrinterProtocal &write(std::string str, int32_t size = 0, char ch = ‘ ‘); 68 PrinterProtocal &init(); 69 PrinterProtocal &reset(); 70 PrinterProtocal &setFontSize(uint8_t); 71 PrinterProtocal &setControlParameter(uint8_t heatingDots = 20, 72 uint8_t heatingTime = 255, uint8_t heatingInterval = 250); 73 PrinterProtocal &setSleepTime(uint8_t seconds = 0); 74 PrinterProtocal &setStatus(bool state = true); 75 PrinterProtocal &setPrintDensity(uint8_t printDensity = 14, 76 uint8_t printBreakTime = 4); 77 78 PrinterProtocal &setDoubleWidth(bool state = false); 79 PrinterProtocal &setBold(bool state = false); 80 PrinterProtocal &setReverse(bool state = false); 81 PrinterProtocal &setUpDown(bool state = false); 82 PrinterProtocal &setUnderline(bool state = false); 83 PrinterProtocal &setKeyPanel(bool state = false); 84 85 PrinterProtocal &setCharacterSet(CharacterSet set = USA); 86 PrinterProtocal &setCodeTable(CodeTable table = PC437); 87 PrinterProtocal &feed(); 88 PrinterProtocal &feed(uint8_t lines); 89 PrinterProtocal &setLineSpacing(uint8_t spacing = 32); 90 PrinterProtocal &setAlign(AlignMode align = LEFT); 91 PrinterProtocal &setLeftBlankCharNums(uint8_t space = 0); 92 PrinterProtocal &setMarginBottom(uint8_t lines = 100); 93 std::vector<std::string> getResult(); 94 PrinterProtocal &done(); 95 }; 96 97 #endif // PRINTERPROTOCAL_H
1 #include "printerprotocal.h" 2 #include <unistd.h> 3 #include "base/string_helper.h" 4 PrinterProtocal::PrinterProtocal() { 5 reset(); 6 } 7 8 9 // write single byte 10 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::writeByte(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> 11 params) { 12 //先清理 13 if ((params.size() + tmp_data_.size()) > SERIAL_SIZE) { 14 done(); 15 } 16 for (auto ch : params) { 17 tmp_data_.push_back(ch); 18 } 19 return *this; 20 } 21 22 // write a string 23 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::writeString(std::string str) { 24 for (auto ch : str) { 25 if (tmp_data_.size() >= SERIAL_SIZE) { 26 done(); 27 } 28 tmp_data_.push_back(ch); 29 } 30 return *this; 31 } 32 //输入str,如果长度小于size,不足的部分用空格填充 33 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::write(std::string str, int32_t size, 34 char ch) { 35 std::string gbk_str = StringHelper::GetGBK(str); 36 while (static_cast<int>(gbk_str.size()) < size) { 37 gbk_str.push_back(ch); 38 } 39 writeString(gbk_str); 40 return *this; 41 } 42 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::done() { 43 if (tmp_data_.size() > 0) { 44 data_.push_back(tmp_data_); 45 tmp_data_.clear(); 46 } 47 return *this; 48 } 49 50 // initialize the printer 51 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::init() { 52 writeByte({27, 64}).done(); 53 return *this; 54 } 55 56 // reset the printer 57 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::reset() { 58 data_.clear(); 59 return *this; 60 } 61 62 // sets the printer online (true) or ofline (false) 63 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setStatus(bool state) { 64 writeByte({27, 61, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 65 return *this; 66 } 67 68 // set control parameters: heatingDots, heatingTime, heatingInterval 69 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setControlParameter(uint8_t heatingDots, 70 uint8_t heatingTime, uint8_t heatingInterval) { 71 writeByte({27, 55, heatingDots, heatingTime, heatingInterval}).done(); 72 return *this; 73 } 74 75 76 //width,height均表示倍数 77 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setFontSize(uint8_t size) { 78 //低4位表示高度,高4位表示宽度 79 uint8_t ret = (0x0f & (2 * size)) | (0xf0 & (16 * size)); 80 writeByte({29, 33, ret}).done(); 81 return *this; 82 } 83 84 // set the used character set 85 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setCharacterSet(CharacterSet set) { 86 writeByte({27, 82, (uint8_t)set}).done(); 87 return *this; 88 } 89 90 // set the used code table 91 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setCodeTable(CodeTable table) { 92 writeByte({27, 116, (uint8_t)table}).done(); 93 return *this; 94 } 95 96 //打印并换行 97 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::feed() { 98 writeByte({10}).done(); 99 return *this; 100 } 101 102 //打印并换lines行 103 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::feed(uint8_t lines) { 104 writeByte({27, 74, lines}).done(); 105 return *this; 106 } 107 108 //设置行间距 109 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setLineSpacing(uint8_t spacing) { 110 writeByte({27, 51, spacing}).done(); 111 return *this; 112 } 113 114 // set Align Mode: LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT 115 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setAlign(AlignMode align) { 116 writeByte({27, 97, (uint8_t)align}).done(); 117 return *this; 118 } 119 120 //设置左边空白间距 121 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setLeftBlankCharNums(uint8_t space) { 122 if (space >= 47) { 123 space = 47; 124 } 125 writeByte({29, 76, space}).done(); 126 return *this; 127 } 128 129 130 131 // set Bold Mode: on=true, off=false 132 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setBold(bool state) { 133 writeByte({27, 69, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 134 return *this; 135 } 136 //设定/解除反白打印模式 137 // set Reverse printing Mode 138 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setReverse(bool state) { 139 writeByte({29, 66, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 140 return *this; 141 } 142 //设置/解除颠倒打印模式 143 // set Up/Down Mode 144 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setUpDown(bool state) { 145 writeByte({27, 123, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 146 return *this; 147 } 148 149 //设置/取消汉字字符下划线模式 150 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setUnderline(bool state) { 151 writeByte({28, 45, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 152 return *this; 153 } 154 155 // enable / disable the key on the frontpanel 156 //激活/禁止面板按键 157 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setKeyPanel(bool state) { 158 writeByte({27, 99, 53, (uint8_t)state}).done(); 159 return *this; 160 } 161 162 PrinterProtocal &PrinterProtocal::setMarginBottom(uint8_t lines) { 163 writeByte({27, 74, lines}).done(); 164 return *this; 165 } 166 167 std::vector<std::string> PrinterProtocal::getResult() { 168 return data_; 169 }