QML Object Attributes

Posted ddev


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了QML Object Attributes相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

QML Object Attributes

Every QML object type has a defined set of attributes. Each instance of an object type is created with the set of attributes that have been defined for that object type. There are several different kinds of attributes which can be specified, which are described below.


Attributes in Object Declarations


An object declaration in a QML document defines a new type. It also declares an object hierarchy that will be instantiated should an instance of that newly defined type be created.


The set of QML object-type attribute types is as follows:


the id attribute

property attributes

signal attributes

signal handler attributes

method attributes

attached properties and attached signal handler attributes







These attributes are discussed in detail below.


The id Attribute

id 属性

Every QML object type has exactly one id attribute. This attribute is provided by the language itself, and cannot be redefined or overridden by any QML object type.


A value may be assigned to the id attribute of an object instance to allow that object to be identified and referred to by other objects. This id must begin with a lower-case letter or an underscore, and cannot contain characters other than letters, numbers and underscores.


Below is a TextInput object and a Text object. The TextInput object‘s id value is set to "myTextInput". The Text object sets its text property to have the same value as the text property of the TextInput, by referring to myTextInput.text. Now, both items will display the same text:

下面是一个 TextInput 对象和一个 Text 对象。 TextInput 对象的 id 值被设置为 "myTextInput" 。 Text 对象设置自己的文本属性和 TextInput 文本属性有相同的值,通过引用 myTextInput.text 。现在,2个项将显示相同的文本:

import QtQuick 2.0

Column {
    width: 200; height: 200

    TextInput { id: myTextInput; text: "Hello World" }

    Text { text: myTextInput.text }

An object can be referred to by its id from anywhere within the component scope in which it is declared. Therefore, an id value must always be unique within its component scope. See Scope and Naming Resolution for more information.

在对象被声明的组件范围内的任何地方,通过对象id引用对象。因此,id 值必须是组件范围内唯一的。更多的细节请查看范围<Scope>和命名方案<Naming Resolution>。

Once an object instance is created, the value of its id attribute cannot be changed. While it may look like an ordinary property, the id attribute is not an ordinary property attribute, and special semantics apply to it; for example, it is not possible to access myTextInput.id in the above example.

一旦对象实例被创建,它的id属性值不能被改变。虽然它看起来像一个普通的属性,但是其实它不是一个普通的属性,并且特殊的语义应用与它;例如,在上面的例子中是不可能访问 myTextInput.id 的。

Property Attributes


A property is an attribute of an object that can be assigned a static value or bound to a dynamic expression. A property‘s value can be read by other objects. Generally it can also be modified by another object, unless a particular QML type has explicitly disallowed this for a specific property.


通常它也能被另一个对象修改,除非某 QML 类型显式的禁止修改某指定属性。

Defining Property Attributes


A property may be defined for a type in C++ by registering a Q_PROPERTY of a class which is then registered with the QML type system. Alternatively, a custom property of an object type may be defined in an object declaration in a QML document with the following syntax:

可以通过在C++中注册一个 Q_PROPERTY 到即将被注册进QML类型系统的类来定义属性。另外,一个对象类型的自定义属性可以在对象声明时被定义,在QML文档中使用如下的语法:

    [default] property <propertyType> <propertyName>

In this way an object declaration may expose a particular value to outside objects or maintain some internal state more easily.


Property names must begin with a lower case letter and can only contain letters, numbers and underscores. javascript reserved words are not valid property names. The default keyword is optional, and modifies the semantics of the property being declared. See the upcoming section on default properties for more information about the default property modifier.

属性名必须以小写字母或者下划线开头,并且不能包含除了字母数字和下划线以外的字符。JavaScript 保留字是无效的属性名。默认关键字是可选的,将修改属性声明时的语义。查看下面的默认属性的章节了解关于默认属性修改的更多信息。

Declaring a custom property implicitly creates a value-change signal for that property, as well as an associated signal handler called on<PropertyName>Changed, where <PropertyName> is the name of the property, with the first letter capitalized.

