In CRM 2011 javascripts for crm forms can be stored externally as web resources and those are no longer embedded in CRM forms. Javascripts in web resources can be edited using an external editor. Visual Studio IDE provides intellisense to the Javascripts in Xrm.Page with the help of XrmPage-vsdoc.js. It works with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. Thanks to Patrick Verbeeten for bringing this cool feature in.
In order to get the intellisense Visual Studio IDE needs the reference of the XrmPage-vsdoc.js file. Follow the following steps to enable intellisense for Xrm.Page in the Javascript.
[1] Download XrmPage-vsdoc.js from HERE
[2] Add XrmPage-vsdoc.js in to the Visual Studio IDE
[3] Create a new Javascript file to a CrmForm and add following reference to that.
Some Images of Intellisense inside the Javascripts