




(1)除零问题:生成题目的时候同时计算,try catch异常,若有异常则重新生成






     参数化是直接使用C#主函数的String[] args,并且针对每种错误情况都要抛出相应异常,也是使用的try catch机制,其代码如下:

  1  static void Main(string[] args)
  2         {
  3             Console.WriteLine("-n表示生成四则算式的数目");
  4             Console.WriteLine("-a表示用户是否输入答案(1输入,0不输入)");
  5             Console.WriteLine("-c表示是否显示正确答案(1显示,0不显示)");
  6             Console.WriteLine("-t表示是否生成题目文件(1生成,0不生成)");
  7             Console.WriteLine("-m表示文件生成题目的数量(若生成题目文件该参数必须输入,否则不输入)");
  8             try
  9             {
 10                 if (args.Length != 8 && args.Length != 10)
 11                     throw new Exception("参数数目不正确");
 12                 else if (args.Length == 8)
 13                 {
 14                     if (args[0] != "-n" || args[2] != "-a" || args[4] != "-c" || args[6] != "-t")
 15                         throw new Exception("参数名称不正确");
 16                     if (int.Parse(args[1]) <= 0)
 17                         throw new Exception("题目数必须为正");
 18                     if (int.Parse(args[7]) == 1)
 19                         throw new Exception("参数数目不正确");
 20                     if ((int.Parse(args[3]) != 0 && int.Parse(args[3]) != 1) ||
 21                             (int.Parse(args[5]) != 0 && int.Parse(args[5]) != 1))
 22                         throw new Exception("参数值必须为0或1");
 23                 }
 24                 else
 25                 {
 26                     if (args[0] != "-n" || args[2] != "-a" || args[4] != "-c" || args[6] != "-t" || args[8] != "-m")
 27                         throw new Exception("参数名称不正确");
 28                     if (int.Parse(args[1]) <= 0 || int.Parse(args[9]) <= 0)
 29                         throw new Exception("题目数必须为正");
 30                     if (int.Parse(args[7]) == 0)
 31                         throw new Exception("参数数目不正确");
 32                     if ((int.Parse(args[3]) != 0 && int.Parse(args[3]) != 1) ||
 33                             (int.Parse(args[5]) != 0 && int.Parse(args[5]) != 1))
 34                         throw new Exception("参数值必须为0或1");
 35                 }
 37                 int numOfQue = int.Parse(args[1]);
 38                 string[] inputAnswer = new string[numOfQue];
 39                 string[] correctAnswer = new string[numOfQue];
 40                 string[] ques = new string[numOfQue];
 41                 List<string> result = new List<string>();
 42                 for (int i = 0; i < numOfQue; i++)
 43                 {
 45                     result = produceQue();
 46                     ques[i] = result[0];
 47                     try
 48                     {
 49                         correctAnswer[i] = Calculate(result);
 50                         Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}", ques[i] + operators[4] + space);
 51                     }
 52                     catch (FractionException e)
 53                     {
 54                         i--;
 55                     }
 56                 }
 57                 Console.WriteLine();
 58                 int input = int.Parse(args[3]);
 59                 if (input == 1)
 60                 {
 61                     Console.Write("输入答案: ");
 62                     for (int i = 0; i < numOfQue; i++)
 63                     {
 64                         Console.Write("{0,-20}", ques[i] + operators[4] + space);
 65                         inputAnswer[i] = Console.ReadLine();
 66                     }
 68                     int numOfCorrect = 0;
 69                     for (int i = 0; i < numOfQue; i++)
 70                     {
 71                         if (inputAnswer[i] == correctAnswer[i])
 72                             numOfCorrect++;
 73                     }
 74                     Console.WriteLine("您共答对" + numOfCorrect + "道题");
 75                 }
 76                 input = int.Parse(args[5]);
 77                 if (input == 1)
 78                 {
 79                     Console.Write("正确答案: ");
 80                     for (int i = 0; i < numOfQue; i++)
 81                         Console.Write("{0,-20}", ques[i] + operators[4] + space + correctAnswer[i]);
 82                     Console.WriteLine();
 83                 }
 85                 input = int.Parse(args[7]);
 86                 if (input == 1)
