
Posted cnblogs_2015



问题1: 404 版本库中不存在该条目和(或)其修订版本。

1.1 GIT库:


I managed to get it working pointing the original repo to Redmine, since both sit on the same machine, by following some simple steps:

1. Add a repository on Redmine with the original repo of gitolite‘s repository. The path would be something like /home/git/repositories/my-repo.git.

2, Initially, Redmine doesn‘t have any permissions to read the repository, so we fix the problem by adding the Redmine user (usually www-data or apache) to the git group by running usermod -a -G git www-data (be aware of your server‘s configuration, because that can be a little different, according to how you configurated gitolite.

3. Change the UMASK property on the .gitolite.rc file, from the default value of 0077 to 0022, the equivalent of 755 (rwxr-xr-x) for directories and 644 (rw-r--r--) for files.

4. For existing repos, you might need to run a chmod -R g+rX

If you still experience the permissions trouble with Redmine, where it opens a 404instead of the repo on the repository tab, you might have to run a chmod -R g+rX on the whole /home/git/repositories, in order to make sure the Redmine user can read all the way through the repos.

1.2 SVN库

1.2.1 此时product.log报异常:

Error parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list>

1. 确保版本库的SVN中,使用正确的SVN 用户名和密码

如不能解决,2. 在redmine服务器执行:
svn list --xml ""@HEAD --username "myname" --password "mypasswd" --no-auth-cache --non-interactive


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