selenium Python自动化测试SendKeys发送内容和回车,会清空输入框,怎么改?
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了selenium Python自动化测试SendKeys发送内容和回车,会清空输入框,怎么改?相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
selenium Python自动化测试SendKeys发送内容和回车,会清空输入框,如图所示,怎么改?
1、我的目标是:在输入框 输入文字 并且 按回车键后就能完成搜索。
2、现在的问题:在输入框 输入文字 并且 按回车键后输入框被清空了。
1.1 将struts2中的jar文件导入到项目中
1.2 将struts.xml文件拷贝到项目的src目录下
1.3 修改web.xml文件
2.1 自动方法调用(只能调用execute)
2.2 指定方法调用(通过设置action标签中的method属性) 参考技术A 输入 测试3\n 用转义字符试试 参考技术B 尝试下,在回车之前使用一次click() 参考技术C 回车之前试试 Keys.ESC
title: python-selenium自动化测试网页
categories: Python
tags: [python, selenium, 自动化, 测试, 抢购]
date: 2022-03-01 16:57:54
comments: false
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toc: true
- 自动化:Selenium八大元素定位简单介绍 -
- selenium 获取网页源码 -
- Python - 爬虫之Selenium (好文) -
- Selenium系列6-使用XPath定位元素
安装 selenium 模块
$ pip3 install selenium
下载与 chrome 版本一致的 chromedriver 丢到环境变量能找到的地方, 下载地址:
编码测试 - 淘宝秒杀
test_buy 自动购买商品 和 test_cart 自动结算购物车
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import traceback import unittest from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement from tool import utils, cmd_color, feishu class CInfo: def __init__(self): self.username = "" self.password = "" self.url = "" # 购买物品的 url self.itemopts = # 购买物品时需要选中的选项 self.itemCarts = [] # 结算需要勾选的物品 self.start_time = # 开抢时间 class Test_TbBot(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self): self.browser: webdriver.Chrome = webdriver.Chrome() = self.readInfo() def readInfo(self) -> CInfo: ins = CInfo() ins.url = "" ins.start_time = "20220303_105000" ins.itemopts = "尺寸": "150cmx200cm", "颜色分类": "浅山茶萌萌皇冠兔", "数量": "3", ins.itemCarts = [ # 购物车 "午休办公室午睡毯", # "魔术贴条子母粘贴勾面", ] return ins def setUp(self): print("\\n\\n------------------ test result ------------------") def dumpHtml(self, msg): utils.writeFile(utils.getDesktop("tb--.log".format(, msg)), self.browser.page_source) # 查找按钮并点击 async def click(self, ele: WebElement, tips, value, cnt=1): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) isOk = False while cnt > 0: try: dstEle = ele.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=value) assert dstEle is not None, "ele is None" cmd_color.printWhite("--- 找到按钮: , 点击\\n".format(tips)) isOk = True break except Exception as ex: cmd_color.printRed("--- 找不到按钮: , value: , 0.5s 后再次尝试\\n".format(tips, value)) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) finally: cnt = cnt - 1 return isOk async def clickWithFresh(self, ele: WebElement, tips, value, cnt=1): isOk = False while cnt > 0: isOk = await, tips=tips, value=value, cnt=1) if not isOk: cnt = cnt - 1 if cnt > 0: cmd_color.printRed("--- 找不到按钮: , value: , 刷新并在 2s 后再次尝试\\n".format(tips, value)) self.browser.refresh() await asyncio.sleep(2) else: break return isOk async def tryLogin(self): # 登录页面 while True: try: webEle = self.browser.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value="亲,请登录") if webEle is not None: cmd_color.printYellow("--- 请尽登录\\n") break except Exception as ex: cmd_color.printRed("--- 找不到登录页面, 0.5s 后再次尝试\\n") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # 登录状态检测 cnt = 1 isOk = False while not isOk: cmd_color.printWhite("--- 登录状态检测\\n") try: ele = self.browser.