Python 获取Google+特定用户最新动态



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Python 获取Google+特定用户最新动态相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2014-8-28
@author: guaguastd

# Request over http
def google_login_http(resource_type, action, field):
    # import requests
    import requests
    import re
    # key information
    key = ''
    # base url
    url = ''
    # build standard field
    for matStr,repStr in [[" ", "+"], ["'", "%27"]]:
        reobj = re.compile(matStr)
        field = reobj.sub(repStr, field)
    # Build the urls
    urls = '%s/%s?

%s=%s&alt=json&key=%s' % (url, resource_type, action, field, key) #print 'urls: ', urls # Get the content content = requests.get(urls, verify=False).json() # return return content # Build personal google_api # sType: 0 means people; 1 means activities; 2 means comments; 3 means moments def google_api_request(sType, **kwargs): # import requests import requests # key information key = '' # base url url = '' # Build the request if sType == 0: pass elif sType == 1: action = kwargs['action'] if action is 'list': collection = kwargs['collection'] userId = kwargs['userId'] if 'maxResults' in kwargs: maxResults = kwargs['maxResults'] else: maxResults = 20 urls = '%s/people/%s/activities/%s?maxResults=%s&key=%s' % (url, userId, collection, maxResults, key) content = requests.get(urls, verify=False).json() return content

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2014-9-4
@author: guaguastd

import json
from login import google_api_request, google_login_http

while True:
    query = raw_input("Input query(None to quit): ")
    if query.strip() == '':
    people_feed = google_login_http("people", "query", query)
    #people_feed = google_api.people().search(query=query).execute()
    #print json.dumps(people_feed['items'], indent=1)
    for user in people_feed['items']:
        userId = user['id']
        activity_feed = google_api_request(1, action='list', collection='public', maxResults='100', userId=userId)
        print json.dumps(activity_feed, indent=1)


    "content": "I read Brad Stone's history of Amazon, <i>The Everything Store</i>, \u00a0over the holidays, and recommend it highly. \u00a0To be sure, it is incomplete and doubtless has many inaccuracies, but it gives insight into the mind of a remarkable man and the company he has built - a company with profound influence on the present and future shape of our society.<br /><br />I had heard scuttlebutt that the book was hostile to Amazon. \u00a0I didn't find that to be the case at all. In fact, it increased my admiration for Jeff and what he and his team have accomplished.<br /><br />After Steve Jobs died, everyone was saying "Will we ever see his like again?" \u00a0I would always respond, "What do you mean?