 87                 {
 88                     string filename = "que.txt";//这里是你的已知文件
 89                     FileStream fs = File.Create(filename);  //创建文件
 90                     fs.Close();
 91                     StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename);
 92                     input = int.Parse(args[9]);
 93                     for (int i = 0; i < input; i++)
 94                     {
 95                         string que = "";
 96                         que = produceQue()[0];
 97                         sw.Write("{0,-20}", que + operators[4] + space);
 98                         if (i % 10 == 9)
 99                             sw.Write("\r\n");
100                     }
101                     sw.Close();
102                 }
103             }
104             catch (Exception e)
105             {
106                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
107                 Console.WriteLine("请输入正确参数");
108             }
109         }
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        由于最后是想将该应用以网页(Java Web)的形式显示,因此检查重复问题、优化等都是在Java程序的基础上改进。目前是已经将程序的主要功能通过Python、Java实现了,那么就浅谈下代码的转变之路。



      简单举个例子,在C#辛辛苦苦写的Fraction类,Python里只需from fractions import Fraction这样一句话就可以搞定(o(╯□╰)o,独自在风中凌乱会儿)。而无数据类型的严格限制,使得我们没必要检查类型转化的错误,甚至可以在一个List里添加多种数据类型的元素。当然负索引的出现,也能让我们直接将List转化成栈和队列的这种结构。再加上Python代码的严格缩进,又会让代码风格整齐美观,这些怎能不令程序猿为之欣喜若狂?废话不多说,直接上代码:

  1 from fractions import Fraction
  2 import random
  3 input0 = 1
  4 operators = "+-*/="
  5 space = " "
  6 priorities = {"#": -1, "+": 0, "-": 0,"*":1,"/":1}
  7 def produceQue():
  8     strque = []
  9     isOperand = []
 10     count = random.randint(1, 2)
 11     num = []
 12     den = []
 13     operand = []
 14     index = []
 15     numOfBrackets = 0
 16     for i in range(count + 1):
 17         num.append(random.randint(2, 4))
 18         if random.randint(1, 10) < 8:
 19             den.append(1)
 20         else:
 21             den.append(random.randint(1, 4))
 22             numOfBrackets = random.randint(1, count)
 23         operand.append(Fraction(num[i], den[i]))
 24         if i < count:
 25             index.append(random.randint(0, 3))
 26     start = []
 27     end = []
 28     for i in range(numOfBrackets):
 29         start.append(random.randint(1, count))
 30         end.append(random.randint(start[i]+1, count + 1))
 31     for i in range(len(start)):
 32         for j in range(len(end)):
 33             if start[i] == end[j]:
 34                 start.pop(i)
 35                 end.pop(j)
 36                 start.append(-1)
 37                 end.append(-1)
 38     j = 1
 39     for i in range(count + 1):
 40         strque.append(str(operand[i]))
 41         isOperand.append(i + 1)
 42         if i < count:
 43             strque.append(operators[index[i]])
 44             isOperand.append(0)
 45     for i in range(numOfBrackets):
 46         if start[i] != -1:
 47           left = isOperand.index(start[i])
 48           strque.insert(left, "(")
 49           isOperand.insert(left, -1)
 50         if end[i] != -1:
 51           right = isOperand.index(end[i])
 52           strque.insert(right+1, ")")
 53           isOperand.insert(right+1, -1)
 54     strque.insert(0, "")
 55     j = 1
 56     while j < len(strque):
 57         strque[0] += strque[j] + space
 58         j = j + 1
 59     return strque
 61 def Compute(leftNum,rightNum,op):
 62     if op == 0:
 63         return Fraction(leftNum)+Fraction(rightNum)
 64     if op == 1:
 65         return Fraction(leftNum)-Fraction(rightNum)
 66     if op == 2:
 67         return Fraction(leftNum)*Fraction(rightNum)
 68     if op == 3:
 69         return Fraction(leftNum)/Fraction(rightNum)
 71 def IsOperator(op):
 72     try:
 73         i = operators.index(str(op))
 74         bo = True
 75     except:
 76         bo = False
 77     finally:
 78         return bo
 80 def IsLeftAssoc(op):
 81     if op == "+" or op == "-" or op == "*" or op == "/":
 82         return True
 83     else:
 84         return False
 87 def PreOrderToPostOrder(expression):
 88     result = []
 89     operatorStack = []
 90     operatorStack.append("#")
 91     top = ""
 92     cur = ""
 93     tempChar = ""
 94     tempNum = ""
 95     i = 1
 96     while i < len(expression):
