
Posted 一只有恒心的小菜鸟




读"K. Nummiaro, E. Koller-Meier, L. Van Gool. An adaptive color-based particle filter[J], Image and Vision Computing, 2002"笔记

粒子滤波中最重要的一个过程就是重要性重采样, Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR).

这篇博客基于粒子滤波的物体跟踪讲的挺形象的 :) 。 这里拿过来记录一下。

  1. 初始化阶段

To increase the reliability of the color distribution when boundary pixels belong to the background or get occluded, smaller weights are assigned to the pixels that are further away from the region center by employing a weighting function



  1. 搜索阶段 - 放狗
    现在已经知道了目标的特征,然后就在目标的周围撒点(particle),即放狗。放狗的方法有很多。 如a)均匀的撒点;b)按高斯分布撒点,就是近的地方撒得多,远的地方撒的少。论文里使用的是后一种方法。每一个粒子都计算所在区域内的颜色直方图,如初始化提取特征一样,然后对所有的相似度进行归一化。文中相似性使用的是巴氏距离。

  2. 重要性重采样

  3. 状态转移


  1. 观测阶段
    i. 在出计算概率颜色直方图
    ii. 计算各个粒子和目标的巴氏距离
    iii. 更新每个粒子的权重

  2. 决策阶段


enter description here

iteration step of the color-based particle filter.jpg


  1. % REFERENCE: 
  2. % An adaptive color-based particle filter [J]. Image and Vision 
  3. % Computing, 21 (2003) 99-110 
  4. % 
  5. % note: 
  6. % the structure of sample 
  7. % {1} x,  
  8. % {2} y, 
  9. % {3} vx, 
  10. % {4} vy, 
  11. % {5} hx, 
  12. % {6} hy, 
  13. % {7} a. 
  14. % and the selected region is an ellipse. 
  15. % These functions are programmed for RGB images. 
  17. function [sample,initHist]=ACPF(image,initSample,N,targetHist,bin) 
  18. % INPUTS: 
  19. % image - current frame 
  20. % initSample - init region to be detected 
  21. % N - the numbers of candidates 
  22. % targetHist - the histgram of the target 
  23. % bins -the element represents the number of bins in each channel 
  24. % OUTPUTS: 
  25. % sample - detected region 
  27. % predefined parameters  
  28. global curFrame; % current frame 
  29. global velocityTurb; % the turbulence of the velocity 
  30. global scaleTurb; % the turbulence of the scale 
  31. global bins; % the element represents the number of bins in each channel 
  32. global deltaT; % the time margin of consecutive frames 
  33. global SIGMA2; % the variance of the Gaussian specifing the weight in function: observe 
  34. global shiftTurb; 
  36. curFrame=image; 
  37. velocityTurb=4
  38. scaleTurb=4
  39. shiftTurb=40
  40. bins=bin; 
  41. deltaT=0.05
  42. SIGMA2=0.02; % 2*sigma^2 
  43. tolerance=initSample{3}*deltaT+scaleTurb; 
  44. A=eye(7); 
  45. beta=0.9; % the similarity ratio between new histgram and the origin histgram 
  46. alpha=0.1; % the learning factor of object histgram 
  48. [initHist,sampleSet,weight]=initialization(initSample,N); 
  50. tempHist=sqrt(initHist.*targetHist); 
  51. rho=sum(tempHist,1); 
  52. PIE=exp(-(1-rho)/SIGMA2); 
  53. fprintf(\'similarity:%4f\\n\',PIE); 
  54. if PIE>beta 
  55. initHist=alpha*initHist+(1-alpha)*targetHist; 
  56. else 
  57. initHist=targetHist; 
  58. end 
  60. MAXITER=2
  61. iter=0
  62. oldsample=initSample; 
  63. while iter<MAXITER 
  64. sampleSet=reselect(sampleSet,weight); 
  65. sampleSet=propagate(sampleSet,A); 
  66. weight=observe(sampleSet,initHist); 
  67. sample=estimate(sampleSet,weight); 
  68. if different(sample,oldsample)<tolerance 
  69. break
  70. end 
  71. oldsample=sample; 
  72. iter=iter+1
  73. end 
  74. % draw the scatter dots ------------------------ 
  75. for i=1:N 
  76. tempSample=sampleSet{i}