\u00a0He's already here, and his name is Jeff Bezos. \u00a0He's the only other tech entrepreneur I know who has transformed multiple industries, and shown the ability to work his magic not once but many times. \u00a0He's been the misunderstood underdog who came out on top because of vision, passion, and persistence."<br /><br />(OK, since then, Elon Musk has shown signs of pulling off the same ambition. But the fact remains that Jeff is one of the most important and successful entrepreneurs of our time.)<br /><br />Because of my admiration and liking for Jeff, \u00a0I was a bit dismayed to see the book position me as an "adversary." \u00a0While in some ways I am a competitor to Amazon, I think of myself more as a partner and friend than any kind of adversary! \u00a0And while Jeff and I have occasionally butted heads, first about the 1-click patent back in 2000 (a conflict that ended up with us as friends), and later about some of Amazon's overly aggressive business tactics towards suppliers (described in chapter 10 of the book), and about the use of a proprietary DRM'd ebook format rather than open standards for the Kindle, I have always been a huge fan.<br /><br />One of the things the book gets across is what a great <b>learner</b> Jeff is. It makes clear just how freshly he responded to the challenges of growing his business, relying on some uncompromising principles but also adapting them so that, as long-time Amazon employee Rick Dalzell described, he always engaged his decision-making around "the best truth at the time." (Chapter 9, page 267) His intense curiosity is one of the most striking things about him.\u00a0<br /><br />The book also underplays Jeff's humanity, humor, and kindness. There are a lot of stories of how forceful, even abrasive, he sometimes is with subordinates - and I imagine that can be unpleasant. \u00a0But I also know just how hard it is to get thousands of people moving in the same direction without ruffling any feathers. And some of the changes that Jeff had to make to the company direction required enormous determination and force. I wish that some other leaders I know (e.g. in government) had equal clarity and determination.<br /><br />The book also really helped me see how deep Jeff's focus on the customer is. While I have always believed that focus to be sincere, I have also always worried that it would fade as the company became dominant, as is so often the case. \u00a0But the book makes clear again and again how it really is a touchstone for Jeff.<br /><br />I have also worried that focus on the customer isn't enough - that companies that become as powerful as Amazon also need to understand the complete ecosystem in which they operate. \u00a0The book's account of Amazon's sometimes brutal interactions with companies that it wanted to acquire, like Quidsi, the company behind <a href=\"\"></a> (page 298), and suppliers like German knife-maker Wusthof (page 300 and ff) makes clear that Amazon hasn't fully learned that lesson, and seems to believe that as long as customers benefit, it's ok to hurt suppliers. Sometimes that is true, when suppliers are inefficient or exploitive of their customers, but in other cases, squeezing all the profit out of suppliers' businesses is enormously short sighted. \u00a0The ideal ecosystem is one where everyone flourishes, not where one company flourishes at the expense of all the others.<br /><br />But I got a lot of hope from reading about Jeff's " memo" (Chapter 10, page 317-318), in which he analyzed why some big and powerful companies are hated, while others continue to engender love from not only their customers but their entire ecosystem. \u00a0In particular, I liked that one of the principles that Jeff distilled was this one:<br /><br />"Capturing all the value only for the company is not cool."<br /><br />I've long urged companies to make "Create more value than you capture" their watchword, because it seems to me that building a healthy ecosystem in which everyone - employees, customers, suppliers, partners, and even competitors - can flourish is key to the positive impact that capitalism can have on society as a whole. \u00a0(See <a href=\"\"></a>)<br />The fact that Jeff is thinking about this as Amazon gets more dominant is a really good sign. \u00a0Some companies never realize that they need to be especially careful to create value for everyone as they get larger and more powerful.\u00a0<br /><br />My chief beef about the book is that it skimped on some of the really big management lessons from Amazon. For me one of the most fascinating things about Amazon is the way that it seems to have modeled its organizational culture on its software. Stories I've heard about the way small teams are organized at Amazon remind me of the way modern modular software is designed. \u00a0I suspect that Amazon has cracked the code of the problem that was once laid out to me by the CIO of Fidelity Investments: \u00a0"We know about all these new technologies. What we don't know is how to organize our company around them." \u00a0<br /><br />In addition, I wish there were more written about the design of Amazon's internal services. When Jeff had the insight that led to the rise of Amazon as a platform - not only that its software needed to make the transition from a single monolithic application to a series of reusable web services, but also that those services should be designed in such a way that they could be re-used as easily by developers outside the company as by its internal units - he demonstrated a lesson that has yet to be learned by most large organizations.<br /><br />Take the recent <a href=\"\"></a> debacle. \u00a0One of the functions that the system depends on is income verification by the IRS. That lookup is, consistent with monolithic old-school software development, a tightly integrated part of the application rather than a true reusable service. If <a href=\"\"></a> were designed with the lessons of Amazon in mind, not only could the Federal <a href=\"\"></a> site call IRS web services to do income verification, but so could any of the state healthcare exchanges, or, for that matter, any private insurance company - or any company that needed to do income verification for any purpose.<br /><br />I realize that this is a general business book, and getting too deep on the technology might have scared off many readers, but I do hope that some future book about Amazon will give more than tantalizing glimpses of the interplay between the software architecture of a large-scale web enterprise like Amazon and the human and organizational architecture \u00a0that makes it possible for that software to be deployed in as agile a way as possible.<br /><br />I highly recommend this book. Amazon is one of the most important companies in the 21st century economy, and anyone whose business has been or will be touched by Amazon should be sure to read it.\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 153, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 7, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2014-01-07T22:28:19.761Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/TcfzI9F5YzoQZ5iYwx3udd2xYFQ\"", "published": "2014-01-07T22:28:19.761Z", "id": "z12wtrkzern0enaad04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "This piece about bringing humanity to government services is profound and important. Read it!", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 28, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "People, Not Data", "fullImage": { "url": "*rjIrCUCyf_503cNoAvxCGQ.png", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 506, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 303 }, "content": "This is San Francisco\u2019s main Food Stamps office. People call it twelve-thirty-five, as in 1235 Mission Street. The first\u2026", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "This piece about bringing humanity to government services is profound and important. Read it!\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 92, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 13, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2014-01-06T18:58:41.680Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/KLN2StfaXfOhVXlCTLLKLTm82cE\"", "published": "2014-01-06T18:58:41.680Z", "id": "z12vwdj4gkzdtfakp23gcxizetybvpydh" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "Google Teams Up with GM, Honda and Audi to Bring android to Cars\n\nI'm intrigued but a bit skeptical ...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 20, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 506, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 303 }, "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "displayName": "", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "<b>Google Teams Up with GM, Honda and Audi to Bring Android to Cars</b><br /><br />I'm intrigued but a bit skeptical about the newly announced initiative for an "Open Automotive Alliance" to bring Android to automobiles. \u00a0While I love the idea, there are two reasons I am reserving judgment:<br /><br />1. The insatiable desire of vendors to "differentiate" on a standard platform, without thinking about what kinds of differentiation leads to real customer value.<br /><br />2. The failure to understand that in today's world, it's not just about the software, but about data and services.<br /><br />This point is brought home to me every day by my Tesla Model S. While I love the car, I'm incredibly disappointed by its implementation of Google Maps (for which I paid an additional $3000 or so for the "high tech package," without which navigation is disabled). The map display is awesome, especially the second turn-by-turn screen behind the steering wheel, and the directions are Google's. \u00a0But where does the traffic data come from?