声明一个自定义属性默认的为此属性创建了一个值改变信号,相关的信号是 on<PropertyName>Changed ,<PropertyName>是第一个字母大写的属性名。

For example, the following object declaration defines a new type which derives from the Rectangle base type. It has two new properties, with a signal handler implemented for one of those new properties:

例如,如下的对象声明基于 Rectangle 定义了一个新类型,它有2个新属性,对这两个属性中的一个实现了信号处理:

Rectangle {
    property color previousColor
    property color nextColor
    onNextColorChanged: console.log("The next color will be: " + nextColor.toString())

Valid Types in Custom Property Definitions


Any of the QML Basic Types aside from the enumeration type can be used as custom property types. For example, these are all valid property declarations:


Item {
    property int someNumber
    property string someString
    property url someUrl

(Enumeration values are simply whole number values and can be referred to with the int type instead.)


Some basic types are provided by the QtQuick module and thus cannot be used as property types unless the module is imported. See the QML Basic Types documentation for more details.

QtQuick模块提供的基本类型是不能作为属性类型使用的,除非导入模块。更多的细节请查看QML基本类型<QML Basic Types>。

Note the var basic type is a generic placeholder type that can hold any type of value, including lists and objects:

注意基本类型 var 是通用的占位型别类型,可以处理任何类型的值,包括列表和对象:

property var someNumber: 1.5
property var someString: "abc"
property var someBool: true
property var someList: [1, 2, "three", "four"]
property var someObject: Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100; color: "red" }

Additionally, any QML object type can be used as a property type. For example:

此外,任何 QML 对象类型可以作为属性类型被使用。例如:

property Item someItem

property Rectangle someRectangle

This applies to custom QML types as well. If a QML type was defined in a file named ColorfulButton.qml (in a directory which was then imported by the client), then a property of type ColorfulButton would also be valid.

这也适用于自定义QML类型。如果在 ColorfulButton.qml 文件中定义了一个QML类型,那么 ColorfulButton 类型的属性也是有效的。

Assigning Values to Property Attributes


The value of a property of an object instance may specified in two separate ways:


a value assignment on initialization

an imperative value assignment



In either case, the value may be either a static value or a binding expression value.


Value Assignment on Initialization


The syntax for assigning a value to a property on initialization is:


    <propertyName> : <value>

An initialization value assignment may be combined with a property definition in an object declaration, if desired. In that case, the syntax of the property definition becomes:


    [default] property <propertyType> <propertyName> : <value>

An example of property value initialization follows:


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    color: "red"
    property color nextColor: "blue" // combined property declaration and initialization

Imperative Value Assignment


An imperative value assignment is where a property value (either static value or binding expression) is assigned to a property from imperative JavaScript code. The syntax of an imperative value assignment is just the JavaScript assignment operator, as shown below:

命令赋值是从命令式的 JavaScript 代码给一个属性分配值。命令赋值的语法就是一个 JavaScript 赋值操作,如下:

    [<objectId>.]<propertyName> = value

An example of imperative value assignment follows:


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    id: rect
    Component.onCompleted: {
        rect.color = "red"

Static Values and Binding Expression Values


As previously noted, there are two kinds of values which may be assigned to a property: static values, and binding expression values. The latter are also known as property bindings.


Kind Semantics

Static Value A constant value which does not depend on other properties.

Binding Expression A JavaScript expression which describes a property‘s relationship with other properties. The variables in this expression are called the property‘s dependencies.

The QML engine enforces the relationship between a property and its dependencies. When any of the dependencies change in value, the QML engine automatically re-evaluates the binding expression and assigns the new result to the property.



