十三File Translator怎么写
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了十三File Translator怎么写相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1. File Translator可以将信息从maya中导入和导出。
2. 创建一个file translator需要从MPxFileTranslator继承。
3. 函数介绍:
(1)::canBeOpened()方法决定了file translator是否可以打开文件,如果只是一个importer那么就return flase,反之。
(2)importer:必须包含::haveReadMethod(), ::reader().
(3)exporter: 必须包含::haveWriteMethod(), ::writer().
4.设置translator允许访问所有的MEL命令: 在MFnPlugin::registerTranslator()函数中将requireFullMel参数值设置成true.
5. 例子, 一个polygon的exporter:
class polyExporter:public MPxFileTranslator { public: polyExporter(); virtual ~polyExporter(); virtual MStatus writer (const MFileObject& file, const MString& optionsString, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode); virtual bool haveWriteMethod () const; virtual bool haveReadMethod () const; virtual bool canBeOpened () const; virtual MString defaultExtension () const = 0; protected: virtual bool isVisible(MFnDagNode& fnDag, MStatus& status); virtual MStatus exportAll(ostream& os); virtual MStatus exportSelection(ostream& os); virtual void writeHeader(ostream& os); virtual void writeFooter(ostream& os); virtual MStatus processPolyMesh(const MDagPath dagPath, ostream& os); virtual polyWriter* createPolyWriter(const MDagPath dagPath, MStatus& status) = 0; };
6. MFnPlugin::registerFileTranslator()函数:
status = plugin.registerFileTranslator("RawText", "", polyRawExporter::creator, "", "option1=1", true);
RawText: is a name;
option1=1: default value for the option box for the translator;
true: means that you can use MGlobal::executeCommand() method in translator.
7. Reader:
MStatus LepTranslator::reader ( const MFileObject& file, const MString& options, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode) { const MString fname = file.fullName();
MStatus rval(MS::kSuccess); const int maxLineSize = 1024; char buf[maxLineSize];
ifstream inputfile(fname.asChar(), ios::in); if (!inputfile) { // open failed cerr << fname << ": could not be opened for reading\n"; return MS::kFailure; } if (!inputfile.getline (buf, maxLineSize)) { cerr << "file " << fname << " contained no lines ... aborting\n"; return MS::kFailure; }
//the first line has the magic chars. if (0 != strncmp(buf, magic.asChar(), magic.length())) { cerr << "first line of file " << fname; cerr << " did not contain " << magic.asChar() << " ... aborting\n"; return MS::kFailure; } while (inputfile.getline (buf, maxLineSize)) { //processing each line of the file MString cmdString; cmdString.set(buf); if (!MGlobal::executeCommand(cmdString)) rval = MS::kFailure; } inputfile.close(); return rval; }
8. writer()方法, 类似reader()方法:
通过script editor来提供message,在这个例子中只提供export all 和export selection选项,其他的选项将输出failure message.
MStatus polyExporter::writer(const MFileObject& file, const MString& /*options*/, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode) { const MString fileName = file.fullName(); ofstream newFile(fileName.asChar(), ios::out); if (!newFile) { MGlobal::displayError(fileName + ": could not be opened for reading"); return MS::kFailure; }
newFile.setf(ios::unitbuf); writeHeader(newFile);
if (MPxFileTranslator::kExportAccessMode == mode) { if (MStatus::kFailure == exportAll(newFile)) { return MStatus::kFailure; } } else if (MPxFileTranslator::kExportActiveAccessMode == mode) { if (MStatus::kFailure == exportSelection(newFile)) { return MStatus::kFailure; } } else { return MStatus::kFailure; } writeFooter(newFile); newFile.flush(); newFile.close(); MGlobal::displayInfo("Export to " + fileName + " successful!"); return MS::kSuccess; }
9. file extention:
MString polyRawExporter::defaultExtension () const { return MString("raw"); }
10. file access mode:
以上是关于十三File Translator怎么写的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
直接用中文写提示词的Stable Diffusion扩展:sd-prompt-translator发布