 97         cur = expression[i]
 98         top = operatorStack[-1]
 99         if cur == "(":
100             operatorStack.append(cur)
101         else:
102             if(IsOperator(cur)):
103                 while IsOperator(top) and (IsLeftAssoc(cur) and priorities[cur] <= priorities[top]) or (not IsLeftAssoc(cur) and priorities[cur] < priorities[top]):
104                    result.append(operatorStack.pop())
105                    top = operatorStack[-1]
106                 operatorStack.append(cur)
107             elif cur == ")":
108                 tempChar = operatorStack.pop()
109                 while len(operatorStack) > 0 and   tempChar != "(":
110                     result.append(tempChar)
111                     tempChar = operatorStack.pop()
112             else:
113                 tempNum = cur
114                 result.append(tempNum)
115         i = i + 1
117     while len(operatorStack) > 0:
118         cur = operatorStack.pop()
119         if cur == "#":
120             continue;
121         if len(operatorStack) > 0:
122             top = operatorStack[-1]
123         result.append(cur)
124     return result
126 def Calculate(expression):
127     rpn = PreOrderToPostOrder(expression)
128     operandStack = []
129     left = ""
130     right = ""
131     while len(rpn) > 0:
132         cur = rpn.pop(0)
133         if IsOperator(cur):
134             right = operandStack.pop()
135             left = operandStack.pop()
136             index = operators.index(cur)
137             operandStack.append(Compute(left,right,index))
138         else:
139             operandStack.append(cur)
140     return operandStack.pop()
142 while input0 == 1:
143     print("请输入生成四则运算题的数目:")
144     numOfQue = int(input())
145     inputAnswer = []
146     correctAnswer = []
147     ques = []
148     result =[]
149     for i in range(numOfQue):
150        result = produceQue()
151        ques.append(result[0])                       print(result[0]+space+operators[4]+space+str(Calculate(result)))
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  1 public class Fraction {    
  2         long m_iNumerator;
  3         long m_iDenominator;
  6         public Fraction() throws Exception
  7         {
  8             Initialize(0,1);
  9         }
 11         public Fraction(long iWholeNumber) throws Exception
 12         {
 13             Initialize(iWholeNumber, 1);
 14         }
 16         public Fraction(String strValue) throws Exception
 17         {
 18             Fraction temp=ToFraction(strValue);
 19             Initialize(temp.getNumerator(), temp.getDenominator());
 20         }
 22         public Fraction(long iNumerator, long iDenominator) throws Exception
 23         {
 24             Initialize(iNumerator, iDenominator);
 25         }
 26         private void Initialize(long iNumerator, long iDenominator) throws Exception
 27         {
 28             this.setNumerator(iNumerator);
 29             this.setDenominator(iDenominator);
 30             ReduceFraction(this);
 31         }
 35         public long getNumerator()
 36         {
 37             return m_iNumerator;    
 38         }
 39         public void setNumerator(long Numerator)
 40         {
 41             m_iNumerator = Numerator;    
 42         }
 43         public long getDenominator() throws Exception
 44         {
 45             if(m_iDenominator != 0)
 46               return m_iDenominator;
 47             else
 48                 throw new Exception("Denominator cannot be assigned a ZERO Value");
 49         }
 50         public void setDenominator(long Denominator) throws Exception
 51         {
 52             if(Denominator != 0)
 53              m_iDenominator = Denominator;
 54             else
 55                 throw new Exception("Denominator cannot be assigned a ZERO Value");
 56         }
 61         public String ToString() throws Exception
 62         {
 63             String str;
 64             if ( this.getDenominator()==1 )
 65                 str=Long.toString(this.getNumerator());
 66             else
 67                 str=this.getNumerator() + "/" + this.getDenominator();
 68             return str;
 69         }
 71         public static Fraction ToFraction(String strValue) throws Exception
 72         {
 73             int i;
