



  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 typedef struct Node{
  5     int data;
  6     struct Node* next;
  7 }Node,*LinkList;
  9 void InitialList(LinkList *L){
 10     *L = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
 11     if(!(*L)){
 12         printf("malloc failed!\n");
 13         exit(1);
 14     }
 15     (*L)->next = (*L);
 16 }
 17 void ClearList(LinkList *L){
 18     LinkList q,p = (*L)->next;
 19     while(p != *L){
 20         q = p->next;
 21         free(p);
 22         p = q;
 23     }
 24     (*L)->next = *L;
 25 }
 26 void DestroyList(LinkList *L){
 27     LinkList q,p = *L;
 28     while(p->next != *L){
 29         q = p->next;
 30         free(p);
 31         p = q;
 32     }
 33     free(*L);
 34     *L = NULL;
 35 }
 36 int IsEmpty(LinkList L){
 37     if(L->next == L)return 1;
 38     else return 0;
 39 }
 40 int Length_SCL(LinkList L){
 41     int length = 0;
 42     LinkList cursor = L;
 43     while(cursor->next != L){
 44         length++;
 45         cursor = cursor->next;
 46     }
 47     return length;
 48 }
 49 void GetElement_SCL(LinkList L,int position){
 50     int length = Length_SCL(L);
 51     if(position < 1 || position > length){
 52         printf("Error:getElemet:position error!\n");
 53     }
 54     else{
 55         int count = 0;
 56         while(count < position){
 57             L = L->next;
 58             count += 1;
 59         }
 60         printf("getElement in position %d is: %d\n",position,L->data);
 61     }
 62 }
 63 int ElementLocate_SCL(LinkList L,int value){
 64 //根据给定的值返回下表,返回0则表示当前表中没有该元素
 65     int index = 1;
 66     LinkList p = L->next;
 67     while(p != L){
 68         if(p->data == value){
 69             return index;
 70         }
 71         p = p->next;
 72         index += 1;
 73     }
 74     return 0;
 75 }
 76 void PriorElement_SCL(LinkList L,int current_element){
 77     if(!ElementLocate_SCL(L,current_element))
 78         printf("%d is not belong to this List!\n",current_element);
 79     else{
 80         if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,current_element) == 1){
 81             LinkList p = L;
 82             while(p->next != L)
 83                 p = p->next;
 84             printf("PriorElement:before %d is %d\n",current_element,p->data);
 85         }
 86         else{
 87             LinkList p = L->next;
 88             LinkList q = L;
 89             while(p!=L){
 90                 if(p->data == current_element){
 91                     printf("PriorElement:before %d is %d\n",current_element,q->data);
 92                     break;
 93                 }
 94                 q = p;
 95                 p = p->next;
 96             }
 97         }
 98     }
 99 }
100 void NextElement_SCL(LinkList L,int current_element){
101     if(!ElementLocate_SCL(L,current_element))
102         printf("%d is not belong to this list!\n");
103     else{
104         if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,current_element) == Length_SCL(L))
105             printf("NextElement:next %d is %d\n",current_element,L->next->data);
106         else{
107             LinkList p = L;
108             LinkList q = L->next;
109             while(q != L){
110                 if(p->data == current_element){
111                     printf("NextElement:next %d is %d\n",current_element,q->data);
112                     break;
113                 }
114                 p = q;
115                 q = q->next;
116             }
117         }
118     }
119 }
120 void InsertList_SCL(LinkList *L,int position,int value){
121     int length = Length_SCL(*L);
122     if(position < 1 || position > length + 1){
123         printf("Error:insertList:position\n");
124     }
125     else{
126         LinkList s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
127         s->data = value;
128         int count = 0;
129         LinkList p = *L;
130         while(count < position-1){
131             p = p->next;
132             count++;
133         }
134         s->next = p->next;
135         p->next = s;