Here is an example that shows both kinds of values being assigned to properties:


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    // both of these are static value assignments on initialization
    width: 400
    height: 200

    Rectangle {
        // both of these are binding expression value assignments on initialization
        width: parent.width / 2
        height: parent.height

Note: To assign a binding expression imperatively, the binding expression must be contained in a function that is passed into Qt.binding(), and then the value returned by Qt.binding() must be assigned to the property. In contrast, Qt.binding() must not be used when assigning a binding expression upon initialization. See Property Binding for more information.

注意: 命令式地分配一个绑定表达式,此绑定表达式必须被包含在一个函数内,这个函数(作为参数)被传递到 Qt.binding() ,Qt.binding() 返回的值必须被分配给属性。相比之下,当分配一个绑定表达式在初始化上时,不需要使用 Qt.binding() 。更多的细节请查看属性绑定<Property Binding>。

Type Safety


Properties are type safe. A property can only be assigned a value that matches the property type.


For example, if a property is a real, and if you try to assign a string to it, you will get an error:


property int volume: "four"  // generates an error; the property‘s object will not be loaded

Likewise if a property is assigned a value of the wrong type during run time, the new value will not be assigned, and an error will be generated.


Some property types do not have a natural value representation, and for those property types the QML engine automatically performs string-to-typed-value conversion. So, for example, even though properties of the color type store colors and not strings, you are able to assign the string "red" to a color property, without an error being reported.


See QML Basic Types for a list of the types of properties that are supported by default. Additionally, any available QML object type may also be used as a property type.

查看QML基本类型<QML Basic Types>列表,了解默认支持的属性。另外,任何有效的QML基本类型也可以被作为属性类型。

Special Property Types


Object List Property Attributes


A list type property can be assigned a list of QML object-type values. The syntax for defining an object list value is a comma-separated list surrounded by square brackets:


    [ <item 1>, <item 2>, ... ]

For example, the Item type has a states property that is used to hold a list of State type objects. The code below initializes the value of this property to a list of three State objects:


import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    states: [
        State { name: "loading" },
        State { name: "running" },
        State { name: "stopped" }

If the list contains a single item, the square brackets may be omitted:


import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    states: State { name: "running" }

A list type property may be specified in an object declaration with the following syntax:


[default] property list<<objectType>> propertyName

and, like other property declarations, a property initialization may be combined with the property declaration with the following syntax:


[default] property list<<objectType>> propertyName: <value>

An example of list property declaration follows:


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    // declaration without initialization
    property list<Rectangle> siblingRects

    // declaration with initialization
    property list<Rectangle> childRects: [
        Rectangle { color: "red" },
        Rectangle { color: "blue"}

If you wish to declare a property to store a list of values which are not necessarily QML object-type values, you should declare a var property instead.

如果你想声明一个属性去储存那些不需要 QML 对象类型的值的一个列表,你应该声明一个 var 属性代替。

Grouped Properties


In some cases properties contain a logical group of sub-property attributes. These sub-property attributes can be assigned to using either the dot notation or group notation.


For example, the Text type has a font group property. Below, the first Text object initializes its font values using dot notation, while the second uses group notation:

例如, Text 类型有一个 font 组属性。如下,第一个 Text 对象使用点符号初始化它的 font 值,而第二个(对象)使用组符号(初始化它的 font 值)。

Text {
    //dot notation
    font.pixelSize: 12
    font.b: true

Text {
    //group notation
    font { pixelSize: 12; b: true }

Grouped property types are basic types which have subproperties. Some of these basic types are provided by the QML language, while others may only be used if the Qt Quick module is imported. See the documentation about QML Basic Types for more information.

分组属性类型是基本类型。一些基本类型是QML语言提供的,有一些在Qt Quick模块被导入后才能使用。更多的细节请查看QML基本类型<QML Basic Types>。

Property Aliases


Property aliases are properties which hold a reference to another property. Unlike an ordinary property definition, which allocates a new, unique storage space for the property, a property alias connects the newly declared property (called the aliasing property) as a direct reference to an existing property (the aliased property).


