// Parent.vue
<div id="Parent">
<child-one @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
<child-two @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
<child-three @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
import ChildOne from './ChildOne'
import ChildTwo from './ChildTwo'
import ChildThree from './ChildThree'
export default {
name: 'Parent',
components: {
ChildOne, ChildTwo, ChildThree
methods: {
toggleChildBlur () {
// Blur every child except the clicked one?
data () {
return {}
// ChildOne.vue, basically the same for two and three aswell
<div id="child-one" v-blur="blurConfig" @click="$emit('toggle-blur')"></div>
export default {
name: 'ChildOne',
methods: {
toggleBlur () {
this.blurConfig.isBlurred = !this.blurConfig.isBlurred;
data () {
return {
blurConfig: {
isBlurred: false,
opacity: 0.3,
filter: 'blur(1.2px)',
transition: 'all .3s linear'
如果你有非常嵌套的结构(很多级别)并且你真的需要这样做,那么最简单的方法就是在不属于显示列表的东西上发送和监听事件,即全局。非常典型的解决方案是使用所谓的“事件总线” - 一个单独的虚拟Vue实例,仅用于事件。这是关于Global Event Bus in Vue的完整教程。
// in some global file
const EventBus = new Vue();
// in GC1 (parent -> child 1 -> grand child 1)
EventBus.$emit('someEvent', 'some-data')
// in GC5 (parent -> child 3 -> grand child 5)
EventBus.$on('someEvent', function(data) {
console.log(data) // 'some-data
祝好运! :)
// ChildOne.vue
// Basically the same for two and three as well except sending corresponding index
// on click event.
// Click event is now sending the index of the component to know which one got clicked.
<div id="child-one" @click="$emit('toggle-blur', 0)"></div>
// Parent.vue
// Every child component now gets their separate blur config.
// When child is clicked the index of the child now gets sent to help skip and blur
// the other components.
<div id="parent">
<child-one v-blur="blurConfig[0]" @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
<child-two v-blur="blurConfig[1]" @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
<child-three v-blur="blurConfig[2]" @toggle-blur="toggleChildBlur"/>
import ChildOne from './ChildOne'
import ChildTwo from './ChildTwo'
import ChildThree from './ChildThree'
export default {
name: 'Parent',
components: {
ChildOne, ChildTwo, ChildThree
methods: {
toggleChildBlur (childIndex) {
// Unblur if click event is outside focused component
if (this.blurConfig[childIndex].isBlurred) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.blurConfig.length; i++) {
this.blurConfig[i].isBlurred = false
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < this.blurConfig.length; i++) {
if (i !== childIndex) {
this.blurConfig[i].isBlurred = !this.blurConfig[i].isBlurred
data () {
return {
// Blur settings for each component
blurConfig: [
isBlurred: false,
opacity: 0.2,
filter: 'blur(1.2px)',
transition: 'all .2s linear'
isBlurred: false,
opacity: 0.2,
filter: 'blur(1.2px)',
transition: 'all .2s linear'
isBlurred: false,
opacity: 0.2,
filter: 'blur(1.2px)',
transition: 'all .2s linear'
Vue - 无法使用 $emit 事件将数据从组件传递到父级
如何使用新的导航架构组件从扩展 BroadcastReceiver 的类导航到片段
当我在 React js 中使用 forwardRef 将 Ref 从函数组件传递到其他函数组件时出现 TypeError,