



How to Disable Workspace Control Reconnect

A question on how to disable workspace control reconnect forCitrix Receivers has come up many times.

Workspacecontrol for Receiver for Web can be managed by editing web.config for theReceiver for Web site. Please see Citrix eDocs for details.

For Receiver forWindows, workspace control can be managed on client devices by modifying theregistry. Please see thisKnowledgebase Article for how toimplement it. This can also be done for domain-joined client devices usingGroup Policy.

StoreFront 2.6introduces a configuration to disable workspace control reconnect in the StoreService for all receivers . This can be managed by using PowerShell or byediting web.config.

Using PowerShell

Make sure thatyou close the Admin Console. Run the following code snippet to import theStoreFront PowerShell modules:

$dsInstallProp = Get-ItemProperty `
 -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\DeliveryServicesManagement -Name InstallDir
$dsInstallDir = $dsInstallProp.InstallDir
& $dsInstallDir\..\Scripts\ImportModules.ps1

Workspacecontrol reconnect can then be turned on/off by the PowerShell commandSet-DSAllowSessionReconnect. Its syntax is:

Set-DSAllowSessionReconnect [[-SiteId] <Int64>] [[-VirtualPath] <String>] `
    [[-IsAllowed] <Boolean>]

For example, ifyou would like turn off workspace control reconnect for a store in/Citrix/Store, the following command will configure the store appropriately:

Set-DSAllowSessionReconnect -SiteId 1 -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store `
    -IsAllowed $false

Editing web.config

Open web.configunder the Store Service, e.g. /Citrix/Store in a text editor. Locate the linelooks like:

<resourcesService id="f01f7dc4-7f28-4bc1-b8fb-7c0db9570d20"
      anonymousStore="false" allowSessionReconnect="true" />

Change the valueof allowSessionReconnect to false to disable workspace control reconnect ortrue to enable it.


<resourcesService id="f01f7dc4-7f28-4bc1-b8fb-7c0db9570d20"


      anonymousStore="false"allowSessionReconnect="true" />

allowsessionReconnect=true 更改为false

本文出自 “我爱hick” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://kuazhang.blog.51cto.com/4004067/1858038


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