A property alias declaration looks like an ordinary property definition, except that it requires the alias keyword instead of a property type, and the right-hand-side of the property declaration must be a valid alias reference:

属性别名的声明看起来像一般的属性定义,除了它用 alias 关键字替代属性类型,属性声明的右侧必须是一个有效的别名引用:

[default] property alias <name>: <alias reference>

Unlike an ordinary property, an alias can only refer to a object, or the property of a object, that is within the scope of the type within which the alias is declared. It cannot contain arbitrary JavaScript expressions and it cannot refer to objects declared outside of the scope of its type. Also note the alias reference is not optional, unlike the optional default value for an ordinary property; the alias reference must be provided when the alias is first declared.

不同于一般的属性定义,别名只能指向别名被声明的大括号内的对象或者对象的属性。它不能包含任何的 JavaScript 表达式并且不能指向所在类型的大括号外声明的对象。还要注意别名引用不是可选的,不像普通属性的值有可选的默认值;别名引用(的对象)必须被提供当别名第一次声明时。

For example, below is a Button type with a buttonText aliased property which is connected to the text object of the Text child:

例如,如下是一个带 buttonText 别名的按钮类型,别名连接到 Text 子对象的 text 对象:

// Button.qml
import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    property alias buttonText: textItem.text

    width: 100; height: 30; color: "yellow"

    Text { id: textItem }

The following code would create a Button with a defined text string for the child Text object:

下面的代码会创建一个为子 Text 对象定义了文本字符串的 Button:

Button { buttonText: "Click Me" }

Here, modifying buttonText directly modifies the textItem.text value; it does not change some other value that then updates textItem.text. If buttonText was not an alias, changing its value would not actually change the displayed text at all, as property bindings are not bi-directional: the buttonText value would have changed if textItem.text was changed, but not the other way around.

这里,修改 buttonText 将直接修改 textItem.text 的值;不改变其它的值然后更新 textItem.text 。如果 buttonText 不是别名,改变他的值并不会改变显示的文本,因为属性绑定不是双向的:如果 textItem.text 改变 buttonText 将会被改变,但是反过来就不行。

Considerations for Property Aliases


Aliases are only activated once a component has been fully initialized. An error is generated when an uninitialized alias is referenced. Likewise, aliasing an aliasing property will also result in an error.


property alias widgetLabel: label

//will generate an error
//widgetLabel.text: "Initial text"

//will generate an error
//property alias widgetLabelText: widgetLabel.text

Component.onCompleted: widgetLabel.text = "Alias completed Initialization"

When importing a QML object type with a property alias in the root object, however, the property appear as a regular Qt property and consequently can be used in alias references.

当导入的的 QML 对象类型的根对象带有属性别名,无论如何,属性呈现正常的的Qt属性并且因此能被别名引用使用。

It is possible for an aliasing property to have the same name as an existing property, effectively overwriting the existing property. For example, the following QML type has a color alias property, named the same as the built-in Rectangle::color property:

别名属性和已存在的属性拥有相同的名字是可能的,事实上覆盖了已存在属性。例如,如下的 QML 类型有一个 color 属性别名,和原有的 Rectangle::color 属性相同:

Rectangle {
    id: coloredrectangle
    property alias color: bluerectangle.color
    color: "red"

    Rectangle {
        id: bluerectangle
        color: "#1234ff"

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log (coloredrectangle.color)    //prints "#1234ff"
        console.log (coloredrectangle.color)    //prints "#111111"
        coloredrectangle.color = "#884646"
        console.log (coloredrectangle.color)    //prints #884646

    //internal function that has access to internal properties
    function setInternalColor() {
        color = "#111111"

Any object that use this type and refer to its color property will be referring to the alias rather than the ordinary Rectangle::color property. Internally, however, the red can correctly set its color property and refer to the actual defined property rather than the alias.

任何对象使用这个类型并且指定它的 color 属性将被引用到别名而不是原有的 Rectangle::color 属性。但是,在内部红色可以正确设置它的颜色属性并且指向实际定义的属性,而不是别名。

Default Properties


An object definition can have a single default property. A default property is the property to which a value is assigned if an object is declared within another object‘s definition without declaring it as a value for a particular property.