  77. plot(tempSample{1},tempSample{2},\'o\',\'MarkerSize\',5,\'MarkerFaceColor\',\'g\'); 
  78. hold on 
  79. end 
  80. plot(sample{1},sample{2},\'o\',\'MarkerSize\',5,\'MarkerFaceColor\',\'r\'); 
  81. hold on 
  82. hold off 
  83. % ------------------------------------------------- 
  84. end 
  86. function err=different(sample1,sample2) 
  87. % calculate the difference between sample1 and sample2 
  88. err=0
  89. for i=1:7 
  90. err=err+abs(sample1{i}-sample2{i}); 
  91. end 
  92. end 
  94. function [initHist, sampleSet,weight]=initialization(initSample,N) 
  95. % Initializing the target in each frame at the beginning of 
  96. % tracking process. 
  97. % INPUTS: 
  98. % initSample -the sample which will be tracked in current frame 
  99. % N -the length of the sampleSets 
  100. % channel, respectively. 
  101. % OUTPUTS: 
  102. % initHist -the histgram of the target model 
  103. % sampleSet -the set of candidate samples 
  104. % weight -the initial weight of each sample in the sampleSet  
  105. global velocityTurb; 
  106. global scaleTurb; 
  107. global shiftTurb; 
  109. sampleSet=cell(N,1); 
  110. weight=zeros(N,1); 
  111. numSamples=0; % the number of initialized samples 
  112. while numSamples<N 
  113. randoms=randn(7,1); 
  114. sampleTemp{1}=round(initSample{1}+randoms(1)*shiftTurb); 
  115. sampleTemp{2}=round(initSample{2}+randoms(2)*shiftTurb); 
  116. sampleTemp{3}=initSample{3}+randoms(3)*velocityTurb; 
  117. sampleTemp{4}=initSample{4}+randoms(4)*velocityTurb; 
  118. sampleTemp{5}=round(initSample{5}+randoms(5)*scaleTurb); 
  119. sampleTemp{6}=round(initSample{6}+randoms(6)*scaleTurb); 
  120. sampleTemp{7}=scaleTurb; 
  121. if isValidate(sampleTemp)==1 
  122. numSamples=numSamples+1
  123. sampleSet{numSamples}=sampleTemp; 
  124. weight(numSamples)=1/N; 
  125. end 
  126. end 
  127. initHist=calColorHist(initSample); 
  129. end 
  131. function colorHist=calColorHist(sample) 
  132. % calculating the color histgram of the region selected by the sample  
  133. % note: 
  134. % the weight function if r<1 then k(r)=1-r^2 else k(r)=0 
  135. global curFrame; 
  136. global bins; 
  137. x=sample{1}-sample{5}
  138. y=sample{2}-sample{6}
  139. region=curFrame(y:y+2*sample{6},x:x+2*sample{5},:); 
  140. [m,n,~]=size(region); 
  141. tempBins=zeros(bins); 
  142. margin=1.1 ./bins; 
  143. for i=1:m 
  144. for j=1:n 
  145. r=double(region(i,j,1)); 
  146. g=double(region(i,j,2)); 
  147. b=double(region(i,j,3)); 
  148. tempxy=(i-double(sample{6}))^2/(double(sample{6}))^2+1.0*(j-double(sample{5}))^2/(double(sample{5}))^2
  149. if tempxy<=1 
  150. tempBins(fix(r/margin(1)+1), fix(g/margin(2)+1), fix(b/margin(3)+1))=... 
  151. tempBins(fix(r/margin(1)+1), fix(g/margin(2)+1), fix(b/margin(3)+1))+... 
  152. 1-tempxy;  
  153. end 
  154. end 
  155. end 
  156. colorHist=tempBins(:); 
  157. colorHist=colorHist./sum(colorHist,1); 
  158. end 
  160. function sampleSet=reselect(sampleSet,weight) 
  161. % reselect process. 
  162. % new samples are selected according the corresponding weight 
  164. % following the steps in the referred paper. 
  165. N=size(weight,1); 

    目标定位基于matlab粒子滤波的定位算法含Matlab源码 2161期



    粒子滤波 PF——在机动目标跟踪中的应用(粒子滤波VS扩展卡尔曼滤波)

    粒子滤波 PF——在机动目标跟踪中的应用(粒子滤波VS扩展卡尔曼滤波)

    粒子滤波 PF——在机动目标跟踪中的应用(粒子滤波VS扩展卡尔曼滤波)