\u00a0Surely not from Google. \u00a0Any time I suspect there is traffic, I have to pull out my phone and use Google maps before I start, because Tesla's time estimates to destination are pathetically wrong. \u00a0Whatever data services they are using (or not using) to provide traffic estimates are completely useless.<br /><br />In short, I hope that automakers don't add bells and whistles to differentiate themselves, while neglecting core services that customers really depend on.\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 113, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 10, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2014-01-06T18:18:49.000Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "

sz=50" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/ZpWDzByoLURnLtgzziRlkjXO7Ek\"", "published": "2014-01-06T18:18:49.000Z", "id": "z123glxxykulc3kan04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Reshared Post" }, "title": "Can data and connectivity improve criminal justice and mitigate conflicts?\n\nFind out on Tuesday, January...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 45, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "Can data and connectivity improve criminal justice and mitigate conflicts?\n\nFind out on Tuesday, January 7th at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET. Check out our speakers and register for free here:", "fullImage": { "url": "", "width": 420, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 480 }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "content": "", "id": "108442503368488643007.5957352504113489746", "objectType": "photo" } ], "url": "", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "O'Reilly", "id": "108442503368488643007" }, "content": "Can data and connectivity improve criminal justice and mitigate conflicts?<br /><br />Find out on Tuesday, January 7th at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET. Check out our speakers and register for free here: <a href=\"\"></a>\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 196, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 16, "selfLink": "" }, "id": "z13pxvzzprepgr03y23ogx1p4uzujxpn0", "objectType": "activity" }, "updated": "2013-12-15T04:51:19.940Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "

sz=50" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "annotation": "A really interesting-looking free online conference!", "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "share", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/sxcVzaxUcwpyir_4z4F6dv3avSo\"", "published": "2013-12-15T04:51:19.940Z", "id": "z12hyziiizyaih2pp04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "Try this wonderful, addictive game, and be appalled by your ignorance. \u00a0I mean to play it until I've...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 60, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "You Don't Know Africa", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 506, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 303 }, "content": "Find all African countries as quick as you can. It's harder than you might think.", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "Try this wonderful, addictive game, and be appalled by your ignorance. \u00a0I mean to play it until I've learned my geography!\u00a0\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 165, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 19, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2013-12-03T13:03:14.235Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/GIt4gDkRXbMn1t0WKDX1FRn5rEo\"", "published": "2013-12-03T13:03:14.235Z", "id": "z13jgpygvmbcx5bli23gcxizetybvpydh" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Reshared Post" }, "title": "Chart of The Day\n\nThe Total Dominance of Android & The Rise of Mobile OS\n\nhttp...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 74, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "Chart of The Day\n\nThe Total Dominance of Android & The Rise of Mobile OS\n\n\n\nIn two short years Android has blown up the mobile market, going from 142m users (57% market share) to 709m users in just over two years. This incredible growth is surely one of the most rapid marches to market dominance in history. iOS has also grown substantially from 75m users in Q2 2011 to 232m users in Q3 2013 (19% market share). The big loser is Symbian, which has fallen from a 20% market share to 5% in just two years. This is followed by Blackberry (down to 5% share) and Windows Mobile (6% market share), although Windows Mobile has recently started to grow again in 2013.\nInterestingly, \u201cDon\u2019t know\u201d has fallen from 20% market share to 5% market share, indicating how important the OS experience has become to users.\nThese results underline how mobile operating systems have radically reshaped the internet experience. Today, thanks to OS integration of internet services (e.g sharing via Twitter), in-built aggregation tools and the central positioning of app stores means the operating system is increasingly defining how we use the internet. This has far-reaching impacts across all aspects of digital behavior and can be crystalized in the example of the growth of messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat and Line. No longer do we need one service to do it all;operating systems promote the usage of an increasing number of services that do one thing, and do it well.", "fullImage": { "url": "", "width": 600, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 773 }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "content": "The dominance of Android.png", "id": "116524915824016011781.5950217043149210562", "objectType": "photo" } ], "url": "", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "

sz=50" }, "displayName": "GlobalWebIndex", "id": "116524915824016011781" }, "content": "<b>Chart of The Day</b><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><i>The Total Dominance of Android & The Rise of Mobile OS</i><br /><br /><a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />In two short years Android has blown up the mobile market, going from 142m users (57% market share) to 709m users. This incredible growth is surely one of the most rapid marches to market dominance in history. iOS has also grown substantially from 75m users in Q2 2011 to 232m users in Q3 2013 (19% market share). The big loser is Symbian, which has fallen from a 20% market share to 5% in just two years. This is followed by Blackberry (down to 5% share) and Windows Mobile (6% market share), although Windows Mobile has recently started to grow again in 2013.<br />Interestingly, \u201cDon\u2019t know\u201d has fallen from 20% market share to 5% market share, indicating how important the OS experience has become to users.\u00a0<br />These results underline how mobile operating systems have radically reshaped the internet experience. Today, thanks to OS integration of internet services (e.g sharing via Twitter), in-built aggregation tools and the central positioning of app stores means the operating system is increasingly defining how we use the internet. This has far-reaching impacts across all aspects of digital behavior and can be crystalized in the example of the growth of messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat and Line. No longer do we need one service to do it all;operating systems promote the usage of an increasing number of services that do one thing, and do it well.\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 213, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 39, "selfLink": "" }, "id": "z12ggduabz3oj1tyq04cix1wylvgttmbxp00k", "objectType": "activity" }, "updated": "2013-11-29T15:55:12.829Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "

sz=50" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "annotation": "In the end, business models matter. They are more powerful than devices or software or design when it comes to market power.", "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "share", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/q9WCpnUE3oDHgriYaE3J93Y9_ZY\"", "published": "2013-11-29T15:55:12.829Z", "id": "z12ru1hrclmmdvzn223gcxizetybvpydh" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Reshared Post" }, "title": "A short how-to on detecting anomalous senate voting with data science", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 23, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "Stochastic Outlier Selection", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 120, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 120 }, "content": "Dutch Data Scientist in Old New Amsterdam", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "

sz=50" }, "displayName": "Matthew Russell", "id": "115302263157042874357" }, "content": "A short how-to on detecting anomalous senate voting with data science\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 60, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 7, "selfLink": "" }, "id": "z12cfdoa0tebslyp104cilszczzle1045fo", "objectType": "activity" }, "updated": "2013-11-28T00:34:45.269Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "share", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/BgQwP9Ro64GTf3ZsSmEp-bfl9yc\"", "published": "2013-11-28T00:34:45.269Z", "id": "z13hjx5aarajj1hhj04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "What a great piece by Eric Liu! \u00a0He talks about the efforts of various people to help him track down...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 19, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "A tale of lost luggage, and faith in government", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "

