Unity3D 通用提示窗口实现分析(Inventory Pro学习总结)
Posted 伊利丹·怒风
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Unity3D 通用提示窗口实现分析(Inventory Pro学习总结)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
游戏中的UI系统或者叫做GUI窗口系统主要有:主要装备窗口(背包,角色窗口也是一种特殊窗口)、确实提示窗口(如购买确认)、信息提示窗口(一遍没有按钮,ContexntMenu)和特殊窗口(聊天记录或者技能树),前篇已经介绍分析了Inventory Pro确认提示窗口的设计和实现方式,这篇主要讲一下信息提示窗口的实现。本以为提示窗口是比较简单的,毕竟没有按钮事件交互的问题,但是分析了下源代码还是让我有些惊讶,插件作者在提示窗口中考虑到了性能问题,由于本人一直在PC端开发程序没有移动端的经验,所以在移动端对于性能优化还是比较关注的。
声明:本文首发于蛮牛,次发博客园,本人原创。 原文链接1,原文链接2
1、InventoryNoticeMessage.Show() –>2、 全局NoticeUI.AddMessage()->3、InventoryPool池对象NoticeMessageUI.SetMessage()->4、NoticMessageUI通过setAictive(true)进行显示->5、NoticeUI.Update,通过循环调用NoticMessageUI的showTime.deltaTime做控制隐藏
2、 全局NoticeUI.AddMessage()
SetMessage() 就像它的方法名一样好像什么也没有做的样子,只是设置了一些简单字段的内容以及显示时间,实际的显示激活却是在4对象池获取的时候置位的。

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Devdog.InventorySystem.Models; using Devdog.InventorySystem.UI.Models; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Devdog.InventorySystem { /// <summary> /// How long a message should last. /// Parse to int to get time in seconds. /// </summary> public enum NoticeDuration { Short = 2, Medium = 4, Long = 6, ExtraLong = 8 } [AddComponentMenu("InventorySystem/Windows/Notice")] public partial class NoticeUI : MonoBehaviour { #region Events /// <summary> /// Note that it also fired when message == null or empty, even though the system won\'t process the message. /// This is because someone might want to implement their own system and just use the event as a link to connect the 2 systems. /// </summary> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="duration"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public delegate void NewMessage(InventoryNoticeMessage message, params System.Object[] parameters); public event NewMessage OnNewMessage; #endregion [Header("General")] public NoticeMessageUI noticeRowPrefab; [InventoryRequired] public RectTransform container; public ScrollRect scrollRect; public AudioClip onNewMessageAudioClip; /// <summary> /// When more messages come in the last items will be removed. /// </summary> [Header("Messages")] public int maxMessages = 50; /// <summary> /// Remove the item after the show time has passed, if false, the item will continue to exist. /// </summary> public bool destroyAfterShowTime = true; /// <summary> /// All show times are multiplied by this value, if you want to increase all times, use this value. /// </summary> public float showTimeFactor = 1.0f; [NonSerialized] protected List<NoticeMessageUI> messages = new List<NoticeMessageUI>(8); private InventoryPool<NoticeMessageUI> pool; public virtual void Awake() { pool = new InventoryPool<NoticeMessageUI>(noticeRowPrefab, maxMessages); } public virtual void Update() { if (destroyAfterShowTime == false) return; foreach (var message in messages) { message.showTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (message.showTime < 0.0f) { message.Hide(); } } } public virtual void AddMessage(string message, NoticeDuration duration = NoticeDuration.Medium) { AddMessage(message, duration); } public virtual void AddMessage(string message, NoticeDuration duration, params System.Object[] parameters) { AddMessage(string.Empty, message, duration, parameters); } public virtual void AddMessage(string title, string message, NoticeDuration duration, params System.Object[] parameters) { AddMessage(new InventoryNoticeMessage(title, message, duration)); } public virtual void AddMessage(InventoryNoticeMessage message) { // Fire even if we do the nullcheck, just incase other people want to use their own implementation. if (OnNewMessage != null) OnNewMessage(message, message.parameters); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.message)) return; bool scrollbarAtBottom = false; if (scrollRect != null && scrollRect.verticalScrollbar != null && scrollRect.verticalScrollbar.value < 0.05f) scrollbarAtBottom = true; // Incase we don\'t actually want to display anything and just port the data to some other class through events. if (noticeRowPrefab != null) { var item = pool.Get(); //var item = GameObject.Instantiate<NoticeMessageUI>(noticeRowPrefab); item.transform.SetParent(container); item.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); // Move to the top of the list item.SetMessage(message); if (onNewMessageAudioClip != null) InventoryUIUtility.AudioPlayOneShot(onNewMessageAudioClip); messages.Add(item); } if (messages.Count > maxMessages) { StartCoroutine(DestroyAfter(messages[0], messages[0].hideAnimation.length)); messages[0].Hide(); messages.RemoveAt(0); } if (scrollbarAtBottom) scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0.0f; } protected virtual IEnumerator DestroyAfter(NoticeMessageUI item, float time) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); pool.Destroy(item); } } }

using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Devdog.InventorySystem.Models; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Devdog.InventorySystem.UI.Models { /// <summary> /// A single message inside the message displayer /// </summary> [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] public partial class NoticeMessageUI : MonoBehaviour, IPoolableObject { public UnityEngine.UI.Text title; public UnityEngine.UI.Text message; public UnityEngine.UI.Text time; public AnimationClip showAnimation; public AnimationClip hideAnimation; [HideInInspector] public float showTime = 4.0f; public DateTime dateTime { get; private set; } [NonSerialized] protected Animator animator; [NonSerialized] protected bool isHiding = false; // In the process of hiding public virtual void Awake() { animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); if (showAnimation != null) animator.Play(showAnimation.name); } public virtual void SetMessage(InventoryNoticeMessage message) { this.showTime = (int)message.duration; this.dateTime = message.time; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.title) == false) { if (this.title != null) { this.title.text = string.Format(message.title, message.parameters); this.title.color = message.color; } } else title.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.message.text = string.Format(message.message, message.parameters); this.message.color = message.color; if (this.time != null) { this.time.text = dateTime.ToShortTimeString(); this.time.color = message.color; } } public virtual void Hide() { // Already hiding if (isHiding) return; isHiding = true; if (hideAnimation != null) animator.Play(hideAnimation.name); } public void Reset() { isHiding = false; } } }

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using UnityEngine; namespace Devdog.InventorySystem.Models { [System.Serializable] public partial class InventoryNoticeMessage : InventoryMessage { public DateTime time; public Color color = Color.white; public NoticeDuration duration = NoticeDuration.Medium; /// <summary> /// Required for PlayMaker... /// </summary> public InventoryNoticeMessage() { } public InventoryNoticeMessage(string title, string message, NoticeDuration duration, params System.Object[] parameters) : this(title, message, duration, Color.white, DateTime.Now, parameters) { } public InventoryNoticeMessage(string title, string message, NoticeDuration duration, Color color, params System.Object[] parameters) : this(title, message, duration, color, DateTime.Now, parameters) { } public InventoryNoticeMessage(string title, string message, NoticeDuration duration, Color color, DateTime time, params System.Object[] parameters) { this.title = title; this.message = message; this.color = color; this.time = time; this.parameters = parameters; } public override void Show(params System.Object[] param) { base.Show(param); this.time = DateTime.Now; if (InventoryManager.instance.notice != null) InventoryManager.instance.notice.AddMessage(this); } } }
以上是关于Unity3D 通用提示窗口实现分析(Inventory Pro学习总结)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Unity3d UGUI 通用Confirm确认对话框实现(Inventory Pro学习总结)