 74             for (i=0;i<strValue.length();i++)
 75                 if (strValue.charAt(i)==‘/‘)
 76                     break;
 78             if (i==strValue.length())        
 79                 return new Fraction(Long.parseLong(strValue),1);
 81             long iNumerator=Long.parseLong(strValue.substring(0,i));
 82             long iDenominator=Long.parseLong(strValue.substring(i+1));
 83             return new Fraction(iNumerator, iDenominator);
 84         }
 86         public static void ReduceFraction(Fraction frac) throws Exception
 87         {
 88             try
 89             {
 90                 if (frac.getNumerator()==0)
 91                 {
 92                     frac.setDenominator(1);
 93                     return;
 94                 }
 96                 long iGCD=GCD(frac.getNumerator(), frac.getDenominator());
 97                 frac.setNumerator(frac.getNumerator()/iGCD);
 98                 frac.setDenominator(frac.getDenominator()/iGCD);
100                 if ( frac.getDenominator()<0 )    
101                 {
102                     frac.setNumerator(frac.getNumerator()*(-1));
103                     frac.setDenominator(frac.getDenominator()*(-1));    
104                 }
105             } 
106             catch(Exception exp)
107             {
108                 throw new Exception("Cannot reduce Fraction: " + exp.getMessage());
109             }
110         }
111         private static long GCD(long iNo1, long iNo2)
112         {
114             if (iNo1 < 0) iNo1 = -iNo1;
115             if (iNo2 < 0) iNo2 = -iNo2;
117             do
118             {
119                 if (iNo1 < iNo2)
120                 {
121                     long tmp = iNo1;  
122                     iNo1 = iNo2;
123                     iNo2 = tmp;
124                 }
125                 iNo1 = iNo1 % iNo2;
126             } while (iNo1 != 0);
127             return iNo2;
128         }
130         public static Fraction Inverse(Fraction frac1) throws Exception 
131         {
132             if (frac1.getNumerator()==0)
133                 throw new Exception("Operation not possible (Denominator cannot be assigned a ZERO Value)");
134             long iNumerator=frac1.getDenominator();
135             long iDenominator=frac1.getNumerator();
136             return ( new Fraction(iNumerator, iDenominator));
137         }    
139         public String Add(String str1, String str2)
140         {
142             try{
143               Fraction frac1 = new Fraction(str1);
144               Fraction frac2 = new Fraction(str2);
145               long iNumerator=frac1.getNumerator()*frac2.getDenominator() + frac2.getNumerator()*frac1.getDenominator();
146               long iDenominator=frac1.getDenominator()*frac2.getDenominator();
147               return ( new Fraction(iNumerator, iDenominator).ToString() );    
148             }catch(Exception e){
149                 return e.getMessage();
150             }
151         }
153         public String Multiply(String str1, String str2)
154         {        
155             try{
156               Fraction frac1 = new Fraction(str1);
157               Fraction frac2 = new Fraction(str2);
158               long iNumerator=frac1.getNumerator()*frac2.getNumerator();
159                 long iDenominator=frac1.getDenominator()*frac2.getDenominator();
160               return ( new Fraction(iNumerator, iDenominator).ToString() );    
161             }catch(Exception e){
162                 return e.getMessage();
163             }
164         }
165 }
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  1 import java.util.ArrayList;
  2 import java.util.HashMap;
  3 import java.util.LinkedList;
  4 import java.util.Queue;
  5 import java.util.Random;
  6 import java.util.Scanner;
  7 import java.util.Stack;
  9 public class Program{
 11     static Random ran = new Random();
 12     static HashMap<String, String> priorities = new HashMap<String, String>() {
 13         {
 14             put("#", "-1");  
 15             put("+", "0"); 
 16             put("-", "0"); 
 17             put("*", "1"); 
 18             put("/", "1"); 
 19         }
 20     };
 21     final static String operators = "+-*/=";
 22     final static String space = " ";