sr=sharebar_google", "image": { "url": "", "width": 120, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 120 }, "content": "Eric Liu says he had an experience that reinvigorated his faith in humanity -- and bureaucracy", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "What a great piece by Eric Liu! \u00a0He talks about the efforts of various people to help him track down his lost luggage, and notes:<br /><br />"Government is not inherently inept. It's simply us -- and as defective or capable of goodness as we are.<br /><br />"Today, several weeks into the botched launch of Obamacare's exchanges and several more since the shutdown, the faith of the people in government is weak and weakening further.<br /><br />"This trend long predates Obamacare, and its sources are bipartisan. Democrats who favor more active government have tolerated an ever-more complex and impersonal state, while Republicans who want to shrink government love to showcase the breakdowns that complexity -- and GOP-led underfunding -- can bring.<br /><br />"What's striking, though, is that both sides have learned to see and speak of government the same way -- as a disembodied thing, a mechanism separate from citizens.<br /><br />"Democrats tend to forget and Republicans like to deny the simple reality that government is nothing more than our best attempt to do certain things together that we can't do alone. Like ensure that we are all insured against health catastrophes. Or keep toxic foods out of our babies' mouths. Or send humans to the moon. Or design smart transportation systems on Earth.<br /><br />"When government fails, the proper response isn't fatalism; it's activism."\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 99, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 47, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2013-11-26T18:02:00.438Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/GbBLFU8Li4aUB2UNRNRtKQFYVI4\"", "published": "2013-11-26T18:02:00.438Z", "id": "z13yhlsqfrf3cz1a004chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Reshared Post" }, "title": "A must-read piece from WSJ [1] that's highly related to a piece I've been working on and just put up...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 2, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "Twitter says fake accounts represent fewer than 5% of its users. Others believe the number is higher", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 120, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 120 }, "content": "Fake accounts are thriving on Twitter, used to make celebrities and trending topics appear more popular than they are. There is also a robust black market for buying such accounts.", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Matthew Russell", "id": "115302263157042874357" }, "content": "A must-read piece from WSJ [1] that's highly related to a piece I've been working on and just put up last week that investigates some of the same issues[2]. The piece from WSJ exposes some details surrounding a "black market" for acquiring fake Twitter followers while my piece provides some initial data mining, complete with source code and results.<br /><br />(My results suggested that up to 50% of celebrity Twitter users (including Lady Gaga) are 'suspect' in the sense that they're spam-bots or abandoned accounts; more analysis is pending on a breakdown on the 'suspect' accounts with an update to follow.)<br /><br />A snippet from the WSJ piece:<br /><br />"Some entertainers pay for fake followers. But false accounts can be political tools as well. In 2011, thousands of fake accounts disrupted anti-Kremlin protesters on Twitter.<br /><br />The fake accounts remain a cloud over Twitter Inc. in the wake of its successful initial public offering. 'Twitter is where many people get news,' says Sherry Turkle, director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. 'If what is trending on Twitter is being faked by robots, people need to know that. This will and should undermine trust.'"<br /><br />[1]\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />[2]\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a>\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 45, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 18, "selfLink": "" }, "id": "z13dy3iyssydet01x23oibubzwekc11ex", "objectType": "activity" }, "updated": "2013-11-25T16:25:28.772Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "annotation": "<span class=\"proflinkWrapper\"><span class=\"proflinkPrefix\">+</span><a class=\"proflink\" href=\"\" oid=\"115302263157042874357\">Matthew Russell</a></span>\u00a0has been doing an investigation of my own twitter followers as compared to Lady Gaga and <span class=\"proflinkWrapper\"><span class=\"proflinkPrefix\">+</span><a class=\"proflink\" href=\"\" oid=\"118207880179234484610\">Marissa Mayer</a></span>\u00a0 (<a rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" href=\"\"></a>) and has found that about half of them are suspect. I've asked him to dig deeper.", "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "share", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/0VuU61aFxhecJSMVD9HoAR8Qc4A\"", "published": "2013-11-25T16:25:28.772Z", "id": "z13mwriiiqavh5d5m04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "The first paragraph is brilliant. \u00a0Read it, then check out the author.", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 50, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "Bringing Back My Real Self With Hormones", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 506, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 303 }, "content": "For some people -- more than you think -- the ability to fine-tune hormones and neurochemicals is the key to a successful adult life.", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "The first paragraph is brilliant. \u00a0Read it, then check out the author.\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 169, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 13, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2013-11-24T16:58:52.392Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/TrFSr_gyj2hwxVm6aLbRXvBhrYE\"", "published": "2013-11-24T16:58:52.392Z", "id": "z12ssnkzvwvuhbyfm23gcxizetybvpydh" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "How DIY Projects Inspire Kids\n\nI like what +Isaiah Saxon\u00a0and his crew at DIY are doing with their NEXT...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 23, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "NEXT LEVEL #1 - Amphibious Vehicle", "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 506, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 284 }, "content": "Submit your idea to NEXT LEVEL at Use #NEXTLEVEL in your project's title to make sure Daren and Sean see it! NEXT LEVEL is the new show from...", "embed": { "url": "