Declaring a property with the optional default keyword marks it as the default property. For example, say there is a file MyLabel.qml with a default property someText:

使用可选的 default 关键字声明属性为默认属性。例如,下面的 MyLabel.qml 文件内有一个默认属性 someText:

// MyLabel.qml
import QtQuick 2.0

Text {
    default property var someText

    text: "Hello, " + someText.text

The someText value could be assigned to in a MyLabel object definition, like this:

someText 的值可以被分配在 MyLabel 的对象定义内,如下:

MyLabel {
    Text { text: "world!" }

This has exactly the same effect as the following:


MyLabel {
    someText: Text { text: "world!" }

However, since the someText property has been marked as the default property, it is not necessary to explicitly assign the Text object to this property.

然而, someText 属性被标记为默认属性,所以不需要显式的分配 Text 对象的属性名称。

You will notice that child objects can be added to any Item-based type without explicitly adding them to the children property. This is because the default property of Item is its data property, and any items added to this list for an Item are automatically added to its list of children.

你也可能注意到了子对象可以添加到任何基于Item的类型,而不需要显式将它们添加到子属性上。这是因为 Item 的默认属性是 data 属性,任何添加到 Item 中的对象都自动添加到它的子对象列表。

Default properties can be useful for reassigning the children of an item. See the TabWidget Example, which uses a default property to automatically reassign children of the TabWidget as children of an inner ListView.

默认属性对于重新分配一个项的子项是有用的。查看 TabWidget 例子,使用默认属性自动重新分配 TabWidget 的子对象作为内部的 ListView 的子对象。

Read-Only Properties


An object declaration may define a read-only property using the readonly keyword, with the following syntax:


    readonly property <propertyType> <propertyName> : <initialValue>

Read-only properties must be assigned a value on initialization. After a read-only property is initialized, it no longer possible to give it a value, whether from imperative code or otherwise.


For example, the code in the Component.onCompleted block below is invalid:

例如,Component.onCompleted 后的代码快是无效的:

Item {
    readonly property int someNumber: 10

    Component.onCompleted: someNumber = 20  // doesn‘t work, causes an error

Note: A read-only property cannot also be a default property.


Property Modifier Objects


Properties can have property value modifier objects associated with them. The syntax for declaring an instance of a property modifier type associated with a particular property is as follows:


<PropertyModifierTypeName> on <propertyName> {
    // attributes of the object instance

It is important to note that the above syntax is in fact an object declaration which will instantiate an object which acts on a pre-existing property.


Certain property modifier types may only be applicable to specific property types, however this is not enforced by the language. For example, the NumberAnimation type provided by QtQuick will only animate numeric-type (such as int or real) properties. Attempting to use a NumberAnimation with non-numeric property will not result in an error, however the non-numeric property will not be animated. The behavior of a property modifier type when associated with a particular property type is defined by its implementation.

某些属性修改器类型可能只适用于特定的属性类型,然而这不是被语言强制执行的。例如, QtQuick 提供的类型 NumberAnimation 类型仅动画作用于数字类型的属性。尝试使用 NumberAnimation 到非数字类型属性将不会得到错误的结果,然而非数字类型的属性将不会产生动画。与特定属性类型关联的属性修改器类型的行为被它的实现定义。

Signal Attributes


A signal is a notification from an object that some event has occurred: for example, a property has changed, an animation has started or stopped, or when an image has been downloaded. The MouseArea type, for example, has a clicked signal that is emitted when the user clicks within the mouse area.

信号是当对象的一些事件发生时的消息:例如,属性改变,动画开始或结束,或者图像被下载。拿 MouseArea 类型来说,当用户点击鼠标区域时会触发一个 clicked 信号。

An object can be notified through a signal handler whenever it a particular signal is emitted. A signal handler is declared with the syntax on<Signal> where <Signal> is the name of the signal, with the first letter capitalized. The signal handler must be declared within the definition of the object that emits the signal, and the handler should contain the block of JavaScript code to be executed when the signal handler is invoked.