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value="//span[@class='member-nick-info']") isOk = ele is not None except Exception as ex: # print(utils.exmsg(ex)) pass if not isOk: cmd_color.printRed("--- 检测不到登录状态, 1s 后再次尝试, cnt: \\n".format(cnt)) cnt = cnt + 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) cmd_color.printGreen("--- 已经登录成功\\n") async def selectCart(self, orderEle: WebElement, name): # 匹配超链接文字 aEle = await self.safeFind(orderEle, value=".//div[@class='item-basic-info']//a") if name in aEle.text: cmd_color.printWhite("--- 匹配成功, -> \\n".format(name, aEle.text)) inputEle = await self.safeFind(orderEle, value=".//input[@class='J_CheckBoxItem']") parentEle = await self.safeFind(inputEle, value="..") # 这个才是勾选项 cmd_color.printWhite("--- 勾选成功: \\n".format(aEle.text)) return True else: return False # 提交订单 async def submitCardOrder(self): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # 延迟一下 await, tips="提交订单", value="//div[@class='submitOrder-container']//a[contains(text(), '提交订单')]", cnt=3) async def openUrl(self, url): cmd_color.printWhite("--- 打开链接: \\n".format(url)) self.browser.get(url) # 打开购物车 async def openCart(self): # 打开购物车列表页面 cartUrl = "" await self.openUrl(cartUrl) await asyncio.sleep(1) # dstItem = "运动童鞋板鞋低帮夜光DO3806" # 勾选目的商品 for itemCart in orderEleArr = await self.safeFinds(self.browser, value=".//div[@id='J_OrderList']//div[@class='order-content']") for orderEle in orderEleArr: isOk = await self.selectCart(orderEle, itemCart) if isOk: break # # 全选购物车 # await, tips="全选购物车", value="//div[@id='J_SelectAll1']") # 结算 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await, tips="结算", value="//div[@class='float-bar-right']//div[@class='btn-area']//a[@class='submit-btn']") # 提交订单 await asyncio.sleep(1) isOk = await self.clickWithFresh(ele=self.browser, tips="提交订单", value="//div[@class='submitOrder-container']//a[contains(text(), '提交订单')]", cnt=3) # 通知 await self.notify(isOk=isOk) # 飞书通知 async def notify(self, isOk: bool): cmd_color.printWhite("--- 飞书通知\\n") orderUrl = "" # 淘宝我的订单页面 title = isOk and "✅ success" or "❌ fail" conttent = "等待支付\\n物品: \\n链接: []()".format(, orderUrl, orderUrl) feishu.CFeishu(appId="aaa", appSecret="bbb").sendMsg(title=title, content=conttent, toArr=["gcg2b216"]) async def startCheck(self): def restSec(): ts01 = utils.nowTs() ts02 = utils.FmtTs(, fmt="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") return ts02 - ts01 cnt = 0 sec = restSec() while sec > 0: cmd_color.printWhite("--- 还未到时间: , 剩余: 秒, 1 秒后再检测\\n".format(, sec)) await asyncio.sleep(1) cnt = cnt + 1 sec = restSec() if cnt % 60 == 0: # 一分钟刷新一下浏览器 cmd_color.printWhite("--- 刷新等待 3 秒, 保持登录状态\\n") self.browser.refresh() await asyncio.sleep(3) cmd_color.printGreen("--- 已到达时间: \\n".format( async def safeFind(self, ele: WebElement, value) -> WebElement: try: # await asyncio.sleep(0.01) return ele.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=value) except Exception as ex: # cmd_color.printRed("--- 找不到 value: \\n错误堆栈: ".format(value, utils.exmsg(ex))) return None async def safeFinds(self, ele: WebElement, value): try: # await asyncio.sleep(0.01) return ele.find_elements(by=By.XPATH, value=value) except Exception as ex: cmd_color.printRed("--- 找不到 value: \\n, stack: ".format(value, utils.exmsg(ex))) return None # TODO: 检查参数 def checkInfo(self, info: CInfo): pass async def select_opt(self, skuEle: WebElement, name, value): dlEleArr = await self.safeFinds(skuEle, value=".