





Input: Please enter the number of branches you'd like to input data about : 2
Branch 1
Enter the data for the month 1 : 123
Enter the data for the month 2 : 123
Enter the data for the month 3 : 123
Enter the data for the month 4 : 123
Enter the data for the month 5 : 123
Enter the data for the month 6 : 123
Enter the data for the month 7 : 123
Enter the data for the month 8 : 123
Enter the data for the month 9 : 123
Enter the data for the month 10 : 123
Enter the data for the month 11 : 123
Enter the data for the month 12 : 123

Branch 2
Enter the data for the month 1 : 123
Enter the data for the month 2 : 123
Enter the data for the month 3 : 123
Enter the data for the month 4 : 123
Enter the data for the month 5 : 123
Enter the data for the month 6 : 123
Enter the data for the month 7 : 123
Enter the data for the month 8 : 123
Enter the data for the month 9 : 123
Enter the data for the month 10 : 123
Enter the data for the month 11 : 123
Enter the data for the month 12 : 123

The sum of all the branches income combined is = 2952.000000 

Required output: Branch 1 has : 50%
 Branch 2 has : 50%



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void Data_Of_Branches(int number_of_branches, float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12])
  int i;
  int j;
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_branches; i++)
    printf("Branch %d\n", i + 1);
    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
      printf("Enter the data for the month %d: ", j + 1);
      scanf("%f", &arr_brms[i][j]);

float sum_of_sales(int number_of_branches ,float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12],float total_sale)
  total_sale = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_branches; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) total_sale += arr_brms[i][j];
  printf("The sum of all the branches income combined is = %f\n\n", total_sale);
return total_sale;}

void percentage(int number_of_branches,float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12],float total_sale)
int i ,j, m;
    float total = 0;
    total = total_sale;
        total = total + arr_brms[i][j];}
                printf("Branch %d : ",i+1);
    float per , sum ;
      sum+= arr_brms[i][j];

        per = (sum / total) * 100.0;
        printf("Percentage = %.2f%%",per);
        printf("\n") ;

int main()
      "Please enter the number of branches you'd like to input data about: ");
  int number_of_branches = 0;
  scanf("%d", &number_of_branches);
  float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12];
  Data_Of_Branches(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
  printf("Hello. please enter the number of the operation you'd like to do. "
         "(please only enter the number.) \n \n");
  int choice;
    float total_sale;
  while (
    printf(" 1. Enter sales data.\n 2. Add a record for a new branch \n 3. "
           "Delete record of an existing branch \n 4. Calculate total sales \n "
           "5. Calculate percentage share of each branch \n 6. Determine the "
           "month of the peak sales \n 7. Display sales of a specific month \n "
           "8. Display sales of a specific branch \n 0. Done \n"),
    scanf("%d", &choice) > 0
    if (choice == 0) exit(0);
    if (choice == 1) Data_Of_Branches(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
    if (choice == 4) sum_of_sales(number_of_branches, arr_brms,total_sale);
        if (choice == 5)percentage(number_of_branches, arr_brms,total_sale);
  return 0;




当然它一直显示错误的数字,因为它获取的数据不完整,正如Oli L正确解释的那样:


一种解决方案是将数据存储在二维数组中,不仅每个月,而且每个分支。然后sum function可以遍历两者并计算正确的总和。除此之外,您的主循环可能无法满足您的要求。您不应该在此递归调用main。这是您函数的修改版本-因此,应该很容易实现选择5

void Data_Of_Branches(int number_of_branches, float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12])
  int i;
  int j;
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_branches; i++)
    printf("Branch %d\n", i + 1);
    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
      printf("Enter the data for the month %d: ", j + 1);
      scanf("%f", &arr_brms[i][j]);

void sum_of_sales(int number_of_branches, float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12])
  float sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_branches; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) sum += arr_brms[i][j];
  printf("The sum of all the branches income combined is = %f\n", sum);

int main()
      "Please enter the number of branches you'd like to input data about: ");
  int number_of_branches = 0;
  scanf("%d", &number_of_branches);
  float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12];   // matrix for branches and months
  Data_Of_Branches(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
  printf("Hello. please enter the number of the operation you'd like to do. "
         "(please only enter the number.) \n \n");
  int choice;
  while (
    printf(" 1. Enter sales data.\n 2. Add a record for a new branch \n 3. "
           "Delete record of an existing branch \n 4. Calculate total sales \n "
           "5. Calculate percentage share of each branch \n 6. Determine the "
           "month of the peak sales \n 7. Display sales of a specific month \n "
           "8. Display sales of a specific branch \n 0. Done \n"),
    scanf("%d", &choice) > 0
    if (choice == 0) exit(0);
    if (choice == 1) Data_Of_Branches(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
    if (choice == 4) sum_of_sales(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
  return 0;



您主要忘记将sum_of_sales()的返回值分配给total_sale。 (顺便说一句,将total_sale的未初始化值作为sum_of_sales的第三个参数传递是没有意义的。)但我不会这样做,因为这需要在4之前选择5。相反,我会在sum_of_sales()函数中调用percentage,其中您对太多的代码感到困惑(并在缺少初始化12的同时将m替换为m)-如果修剪,它会起作用:] >

void percentage(int number_of_branches, float arr_brms[number_of_branches][12])
    int i, j, m = 12;
    float total = sum_of_sales(number_of_branches, arr_brms);
    for (i = 0; i < number_of_branches; i++)
        printf("Branch %d: ", i+1);
        float per, sum = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < m; j++) sum += arr_brms[i][j];
        per = sum / total * 100.0;
        printf("Percentage = %.2f%%\n", per);


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