无论何时特定的信号被触发,可以通过信号处理程序通知对象。信号处理程序使用 on<Signal> 语法声明, <Signal> 是信号名,第一个字母大写。信号处理程序必须声明在触发该信号的对象的定义内,并且处理程序应该包含 JavaScript 代码块当信号处理程序被调用时执行。

For example, the onClicked signal handler below is declared within the MouseArea object definition, and is invoked when the MouseArea is clicked, causing a console message to be printed:

比如,如下的 onClicked 信号处理程序被声明在 MouseArea 对象定义内,并且当 MouseArea 被点击时调用,打印一个终端消息:

import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    width: 100; height: 100

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {

Defining Signal Attributes


A signal may be defined for a type in C++ by registering a Q_SIGNAL of a class which is then registered with the QML type system. Alternatively, a custom signal for an object type may be defined in an object declaration in a QML document with the following syntax:

在C++中,对于将被注册到QML类型系统的类,可以通过 Q_SIGNAL 定义信号类型。在QML文档中,可以在对象声明内使用如下的语法自定义信号类型:

signal <signalName>[([<type> <parameter name>[, ...]])]

Attempting to declare two signals or methods with the same name in the same type block is an error. However, a new signal may reuse the name of an existing signal on the type. (This should be done with caution, as the existing signal may be hidden and become inaccessible.)


Here are three examples of signal declarations:


import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    signal clicked
    signal hovered()
    signal actionPerformed(string action, var actionResult)

If the signal has no parameters, the "()" brackets are optional. If parameters are used, the parameter types must be declared, as for the string and var arguments for the actionPerformed signal above. The allowed parameter types are the same as those listed under Defining Property Attributes on this page.

如果信号没有参数,"()"是可选的。如果参数被使用,参数类型必须被声明,像上面的 actionPerformed 信号的 string 和 var 参数。允许的参数类型和本页列出的定义属性特性是相同的。

To emit a signal, invoke it as a method. Any relevant signal handlers will be invoked when the signal is emitted, and handlers can use the defined signal argument names to access the respective arguments.


Property Change Signals

QML types also provide built-in property change signals that are emitted whenever a property value changes, as previously described in the section on property attributes. See the upcoming section on property change signal handlers for more information about why these signals are useful, and how to use them.


Signal Handler Attributes


Signal handlers are a special sort of method attribute, where the method implementation is invoked by the QML engine whenever the associated signal is emitted. Adding a signal to an object definition in QML will automatically add an associated signal handler to the object definition, which has, by default, an empty implementation. Clients can provide an implementation, to implement program logic.


Consider the following SquareButton type, whose definition is provided in the SquareButton.qml file as shown below, with signals activated and deactivated:

考虑下面的的 SquareButton 类型,如下的 SquareButton.qml 中提供定义体,包含信号 activated 和 activated :

// SquareButton.qml
Rectangle {
    id: root

    signal activated(real xPosition, real yPosition)
    signal deactivated

    width: 100; height: 100

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onPressed: root.activated(mouse.x, mouse.y)
        onRelased: root.deactivated()

These signals could be received by any SquareButton objects in another QML file in the same directory, where implementations for the signal handlers are provided by the client:

这些信号应该被相同目录下的另一个QML文件中的 SquareButton 对象接收,用户提供如下的信号处理程序实现:

// myapplication.qml
SquareButton {
    onActivated: console.log("Activated at " + xPosition + "," + yPosition)
    onDeactivated: console.log("Deactivated!")

See the Signal and Handler Event System for more details on use of signals.