//dl") assert dlEleArr is not None, "--- 找不到 opt dl 列表" isFindOpt = False for dlEle in dlEleArr: ele = await self.safeFind(dlEle, value=".//dt[contains(text(),'')]".format(name)) if ele is None: continue cmd_color.printGreen("--- 找到 \\n".format(name)) isFindOpt = True if name == "数量": # 特殊判断 inputEle = await self.safeFind(dlEle, value=".//dd//input") assert inputEle is not None, "--- 找不到 数量" inputEle.clear() # inputEle.send_keys(str(value)) # 清空时会自动变为 1, 需要模拟慢慢点击 await self.setNum(dlEle, abs(int(value))) cmd_color.printWhite("--- 数量 设置为: \\n".format(value)) else: aEleArr = await self.safeFinds(dlEle, value=".//dd//li//a[@role='button']") isFindItem = False for aEle in aEleArr: if value in aEle.text: # 包含目的字符串, 选中 isFindItem = True liEle = await self.safeFind(aEle, value="..") assert liEle is not None, "--- 找不到 a 节点: 的父节点 li".format(aEle.text) # 尝试选中 selectFlag = "" while selectFlag != "tb-selected": selectFlag = liEle.get_attribute("class") or "" await asyncio.sleep(1) # 延迟一下, 防止勾选不中 cmd_color.printWhite("--- 选中 中的 \\n".format(name, aEle.text)) break assert isFindItem, "--- 找不到目的选中项: ".format(value) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # 延迟一下, 防止勾选不中 break assert isFindOpt, "--- 找不到选项: ".format(name) # 设置数量 async def setNum(self, ele: WebElement, num): if num <= 1: return addEle = await self.safeFind(ele, value="//dd//span[@class='mui-amount-increase']") assert addEle is not None, "--- 找不到 增加数量 按钮" for i in range(num - 1): # 倒计时判断 async def countdown(self, ele: WebElement): await asyncio.sleep(0.05) cdEle = await self.safeFind(ele, value="//div[@class='tm-countdown-timer']") # TODO: 刷新之后会有 Message: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document 错误 if cdEle is not None: cmd_color.printWhite("--- 还在倒计时中, 剩余时间: , 刷新页面并等待 1 秒\\n".format(cdEle.text)) self.browser.refresh() await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.countdown(ele=ele) # 打开商品页面并选中参数 async def buyItem(self): skuEle: WebElement = None while skuEle is None: # 打开 商品页面, 这里有可能被验证码拦截 await self.openUrl( await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # 延迟一下 # 商品操作节点 skuEle = await self.safeFind(self.browser, value="//div[@class='tb-sku']") if skuEle is None: cmd_color.printWhite("--- 找不到 sku 节点, 刷新页面并等待 1 秒\\n") await asyncio.sleep(1) cmd_color.printWhite("--- 找到 sku 节点\\n") # 倒计时等待 await self.countdown(skuEle) cmd_color.printGreen("--- 倒计时已结束\\n") # 选中商品 for (k, v) in cnt = 0 while cnt < 5: # 尝试 找 5 次 try: await self.select_opt(skuEle, k, v) cnt = 999 except Exception as ex: cnt = cnt + 1 await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # 延迟一下 await, tips="立即购买", value="//div//a[@id='J_LinkBuy' and contains(text(),'立即购买')]", cnt=3) # 提交订单 await asyncio.sleep(1) isOk = await self.clickWithFresh(ele=self.browser, tips="提交订单", value="//div[@class='submitOrder-container']//a[contains(text(), '提交订单')]", cnt=3) # 通知 await self.notify(isOk=isOk) # 测试 购买并提交订单 async def test_buy(self): self.checkInfo( await self.openUrl("") await self.tryLogin() await self.startCheck() await self.buyItem() aaa = utils.inputStr("--- wolegequ") # 要阻塞住, 不然进程会马上关闭 # 测试 购物车结算 async def test_cart(self): self.checkInfo( await self.openUrl("") await self.tryLogin() await以上是关于selenium Python自动化测试SendKeys发送内容和回车,会清空输入框,怎么改?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章