 24   public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
 25       int input = 1;
 26       while (input == 1)
 27       {
 28           System.out.println("请输入生成四则运算题的数目: ");
 29           Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
 30           int numOfQue = sc.nextInt();
 31           String[] ques = new String[numOfQue];
 32           ArrayList que = new ArrayList();
 34           for(int i = 0;i < numOfQue;i++){
 35               que = produceQue();
 36               ques[i] = (String) que.get(0);
 37               TreeNode s = suffixExpressionToTree(PreOrderToPostOrder(que));
 38               System.out.println();
 39               System.out.println(ques[i] + operators.charAt(4) + space + Calculate(que));
 41           }
 42       }
 43 }
 44   static ArrayList produceQue() throws Exception{
 45       ArrayList str = new ArrayList();
 46       ArrayList isOperand = new ArrayList();
 47       int count = ran.nextInt(2) + 1;
 48       int[] num = new int[count+1];
 49       int[] den = new int[count+1];
 50       String[] operand = new String[count+1];
 51       int[] index = new int[count];
 52       int numOfBrackets = 0;
 53       if(count > 1)
 54           numOfBrackets = ran.nextInt(count);
 55       for(int i = 0;i < count + 1;i++){
 56           num[i] = ran.nextInt(3) + 2;
 57           if(ran.nextInt(10) < 8)
 58               den[i] = 1;
 59           else{
 60               den[i] = ran.nextInt(4)+1;
 61           }
 62           operand[i] = new Fraction(num[i],den[i]).ToString();
 63           if(i < count)
 64               index[i] = ran.nextInt(4);
 65       }
 66       ArrayList start = new ArrayList(numOfBrackets);
 67       ArrayList end = new ArrayList(numOfBrackets);
 68       for(int i = 0;i < numOfBrackets;i++){
 69            start.add(ran.nextInt(count-1) + 1);
 70            end.add(ran.nextInt(count-(int)start.get(i)) + (int)start.get(i) + 1);
 71       }
 72       for(int i = 0;i < numOfBrackets;i++)
 73           for(int j = 0;j < numOfBrackets;j++){
 74               if(start.get(i).equals(end.get(j))){
 75                   start.set(i, -1);
 76                   end.set(j, -1);
 77               }
 78           }
 79       for(int i = 0;i < count + 1;i++){
 80           str.add(operand[i]);
 81           isOperand.add(i + 1);
 82           if(i < count){
 83               str.add(operators.charAt(index[i]));
 84               isOperand.add(0);
 85           }
 86       }
 87      for(int i = 0;i < numOfBrackets;i++){
 88          if((int)start.get(i) != -1){
 89              int left = isOperand.indexOf(start.get(i));
 90              str.add(left, "(");
 91              isOperand.add(left,0);
 92          }
 93          if((int)end.get(i) != -1){
 94              int right = isOperand.indexOf(end.get(i))+1;
 95              str.add(right,")");
 96              isOperand.add(right,0);
 97          }
 98      }
 99      str.add(0,"");
100      int j = 1;
101      while(j < str.size()){
102          str.set(0, str.get(0).toString()+str.get(j).toString()+space);
103          j = j + 1;
104      }
105      return str;
106   }  
107   static boolean IsOperator(String op){
108       return operators.contains(op);
109   }
110   static boolean IsLeftAssoc(String op){
111       if(op.equals("+") || op.equals("-") || op.equals("*") || op.equals("/"))
112           return true;
113       else
114           return false;
115   }
116   static String Compute(String leftNum,String rightNum,int op) throws Exception{
117       Fraction result = new Fraction();
118     switch(op){
119     case 0:
120           return result.Add(leftNum,rightNum);
121     case 1:
122           rightNum = "-"+rightNum;
123           return result.Add(leftNum,rightNum);
124     case 2:
125           return result.Multiply(leftNum, rightNum);
126     case 3:
127           rightNum = result.Inverse(new Fraction(rightNum)).ToString();
128           return result.Multiply(leftNum, rightNum);
129       }
130     return null;
131   }
132   static Queue PreOrderToPostOrder(ArrayList expression){
133       Queue<String> result=new LinkedList<String>();
134       Stack<String> operatorStack=new Stack<String>();
135       operatorStack.push("#");
136       String top,cur,tempChar,tempNum;
137       for(int i = 1;i < expression.size();i++){