更多的细节请查看查看信号和事件处理系统<Signal and Handler Event System>。

Property Change Signal Handlers


Signal handlers for property change signal take the syntax form on<Property>Changed where <Property> is the name of the property, with the first letter capitalized. For example, although the TextInput type documentation does not document a textChanged signal, this signal is implicitly available through the fact that TextInput has a text property and so it is possible to write an onTextChanged signal handler to be called whenever this property changes:

属性改变的信号的处理程序使用语法 on<Property>Changed ,<Property> 是属性的名字并且第一个字母大写。比如,虽然 TextInput 类型文档没有提供 textChanged 信号,但是通过 TextInput 有一个 text 属性的事实让这个信号是隐士可用的,并且写一个 onTextChanged 信号处理程序(是可能的),无论何时信号改变时被调用。

import QtQuick 2.0

TextInput {
    text: "Change this!"

    onTextChanged: console.log("Text has changed to:", text)

Method Attributes


A method of an object type is a function which may be called to perform some processing or trigger further events. A method can be connected to a signal so that it is automatically invoked whenever the signal is emitted. See Signal and Handler Event System for more details.

对象类型的方法是一个可以被调用去执行一些处理或触发后续事件的函数。方法可以连接到信号以便信号被触发时它可以被自动调用。更多的细节请查看查看信号和事件处理系统<Signal and Handler Event System>。

Defining Method Attributes


A method may be defined for a type in C++ by tagging a function of a class which is then registered with the QML type system with Q_INVOKABLE or by registering it as a Q_SLOT of the class. Alternatively, a custom method can be added to an object declaration in a QML document with the following syntax:

类型的方法定义,可以在C++中使用 Q_INVOKABLE 标注将被注册到QML类型系统的类的函数,或者注册该函数为类的 Q_SLOT 。使用如下的语法在QML文档内添加自定义方法到对象的声明:

function <functionName>([<parameterName>[, ...]]) { <body> }

Methods can be added to a QML type in order to define standalone, reusable blocks of JavaScript code. These methods can be invoked either internally or by external objects.

方法被添加到QML类型以便定义独立的可复用的 JavaScript 代码快。方法可以被内部调用,也可以被外部对象调用。

Unlike signals, method parameter types do not have to be declared as they default to the var type.

不同于信号,方法的参数不是必须被定义的,参数默认是 var 类型。

Attempting to declare two methods or signals with the same name in the same type block is an error. However, a new method may reuse the name of an existing method on the type. (This should be done with caution, as the existing method may be hidden and become inaccessible.)


Below is a Rectangle with a calculateHeight() method that is called when assigning the height value:

下面是一个带有 calculateHeight() 方法的长方形,并且方法在分配高度值时被调用:

import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
    id: rect

    function calculateHeight() {
        return rect.width / 2;

    width: 100
    height: calculateHeight()

If the method has parameters, they are accessible by name within the method. Below, when the MouseArea is clicked it invokes the moveTo() method which can then refer to the received newX and newY parameters to reposition the text:

如果方法有参数,在方法内可以通过名字访问参数。如下,当 MouseArea 被点击将调用 moveTo() 方法,方法可以引用收到的 newX 和 newY 参数去重置文本位置:

import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    width: 200; height: 200

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: label.moveTo(mouse.x, mouse.y)

    Text {
        id: label

        function moveTo(newX, newY) {
            label.x = newX;
            label.y = newY;

        text: "Move me!"

Attached Properties and Attached Signal Handlers


Attached properties and attached signal handlers are mechanisms that enable objects to be annotated with extra properties or signal handlers that are otherwise unavailable to the object. In particular, they allow objects to access properties or signals that are specifically relevant to the individual object.


A QML type implementation may choose to create an attaching type with particular properties and signals. Instances of this type can then be created and attached to specific objects at run time, allowing those objects to access the properties and signals of the attaching type. These are accessed by prefixing the properties and respective signal handlers with the name of the attaching type.


