EasyUI 可以编辑datagrid

Posted 咕噜平子


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了EasyUI 可以编辑datagrid相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

1.主要用到的技术:前端easyui,后台是Spring MVC,Spring data Jpa等。





  1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
  2 <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
  3 <html>
  4 <head>
  5     <%
  6         String path = request.getContextPath();
  7     %>
  8     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  9     <title>Menu</title>
 10     <%@include file="/jsp/resource.jsp" %>
 11 </head>
 12 <body>
 13 <div style="margin:10px 0;"></div>
 14 <table id="dg" class="easyui-datagrid" title="菜单可编辑列表" style="width:700px;height:auto"
 15        data-options="
 16                 iconCls: \'icon-edit\',
 17                 singleSelect: true,
 18                 toolbar: \'#tb\',
 19                 url: \'/csmisws/menu/datas.do\',
 20                 onClickRow: onClickRow
 21             ">
 22     <thead>
 23     <tr>
 24         <th data-options="field:\'id\',width:100">编号</th>
 25         <th data-options="field:\'text\',width:180,align:\'right\',editor:\'text\'">名称</th>
 26         <th data-options="field:\'pid\',width:155,align:\'right\',editor:\'numberbox\'">父编号</th>
 27         <th data-options="field:\'url\',width:200,align:\'right\',editor:\'text\'">链接</th>
 28         </th>
 29     </tr>
 30     </thead>
 31 </table>
 33 <div id="tb" style="height:auto">
 34     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:\'icon-add\',plain:true"
 35        onclick="append()">添加</a>
 36     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:\'icon-remove\',plain:true"
 37        onclick="removew()">删除</a>
 38     <%--<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:\'icon-save\',plain:true"--%>
 39        <%--onclick="accept()">接受改变</a>--%>
 40     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:\'icon-undo\',plain:true"
 41        onclick="reject()">撤销改变</a>
 42     <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:\'icon-save\',plain:true"
 43        onclick="getChanges()">永久保存改变</a>
 44 </div>
 45 <script type="text/javascript">
 46     var editIndex = undefined;
 47     function endEditing() {
 48         if (editIndex == undefined) {
 49             return true
 50         }
 51         if ($(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'validateRow\', editIndex)) {
 52             var ed = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getEditor\', {index: editIndex, field: \'text\'});
 53             alert(ed);
 54             var text = $(ed.target).val();
 55             $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getRows\')[editIndex][\'text\'] = text;
 56             $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'endEdit\', editIndex);
 57             editIndex = undefined;
 58             return true;
 59         } else {
 60             return false;
 61         }
 62     }
 63     function onClickRow(index) {
 64         if (editIndex != index) {
 65             if (endEditing()) {
 66                 $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'selectRow\', index)
 67                         .datagrid(\'beginEdit\', index);
 68                 editIndex = index;
 69             } else {
 70                 $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'selectRow\', editIndex);
 71             }
 72         }
 73     }
 74     function append() {
 75         if (endEditing()) {
 76             $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'appendRow\', {status: \'P\'});
 77             editIndex = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getRows\').length - 1;
 78             $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'selectRow\', editIndex)
 79                     .datagrid(\'beginEdit\', editIndex);
 80         }
 81     }
 82     function removew() {
 83         if (editIndex == undefined) {
 84             return
 85         }
 86         $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'cancelEdit\', editIndex)
 87                 .datagrid(\'deleteRow\', editIndex);
 88         editIndex = undefined;
 89     }
 90 //    function accept() {
 91 //        if (endEditing()) {
 92 //            $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'acceptChanges\');
 93 //        }
 94 //    }
 95     function reject() {
 96         $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'rejectChanges\');
 97         editIndex = undefined;
 98     }
 99     function getChanges() { // save the changed data to the database.
100         endEdit();// 获取编辑过的信息,需要结束编辑状态
101         var rows = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getChanges\');
102         if (rows.length) {
103             var inserted = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getChanges\', "inserted");
104             var deleted = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getChanges\', "deleted");
105             var updated = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getChanges\', "updated");
106             // 打包整理修改过的数据
107             var effectRow = new Object();
108             if (inserted.length) {
109                 effectRow["inserted"] = JSON.stringify(inserted);
110             }
111             if (deleted.length) {
112                 effectRow["deleted"] = JSON.stringify(deleted);
113             }
114             if (updated.length) {
115                 effectRow["updated"] = JSON.stringify(updated);
116             }
117 //            alert(JSON.stringify(effectRow));
118             // 提交数据至后台数据库
119             $.ajax({
120                 url: "/csmisws/menu/savedata.do",
121                 type: "POST",
122                 data: effectRow,
123                 dataTyoe: "JSON",
124                 success: function () {
125                     $.messager.alert("提示", "提交成功了!");
126                     $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'acceptChanges\');
127                 }, error: function () {
128                     $.messager.alert("提示", "提交错误了!");
129                     $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'acceptChanges\');
130                 }
131             });
132         }
133     }
135     function endEdit() {
136         var rows = $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'getRows\');
137         for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
138             $(\'#dg\').datagrid(\'endEdit\', i);
139         }
140         editIndex = undefined;
141     }
142 </script>
143 </body>
144 easyui datagrid 单元格关闭编辑框再开启编辑框就报错

easyui datagrid编辑单元格的时候失去焦点结束编辑代码怎么写


easyui datagrid 怎么默认列可编辑?

Editable DataGrid 实现列表新增编辑功能

easyui-datagrid 编辑模式详解