Data Analysis with Pandas 1

Posted 阿难的机器学习计划


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Data Analysis with Pandas 1相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

1. NumPy: NumPy is a Python module that is used to create and manipulate multidimensional arrays.

2. genfromtxt() : Function of reading dataset in NumPy


numpy.genfromtxt(fnamedtype=<type ‘float‘>comments=‘#‘delimiter=Noneskip_header=0skip_footer=0converters=Nonemissing_values=Nonefilling_values=None,usecols=Nonenames=Noneexcludelist=Nonedeletechars=Nonereplace_space=‘_‘autostrip=Falsecase_sensitive=Truedefaultfmt=‘f%i‘unpack=Noneusemask=False,loose=Trueinvalid_raise=Truemax_rows=None)


  import numpy  
  nfl = numpy.genfromtxt("nfl.csv", delimiter=",")

3. array(): Function of creating array.

  matrix = numpy.array([[5, 10, 15], [20, 25, 30], [35, 40, 45]])

4. We can use the shape property on arrays to figure out how many elements are in an array:

  vector = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

  print(vector.shape) or print(numpy.shape(vector)

5. NumPy will automatically figure out an appropriate data type when reading in data or converting lists to arrays. You can check the data type of a NumPy array using the dtype property.

  numbers = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4])


6. nan = not a number

7.selecting elements:

  vector = numpy.array([5, 10, 15, 20])
  equal_to_ten = (vector == 10)# this will return [False,True,False,True]

  print(vector[equal_to_ten]) # Here equals to vector[False,True,False,True], which is [10]. Accoding to this principle, in the matrix, we can find the row which is true.

8.Use astype(type) to change the array of data into another type.

9. With a matrix, when we want to use build-in function to like sum(), we have to specify an additional keyword argument axis. The axis dictates which dimension we perform the operation on.1 means that we want to perform the operation on each row, and 0 means on each column. Here‘s an example where an operation is performed across each row

以上是关于Data Analysis with Pandas 1的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Data Analysis with Pandas 1

Data Analysis with Pandas 4

学习笔记之pandas: Python Data Analysis Library

用pandas进行数据清洗(Data Analysis Pandas Data Munging/Wrangling)

pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit

Data Analysis with Python : Exercise- Titantic Survivor Analysis |