HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket (卡特兰数)
Posted konjak魔芋
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket (卡特兰数)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Buy the Ticket
Problem DescriptionThe "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" will be on show in the next few days. As a crazy fan of Harry Potter, you will go to the cinema and have the first sight, won’t you?
Suppose the cinema only has one ticket-office and the price for per-ticket is 50 dollars. The queue for buying the tickets is consisted of m + n persons (m persons each only has the 50-dollar bill and n persons each only has the 100-dollar bill).
Now the problem for you is to calculate the number of different ways of the queue that the buying process won‘t be stopped from the first person till the last person.
Note: initially the ticket-office has no money.
The buying process will be stopped on the occasion that the ticket-office has no 50-dollar bill but the first person of the queue only has the 100-dollar bill.
InputThe input file contains several test cases. Each test case is made up of two integer numbers: m and n. It is terminated by m = n = 0. Otherwise, m, n <=100.
OutputFor each test case, first print the test number (counting from 1) in one line, then output the number of different ways in another line.
Sample Input3 03 13 30 0
Sample OutputTest #1: 6Test #2: 18Test #3: 180
- -高精乘法。

1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstdlib> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<queue> 7 #include<cmath> 8 using namespace std; 9 #define Maxn 1100 10 11 struct node 12 { 13 int d[Maxn],ln; 14 }; 15 node t[3]; 16 17 void mul(int x,int y) 18 { 19 int add=0; 20 for(int i=1;i<=t[x].ln;i++) 21 { 22 t[x].d[i]*=y; 23 t[x].d[i]+=add; 24 add=t[x].d[i]/10; 25 t[x].d[i]%=10; 26 // if(i==t[x].ln&&t[x].d[i+1]!=0) t[x].ln++; 27 } 28 t[x].d[t[x].ln+1]=add; 29 while(t[x].d[t[x].ln+1]!=0) 30 { 31 t[x].ln++; 32 t[x].d[t[x].ln+1]=t[x].d[t[x].ln]/10; 33 t[x].d[t[x].ln]%=10; 34 } 35 } 36 37 void get_ans() 38 { 39 t[2].ln=t[0].ln; 40 for(int i=1;i<=t[0].ln;i++) 41 { 42 if(t[0].d[i]<t[1].d[i]) 43 { 44 t[0].d[i+1]--; 45 t[0].d[i]+=10; 46 } 47 t[2].d[i]=t[0].d[i]-t[1].d[i]; 48 } 49 while(t[2].d[t[2].ln]==0) t[2].ln--; 50 if(t[2].ln==0) t[2].ln++; 51 } 52 53 int main() 54 { 55 int kase=0; 56 while(1) 57 { 58 int m,n; 59 scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); 60 if(m==0&&n==0) break; 61 printf("Test #%d:\n",++kase); 62 if(m<n) {printf("0\n");continue;} 63 memset(t[0].d,0,sizeof(t[0].d)); 64 memset(t[1].d,0,sizeof(t[1].d)); 65 t[0].d[1]=1; t[0].ln=1; 66 for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) 67 { 68 mul(0,i); 69 // for(int i=t[0].ln;i>=1;i--) printf("%d",t[0].d[i]);printf("\n"); 70 } 71 t[1].d[1]=1; t[1].ln=1; 72 for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) 73 { 74 mul(1,i); 75 } 76 for(int i=m+2;i<=m+n;i++) 77 { 78 mul(1,i); 79 } 80 mul(1,n); 81 get_ans(); 82 for(int i=t[2].ln;i>=1;i--) printf("%d",t[2].d[i]); 83 printf("\n"); 84 } 85 return 0; 86 }
2016-09-20 18:41:32
以上是关于HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket (卡特兰数)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket (卡特兰数)
HDOJ/HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket(数论~卡特兰数~大数~)
hdu1133 Buy the Ticket (卡兰特数应用+java大数)