References to attached properties and handlers take the following syntax form:




For example, the ListView type has an attached property ListView.isCurrentItem that is available to each delegate object in a ListView. This can be used by each individual delegate object to determine whether it is the currently selected item in the view:

比如, ListView 类型有一个可被附加的属性 ListView.isCurrentItem 并且 ListView 内的每一个代理对象可使用(此附加属性)。这可以被每一个不同的代理对象用来确定自己是否是视图内当前被选中的元素。

import QtQuick 2.0

ListView {
    width: 240; height: 320
    model: 3
    delegate: Rectangle {
        width: 100; height: 30
        color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "yellow"

In this case, the name of the attaching type is ListView and the property in question is isCurrentItem, hence the attached property is referred to as ListView.isCurrentItem.

在这种情况下,附加类型的名字是 ListView 并且界定的属性是 isCurrentItem ,因此被附加的属性是 ListView.isCurrentItem 的引用。

An attached signal handler is referred to in the same way. For example, the Component.onCompleted attached signal handler is commonly used to execute some JavaScript code when a component‘s creation process has been completed. In the example below, once the ListModel has been fully created, its Component.onCompleted signal handler will automatically be invoked to populate the model:

附加信号处理程序使用相同的引用方法。例如, Component.onCompleted 附加信号处理程序通常用来在组件的创建流程完成时执行 JavaScript 代码。下面的例子,一旦 ListModel 被完全创建,它的 Component.onCompleted 信号处理程序将自动被调用去生成模型:

import QtQuick 2.0

ListView {
    width: 240; height: 320
    model: ListModel {
        id: listModel
        Component.onCompleted: {
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                listModel.append({"Name": "Item " + i})
    delegate: Text { text: index }

Since the name of the attaching type is Component and that type has a completed signal, the attached signal handler is referred to as Component.onCompleted.

因为附加类型的名称是 Component 并且有 completed 信号,所以附加信号处理程序是 Component.onCompleted 的引用。

A Note About Accessing Attached Properties and Signal Handlers


A common error is to assume that attached properties and signal handlers are directly accessible from the children of the object to which these attributes have been attached. This is not the case. The instance of the attaching type is only attached to specific objects, not to the object and all of its children.


For example, below is a modified version of the earlier example involving attached properties. This time, the delegate is an Item and the colored Rectangle is a child of that item:

例如,如下是之前的调用附加属性的例子的一个修改版本。这次,代理是 Item 并且 colored Rectangle 是该 Item 的子对象:

import QtQuick 2.0

ListView {
    width: 240; height: 320
    model: 3
    delegate: Item {
        width: 100; height: 30

        Rectangle {
            width: 100; height: 30
            color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "yellow"    // WRONG! This won‘t work.

This does not work as expected because ListView.isCurrentItem is attached only to the root delegate object, and not its children. Since the Rectangle is a child of the delegate, rather than being the delegate itself, it cannot access the isCurrentItem attached property as ListView.isCurrentItem. So instead, the rectangle should access isCurrentItem through the root delegate:

如预期的那样不工作,因为 ListView.isCurrentItem 仅仅是根代理对象的附加,并不是它的子对象的附加。 Rectangle 是代理的子对象,不是代理本身,它不能以 ListView.isCurrentItem 的形式访问 isCurrentItem 附加属性。所以, Rectangle 应该通过根代理访问 isCurrentItem 。

ListView {
    delegate: Item {
        id: delegateItem
        width: 100; height: 30

        Rectangle {
            width: 100; height: 30
            color: delegateItem.ListView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "yellow"   // correct

Now delegateItem.ListView.isCurrentItem correctly refers to the isCurrentItem attached property of the delegate.

现在 delegateItem.ListView.isCurrentItem 正确的引用了代理的 isCurrentItem 附加属性。

以上是关于QML Object Attributes的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

26.Qt Quick QML-RotationAnimationPathAnimationSmoothedAnimationBehaviorPauseAnimationSequential(代码片段

Example of assigning attributes directly to an object name

转载 qml: MouseArea重叠问题;

Vue报错:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object 的解决方法(代码片段


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