138           cur =  expression.get(i).toString();
139           top = operatorStack.peek();
140           if(cur == "(")
141               operatorStack.push(cur);
142           else{
143               if(IsOperator(cur)){
144                   while(IsOperator(top) && ((IsLeftAssoc(cur) && priorities.get(cur).compareTo(priorities.get(top))<=0)
145                     ||(!IsLeftAssoc(cur) && priorities.get(cur).compareTo(priorities.get(top)) < 0))){
146                       result.add(operatorStack.pop());
147                       top = operatorStack.peek();
148                   }
149                   operatorStack.push(cur);
150               }
151               else if(cur == ")"){
152                   while(operatorStack.size() > 0 && (tempChar = operatorStack.pop()) != "("){
153                       result.add(tempChar);
154                   }
155               }
156               else{
157                   tempNum = cur;
158                   result.add(tempNum);
159               }
160           }
161       }
162       while(operatorStack.size()>0){
163           cur = operatorStack.pop();
164           if(cur == "#") continue;
165           if(operatorStack.size() > 0)
166               top = operatorStack.peek();
167           result.add(cur);
168       }
169       return result;
170   }
172   static String Calculate(ArrayList expression) throws Exception
173   {
174       Queue rpn = PreOrderToPostOrder(expression);
175       Stack operandStack = new Stack<String>();
176       String left, right,cur;
177       while (rpn.size() > 0)
178       {
179           cur = (String) rpn.poll();
180           int index = operators.indexOf(cur);
181           if (index >= 0)
182           {
183               right = (String) operandStack.pop();
184               left = (String) operandStack.pop();
185               operandStack.push(Compute(left, right, index));
186           }
187           else
188           {
189               operandStack.push(cur);
190           }
191       }
192       return (String) operandStack.pop();
193   }
194   static TreeNode suffixExpressionToTree(Queue suffixStr)
195   {
196       if (suffixStr.isEmpty()) return null;
197       // 用于临时存储节点的栈
198       Object[] chs = suffixStr.toArray();
199       Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<TreeNode>();
200       // 遍历所有字符,不是运算符的入栈,是运算符的,将栈中两个节点取出,合成一颗树然后入栈
201       for (int i = 0; i < chs.length; i++)
202       {
203           if (IsOperator(chs[i].toString()))
204           {
205               if (stack.isEmpty() || stack.size() < 2)
206               {
207                   System.err.println("输入的后缀表达式不正确");
208                   return null;
209               }
210               TreeNode root = new TreeNode(chs[i]);
211               root.right = stack.pop();
212               root.left = stack.pop();
213               stack.push(root);
214           }
215           else
216           {
217               stack.push(new TreeNode(chs[i]));
218           }
219       }
220       if (stack.isEmpty() || stack.size() > 1)
221       {
222           System.err.println("输入的后缀表达式不正确");
223           return null;
224       }
225       //stack.pop().printAll();
226        return stack.pop();
228   }
229   static boolean CompTree(TreeNode tree1,TreeNode tree2) 
230   { 
231       if(tree1 == null && tree2 == null) 
232           return true; 
234       if(tree1 != null && tree2 != null) 
235       { 
236           if(tree1.val.equals(tree2.val)) 
237           { 
238             if(tree1.val.equals("+") || tree1.val.equals("*"))
239             {
240                 if(CompTree(tree1.left, tree2.left) && 
241                   CompTree(tree1.right, tree2.right) || 
242                   CompTree(tree1.right, tree2.left) && 
243                   CompTree(tree1.left, tree2.right)) 
244               { 
245                   return true; 
246               }
247           }
248           else{
249                if(CompTree(tree1.left, tree2.left) && CompTree(tree1.right, tree2.right))
250                     { 
251                         return true; 
252                     }
253           }
254           } 
255       } 
256       return false; 
257   }
258 }
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