







Private Sub LoopGenrtReport(ByRef InPut_Array As Variant)

 Dim ii As Long
 Dim UBTailNum_Array As Long
 Dim Filtered_Array As Variant
 Dim LoopCounter As Long
 Dim pctdone As Single

   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Application.Interactive = False

        UBTailNum_Array = UBound(InPut_Array)

        'Sheet_Array is a public variable as are StartDate and End Date
        Filtered_Array = SubsetArray(Sheet_Array, StartDate, EndDate)

            If IsEmpty(Filtered_Array) Then
                MsgBox "No Transactions were found in the date range selected.", _
                vbCritical, "Error: No Transactions Found"
                GoTo ClearVariables
            End If

        'Release from memory
        Erase Sheet_Array

    'Show progress bar if more than one report _
    is being generated
    If UBTailNum_Array > 0 Then Call ShowPrgssBar

    For ii = LBound(InPut_Array) To UBound(InPut_Array)

            LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1

            pctdone = LoopCounter / (UBTailNum_Array + 1)

            With FrmProgress
                .LabelCaption.Caption = "Generating Report(s) " & LoopCounter & " of " & UBTailNum_Array + 1
                .LabelProgress.Width = pctdone * (.FrameProgress.Width)
            End With

            Call GenerateReport(Filtered_Array, CStr(InPut_Array(ii)))

    Next ii

    StartDate = Empty
    EndDate = Empty

    ii = Empty
    InPut_Array = Empty
    UBTailNum_Array = Empty
    Filtered_Array = Empty
    LoopCounter = Empty
    pctdone = Empty

    Application.Interactive = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub



根据@Spring Filip的请求,下面提供了被叫子的缩写版本GenerateReport

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Sub GenerateReport(ByRef Source_Array As Variant, ByRef KeyTailNum As String)

 Dim i As Long
 Dim CompositeKey As String
 Dim Dict1 As Dictionary
 Dim ItemComp_Array As Variant

 Dim Coll As Collection

    Set Dict1 = New Dictionary
        Dict1.CompareMode = TextCompare

    Set Coll = New Collection

            ' Build dictionary that summarizes transactions
            For i = LBound(Source_Array, 1) To UBound(Source_Array, 1)

                If Source_Array(i, 6) = KeyTailNum Then

                    CompositeKey = vbNullString

                    If Source_Array(i, 5) <> "MRO VENDOR" Then

                            If Source_Array(i, 5) = "ISSUE FROM STOCK" Then
                                'buid collection of IFS PNs
                                Coll.Add Source_Array(i, 1)
                            End If

                            'CompositeKey = PN,PO,Amount,Exp Type
                            CompositeKey = Join(Array(Source_Array(i, 1), _             
                                                Source_Array(i, 4), _
                                                Abs(Source_Array(i, 3)), _
                                                Source_Array(i, 5), KeyTailNum), "~~")

                            If Dict1.Exists(CompositeKey) Then

                                ItemComp_Array = Split(Dict1.Item(CompositeKey), "~~")

                                Dict1.Item(CompositeKey) = Join(Array(ItemComp_Array(0), _
                                                            ItemComp_Array(1), _
                                                            (CDbl(ItemComp_Array(2) + CDbl(Source_Array(i, 3)))), _
                                                            ItemComp_Array(3), _
                                                            ItemComp_Array(4), 0), "~~")

                                'Item = PN, PN Des, Ammount, Exp Cat, Count, Place holder for averages  
                                Dict1.Add CompositeKey, Join(Array(Source_Array(i, 1), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 2), _
                                                            CDbl(Source_Array(i, 3)), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 5), _
                                                            1, 0), "~~")

                            End If

                            'Key = Exp Alpha Name; PN/Exp Remark; Rec Unique ID; Tail Number
                            CompositeKey = Join(Array(Source_Array(i, 1), _
                                            Source_Array(i, 2), Source_Array(i, 7), KeyTailNum), "~~")

                            If Not Dict1.Exists(CompositeKey) Then

                                'Item = Exp Alpha Name; PN/Exp Remark; Amount; Exp Typ; Account;Rec Unique Id
                                Dict1.Add CompositeKey, Join(Array(Source_Array(i, 1), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 2), _
                                                            CDbl(Source_Array(i, 3)), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 5), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 8), _
                                                            Source_Array(i, 7)), "~~")

                            End If

                    End If

                End If
            Next i

                'Errors_Coll is public, BoolExitGenRprt is public
                'Conditional Exit of Sub 
                'If there are no transactions found for this tail then go to the Next Tail Number if there is one
                If Dict1.Count = 0 Then
                    Errors_Coll.Add KeyTailNum
                    BoolExitGenRprt = True
                    GoTo ClearAllVariables
                End If

            'Begin Other code to be executed
            'End Other code to be excuted'

            'Clear Variables
            i = Empty
            Set Dict1 = Nothing
            CompositeKey = Empty
            ItemComp_Array = Empty
            Source_Array = Empty

End Sub

@Enigmativity的评论让我质疑为什么我甚至首先使用DoEvents,所以我对自己说,“自我,如果你完全摆脱DoEvents并以10ms的增量使用Sleep Windows API函数而不是DoEvents?”好吧,这就是我所做的,添加了FrmProgress.Repaint,它可以防止Excel长时间冻结,同时更新进度条,就像我需要它一样。




Private Sub LoopGenrtReport(ByRef InPut_Array As Variant)

 Dim ii As Long
 Dim UBTailNum_Array As Long
 Dim Filtered_Array As Variant
 Dim LoopCounter As Long
 Dim pctdone As Single

   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Application.Interactive = False

        UBTailNum_Array = UBound(InPut_Array)

        'Sheet_Array is a public variable as are StartDate and End Date
        Filtered_Array = SubsetArray(Sheet_Array, StartDate, EndDate)

            If IsEmpty(Filtered_Array) Then
                MsgBox "No Transactions were found in the date range selected.", _
                vbCritical, "Error: No Transactions Found"
                GoTo ClearVariables
            End If

        'Release from memory
        Erase Sheet_Array

    'Show progress bar if more than one report _
    is being generated
    If UBTailNum_Array > 0 Then Call ShowPrgssBar

    For ii = LBound(InPut_Array) To UBound(InPut_Array)

            LoopCounter = LoopCounter + 1

            pctdone = LoopCounter / (UBTailNum_Array + 1)

            With FrmProgress
                .LabelCaption.Caption = "Generating Report(s) " & LoopCounter & " of " & UBTailNum_Array + 1
                .LabelProgress.Width = pctdone * (.FrameProgress.Width)
            End With

            'Added these in place of 'DoEvents'
            Call Sleep (10)

            Call GenerateReport(Filtered_Array, CStr(InPut_Array(ii)))

    Next ii

    StartDate = Empty
    EndDate = Empty

    ii = Empty
    InPut_Array = Empty
    UBTailNum_Array = Empty
    Filtered_Array = Empty
    LoopCounter = Empty
    pctdone = Empty

    Application.Interactive = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Windows API函数/ subs:

#If VBA7 Then 
    Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As LongPtr)


    Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As Long)

#End If


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