
Posted computervip



declare @province nvarchar (50)
declare @city nvarchar (50)
declare @yys int
exec [feephone]. [get_phone_address]
                @province output,
                @city output,
                @yys OUTPUT
print @province
print @city
print @yys
declare @ret int
exec [feephone]. [check_can_charge]
                2 ,
                @ret OUTPUT,
                50 ,
print @ret
select * from dbo .owner_Card_Stock a inner join
                 dbo .Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney b on a.cardmoney =b. cardmoney and a .cardflag= b.cardflag
                 where b. yys=and b. isenable=1 and (( b.ismatch =1 and 10=b .cardmoney)
                 or( b. ismatch=0 and 10>= b.cardmoney ))
select ISNULL (SUM( [count]),0 ) from dbo.owner_Card_Stock a inner join
                 dbo .Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney b on a.cardmoney =b. cardmoney and a .cardflag= b.cardflag
                 where b. yys=and b. isenable=1 and (( b.ismatch =1 and 10=b .cardmoney)
                 or( b. ismatch=0 and 10>= b.cardmoney ))
select * from dbo .Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney  where Yys=1 and isEnable= 1
select * from dbo .owner_Card_Stock  where CardFlag=‘chinaunicom‘
select * from dbo .owner_Card_Stock  where CardFlag=‘chinatelecom‘
select top 100 * from dbo. Owner_Card where CardFlag =‘chinatelecom‘ and State =0 and CardMoney=30
update dbo. Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney  set IsMatch =1 where Yys=1 and isEnable= 1 and CardMoney<50
--delete from dbo.Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney where ID=25
--insert into dbo.Setting_Yys_CanChargeMoney values(0,‘chinaszx‘,10,1,1)
select * from feephone .[log_checkcancharge_fail] with (nolock) where phone =‘17753123809‘  order by id desc
select * from [dbo] .[view_YYS_PhoneProvince] where yys=0 and phoneprovince like ‘%重庆%‘
select top 10 * from do_phone with (nolock) where OrderTime <‘20141112‘
select top 100 * from do_phone where yys=2 and WantMoney= 30 and from_channel =‘phoneinterface‘ order by id desc
--有的渠道 在提交号码前 会调用 [feephone].[check_can_charge] 这个存储过程,校验能不能充,有些渠道是不校验的.
select top (5000) * from do_phone with (nolock) where Province like ‘%‘ and
CityAreaCode=‘‘ and state=0 and isfinal= 0
--用的表---feephone.setting_phone_seg 表
--18513173592 这个号码帮忙系统增加下识别的哈
select province, city from feephone .setting_phone_seg where left(phoneseg ,7)= ‘1851379‘;
select top 100 * from do_phone with (nolock) where left(Phone, 7)=‘1852257‘ and from_channel =‘phoneinterface‘ order by id desc
select  province, city from feephone .setting_phone_seg where phoneseg=‘1851317‘
select * from feephone .setting_phone_seg with (nolock) where phoneseg =‘1851317‘
update  feephone. setting_phone_seg  set city =‘北京‘  where phoneseg= ‘1851317‘
select top (10) * from feephone. setting_phone_seg with( nolock) where phoneseg= ‘1852133‘
select province, city from feephone .setting_phone_seg where left(phoneseg ,7)= ‘1852133‘;
--update feephone.setting_phone_seg set city=‘上海‘ where phoneseg=‘1852133‘ and city=‘‘




城市识别是不是有 ISO 标准? [关闭]


