How about xlogs are missing and xlogs are deleted



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了How about xlogs are missing and xlogs are deleted相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


[[email protected] bin]$ pwd


[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_ctl -D ../data/ start

server starting

[[email protected] bin]$ LOG:  database system was shut down at 2016-02-04 16:26:41 CST

LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled

LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

LOG:  autovacuum launcher started


[[email protected] bin]$ ./pgbench -i -F 100 -s 714 -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres

[[email protected] bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres

psql (9.4.5)

Type "help" for help.


postgres=# \d+

                          List of relations

 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner   |  Size   | Description


 public | pgbench_accounts | table | postgres | 9147 MB |

 public | pgbench_branches | table | postgres | 64 kB   |

 public | pgbench_history  | table | postgres | 0 bytes |

 public | pgbench_tellers  | table | postgres | 344 kB  |

(4 rows)

postgres=# \q

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_controldata

pg_control version number:            942

Catalog version number:               201409291

Database system identifier:           6247349441268682644

Database cluster state:               in production

pg_control last modified:             Thu 04 Feb 2016 04:46:33 PM CST

Latest checkpoint location:           0/56A5CA8

Prior checkpoint location:            0/56A5C40

Latest checkpoint‘s REDO location:    0/56A5CA8

Latest checkpoint‘s REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000005

Latest checkpoint‘s TimeLineID:       1

Latest checkpoint‘s PrevTimeLineID:   1

Latest checkpoint‘s full_page_writes: on

Latest checkpoint‘s NextXID:          0/1825

Latest checkpoint‘s NextOID:          16403

Latest checkpoint‘s NextMultiXactId:  1

Latest checkpoint‘s NextMultiOffset:  0

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestXID:        1801

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestXID‘s DB:   1

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestActiveXID:  0

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestMultiXid:   1

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestMulti‘s DB: 1

Time of latest checkpoint:            Thu 04 Feb 2016 04:40:58 PM CST

Fake LSN counter for unlogged rels:   0/1

Minimum recovery ending location:     0/0

Min recovery ending loc‘s timeline:   0

Backup start location:                0/0

Backup end location:                  0/0

End-of-backup record required:        no

Current wal_level setting:            minimal

Current wal_log_hints setting:        off

Current max_connections setting:      100

Current max_worker_processes setting: 8

Current max_prepared_xacts setting:   0

Current max_locks_per_xact setting:   64

Maximum data alignment:               8

Database block size:                  8192

Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072

WAL block size:                       8192

Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216

Maximum length of identifiers:        64

Maximum columns in an index:          32

Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996

Size of a large-object chunk:         2048

Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers

Float4 argument passing:              by value

Float8 argument passing:              by value

Data page checksum version:           0

[[email protected] pg_xlog]$ ll

total 81M

-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  16M Feb  4 16:40 000000010000000000000005

-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  16M Feb  4 16:34 000000010000000000000006

-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  16M Feb  4 16:34 000000010000000000000007

-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  16M Feb  4 16:34 000000010000000000000008

-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  16M Feb  4 16:34 000000010000000000000009

drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4.0K Feb  4 16:26 archive_status

[[email protected] pg_xlog]$ rm -rf 00000001000000000000000*

[[email protected] pg_xlog]$ ls


[[email protected] pg_xlog]$ cd -


[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_ctl -D ../data/ stop -m fast

waiting for server to shut down....LOG:  received fast shutdown request

LOG:  aborting any active transactions

LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down

LOG:  shutting down

LOG:  database system is shut down


server stopped

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_ctl -D ../data/ start

server starting

[[email protected] bin]$ LOG:  database system was shut down at 2016-02-04 16:50:58 CST

LOG:  invalid magic number 0000 in log segment 000000010000000000000005, offset 0

LOG:  invalid primary checkpoint record

LOG:  invalid magic number 0000 in log segment 000000010000000000000005, offset 0

LOG:  invalid secondary checkpoint record

PANIC:  could not locate a valid checkpoint record

LOG:  startup process (PID 2959) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted

LOG:  aborting startup due to startup process failure

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_resetxlog --help
pg_resetxlog resets the PostgreSQL transaction log.

pg_resetxlog [OPTION]... DATADIR

-e XIDEPOCH set next transaction ID epoch
-f force update to be done
-l XLOGFILE force minimum WAL starting location for new transaction log
-m MXID,MXID set next and oldest multitransaction ID
-n no update, just show what would be done (for testing)
-o OID set next OID
-O OFFSET set next multitransaction offset
-V, --version output version information, then exit
-x XID set next transaction ID
-?, --help show this help, then exit

Report bugs to <[email protected]>.

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_resetxlog -o 16403 -x 1825 -f /usr/local/pgtest/data/

Transaction log reset

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_ctl -D ../data/ start

server starting

[[email protected] bin]$ LOG:  database system was shut down at 2016-02-04 16:55:44 CST

LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled

LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

LOG:  autovacuum launcher started

[[email protected] bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres

psql (9.4.5)

Type "help" for help.


postgres=# \d+

                          List of relations

 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner   |  Size   | Description


 public | pgbench_accounts | table | postgres | 9147 MB |

 public | pgbench_branches | table | postgres | 64 kB   |

 public | pgbench_history  | table | postgres | 0 bytes |

 public | pgbench_tellers  | table | postgres | 344 kB  |

(4 rows)

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_controldata

pg_control version number:            942

Catalog version number:               201409291

Database system identifier:           6247349441268682644

Database cluster state:               in production

pg_control last modified:             Thu 04 Feb 2016 04:56:11 PM CST

Latest checkpoint location:           0/6000028

Prior checkpoint location:            0/0

Latest checkpoint‘s REDO location:    0/6000028

Latest checkpoint‘s REDO WAL file:    000000010000000000000006

Latest checkpoint‘s TimeLineID:       1

Latest checkpoint‘s PrevTimeLineID:   1

Latest checkpoint‘s full_page_writes: on

Latest checkpoint‘s NextXID:          0/1825

Latest checkpoint‘s NextOID:          16403

Latest checkpoint‘s NextMultiXactId:  1

Latest checkpoint‘s NextMultiOffset:  0

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestXID:        2294969121

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestXID‘s DB:   0

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestActiveXID:  0

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestMultiXid:   1

Latest checkpoint‘s oldestMulti‘s DB: 1

Time of latest checkpoint:            Thu 04 Feb 2016 04:55:44 PM CST

Fake LSN counter for unlogged rels:   0/1

Minimum recovery ending location:     0/0

Min recovery ending loc‘s timeline:   0

Backup start location:                0/0

Backup end location:                  0/0

End-of-backup record required:        no

Current wal_level setting:            minimal

Current wal_log_hints setting:        off

Current max_connections setting:      100

Current max_worker_processes setting: 8

Current max_prepared_xacts setting:   0

Current max_locks_per_xact setting:   64

Maximum data alignment:               8

Database block size:                  8192

Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072

WAL block size:                       8192

Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216

Maximum length of identifiers:        64

Maximum columns in an index:          32

Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996

Size of a large-object chunk:         2048

Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers

Float4 argument passing:              by value

Float8 argument passing:              by value

Data page checksum version:           0

以上是关于How about xlogs are missing and xlogs are deleted的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

What Are You Talking About (map)

HDU 1075 What Are You Talking About

[HDU 1075]What Are You Talking About

把一个英语句子中的单词次序颠倒后输出。例如输入“how are you”,输出“you are how”;

把一个英语句子中的单词次序颠倒后输出。例如输入“how are you”,输出“you are how”;

把一个英语句子中的单词次序颠倒后输出。例如输入“how are you”,输出“you are how”;