autohide=1&version=3", "type": "application/x-shockwave-flash" }, "objectType": "video" } ], "url": "", "content": "<b>How DIY Projects Inspire Kids</b><br /><br />I like what <span class=\"proflinkWrapper\"><span class=\"proflinkPrefix\">+</span><a class=\"proflink\" href=\"\" oid=\"109855893134582804301\">Isaiah Saxon</a></span>\u00a0and his crew at DIY are doing with their NEXT LEVEL series on YouTube. They take kids' DIY fantasies and help them take them to the next level, showing up, helping with the project, and making a short film about it.<br /><br />When I was a kid, I used to get the Edmund Scientific Catalog a couple of times a year, and pore over it, imagining what I could build. \u00a0"These electromagnets - why they say they support 100 pounds each! And they are only six inches long! \u00a0I could make special electromagnetic boots, so I could walk up the sides of steel buildings!"<br /><br />Or seeing some sheet metal that my friend Bill's dad, a contractor, had on hand - "we could weld this into a submarine!"\u00a0<br /><br />But we didn't know enough to know how to think about actually tackling these projects. \u00a0The channel is all about this - showing off what kids are doing - but this new show is about how they can take it to the next level.\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 96, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 5, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2013-11-23T22:07:46.756Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/o6820ggQRyJDLlEAVsQLzPQMSwQ\"", "published": "2013-11-23T22:07:46.756Z", "id": "z12jtr4zhyqacl0ls23gcxizetybvpydh" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "+Clay Shirky\u00a0always has the most insightful and colorfully told take on the intersection of technology...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 40, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "content": "Back in the mid-1990s, I did a lot of web work for traditional media. That often meant figuring out what the client was already doing on the web, and how it was going, so I'd find the techies in the company, and ask them what they were doing, and how it was going. Then I'd tell management what ...", "url": "", "displayName": "\u00bb and the Gulf Between Planning and Reality Clay Shirky", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "<span class=\"proflinkWrapper\"><span class=\"proflinkPrefix\">+</span><a class=\"proflink\" href=\"\" oid=\"104924126539446479361\">Clay Shirky</a></span>\u00a0always has the most insightful and colorfully told take on the intersection of technology, culture, and management. \u00a0His essay on the failure of <a href=\"\"></a> is no exception. \u00a0It should be required reading for anyone managing projects in a large organization. \u00a0One excerpt:<br /><br />"This is not just a hiring problem, or a procurement problem. This is a management problem, and a cultural problem. The preferred method for implementing large technology projects in Washington is to write the plans up front, break them into increasingly detailed specifications, then build what the specifications call for. It\u2019s often called the waterfall method, because on a timeline the project cascades from planning, at the top left of the chart, down to implementation, on the bottom right.<br /><br />"Like all organizational models, waterfall is mainly a theory of collaboration. By putting the most serious planning at the beginning, with subsequent work derived from the plan, the waterfall method amounts to a pledge by all parties not to learn anything while doing the actual work. Instead, waterfall insists that the participants will understand best how things should work before accumulating any real-world experience, and that planners will always know more than workers.<br /><br />"This is a perfect fit for a culture that communicates in the deontic language of legislation. It is also a dreadful way to make new technology. If there is no room for learning by doing, early mistakes will resist correction. If the people with real technical knowledge can\u2019t deliver bad news up the chain, potential failures get embedded rather than uprooted as the work goes on."\ufeff", "plusoners": { "totalItems": 130, "selfLink": "" }, "replies": { "totalItems": 14, "selfLink": "" }, "objectType": "note" }, "updated": "2013-11-21T15:47:23.269Z", "actor": { "url": "", "image": { "url": "" }, "displayName": "Tim O'Reilly", "id": "107033731246200681024" }, "access": { "items": [ { "type": "public" } ], "kind": "plus#acl", "description": "Public" }, "verb": "post", "etag": "\"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/OVH-tR_KaE3-P59tVEmuabe0SR8\"", "published": "2013-11-21T15:47:23.269Z", "id": "z13ahxkhhpeeg5jyf04chl3pvxfbszirt5o" }, { "kind": "plus#activity", "provider": { "title": "Google+" }, "title": "This is a blog post I wrote the other day reflecting on why building better interfaces to government...", "url": "", "object": { "resharers": { "totalItems": 27, "selfLink": "" }, "attachments": [ { "displayName": "What\u2019s Really At Stake in Better Interfaces to Government | Code for America", "fullImage": { "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" }, "url": "", "image": { "url": "", "width": 120, "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 120 }, "content": "When Jen Pahlka asked 2011 Fellow Scott Silverman why he'd chosen to leave Apple for a year at Code for America, he said \u201cBecause I believe interfaces to government can be simple, beautiful, and easy to use.\u201d That line has become a mantra for us, but it has been given new urgency as our 2013 ...", "objectType": "article" } ], "url": "", "content": "This is a blog post I wrote the other day reflecting on why building better interfaces to government is a "nice to have" for most of us, but absolutely critical for the poor, who depend on government services and often are subjected to truly horrible user experi

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