136         printf("inserted %d before index %d\n",value,position);
137     }
138 }
139 void DeleteList_SCL(LinkList *L,int position){
140     int length = Length_SCL(*L);
141     if(position < 1 || position > length){
142         printf("Error:deleteList:position!\n");
143     }
144     else{
145         int count = 0,value;
146         LinkList p = *L;
147         while(count < position - 1){
148             p = p->next;
149             count++;
150         }
151         value = p->next->data;
152         LinkList temp = p->next;
153         p->next = p->next->next;
154         free(temp);
155         printf("deleted %d position is %d\n",value,position);
156     }
157 }
158 void TailCreate_SCL(LinkList *L,int count){
159     LinkList tail = *L,s;
160     int i = 0;
161     for(i = 0;i < count; i++){
162         printf("please enter %d element:  ",i+1);
163         s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
164         scanf("%d",&(s->data));
165         s->next = tail->next;
166         tail->next = s;
167         tail = s;
168     }
169 }
170 void Display_SCL(LinkList L){
171     printf("------display executed!----------\n");
172     int length = Length_SCL(L);
173     L = L->next;
174     int i;
175     for(i = 1; i <= length; i++){
176         printf("%d ",L->data);
177         L = L->next;
178     }
179     printf("\n");
180 }
181 /*会死循环输出1,2,3,未定义的数(头结点的data),说明本文件中的
182  * 循环链表尾节点的next指向的是头结点,而不是第一个节点。
183  * 为了检测在做了操作之后,是否是保留了"环"的性质
184  * */
185 void Display_SCL_1(LinkList L){
186      while(L->next != NULL){
187          printf("%d  ",L->data);
188          L = L->next;
189      }
190 }
191 int main(){
192     LinkList L;
193     InitialList(&L);
194     TailCreate_SCL(&L,3);
195     Display_SCL(L);
196     //DestroyList(&L);
197     ClearList(&L);
198     if(IsEmpty(L))
199         printf("List is Empty!\n");
200     else
201         printf("there is element in List\n");
202     int r1 = Length_SCL(L);
203     printf("the length of list is %d\n",r1);
204     Display_SCL(L);
205     TailCreate_SCL(&L,5);
206     GetElement_SCL(L,4);
207     GetElement_SCL(L,6);
208     GetElement_SCL(L,1);
209     GetElement_SCL(L,5);
211     if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,1))
212         printf("the position of 1 is %d\n",ElementLocate_SCL(L,1));
213     else
214         printf("there is no this element is this list!\n");
215     if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,8))
216         printf("the position of 8 is %d\n",ElementLocate_SCL(L,8));
217     else
218         printf("there is no this element is this list!\n");
219     if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,9))
220         printf("the position of 9 is %d\n",ElementLocate_SCL(L,9));
221     else
222         printf("there is no this element is this list!\n");
223     if(ElementLocate_SCL(L,5))
224         printf("the position of 5 is %d\n",ElementLocate_SCL(L,5));
225     else
226         printf("there is no this element is this list!\n");
228     //test PriorElement
229     printf("\n++++++++test priorElement++++++\n");
230     PriorElement_SCL(L,1);
231     PriorElement_SCL(L,2);
232     PriorElement_SCL(L,6);
233     PriorElement_SCL(L,9);
234     PriorElement_SCL(L,5);
235     //test NextElement
236     printf("\n++++++++test nextElement+++++++\n");
237     NextElement_SCL(L,5);
238     NextElement_SCL(L,1);
239     NextElement_SCL(L,2);
240     NextElement_SCL(L,17);
241     printf("\n++++++++test InsertList++++++++\n");
242     InsertList_SCL(&L,2,888);
243     Display_SCL(L);
244     InsertList_SCL(&L,1,666);
245     Display_SCL(L);
246     InsertList_SCL(&L,8,999);
247     Display_SCL(L);
248     InsertList_SCL(&L,10,1111);
249     Display_SCL(L);
250     //Display_SCL_1(L);
251     printf("\n++++++++test DeleteList+++++++++\n");
252     DeleteList_SCL(&L,5);
253     Display_SCL(L);
254     DeleteList_SCL(&L,8);
255     Display_SCL(L);
256     DeleteList_SCL(&L,1);
257     Display_SCL(L);
258     //Display_SCL_1(L);
259     return 0;
260 }





编程算法 - 有序双循环链表的插入 代码(C)


AVKit – 视频片段仅循环 2 次


c#node struct自定义LinkedListNode结构中的循环依赖
