Posted lttdxuexizhilu
1 /****定义学生信息******/ 2 3 typedef struct studentInfo 4 5 int ID; 6 char name[16]; 7 char password[16]; 8 int age; 9 int classes; 10 char sex; 11 float math; 12 float chinese; 13 float clanguage; 14 StuInfo;
1 /*定义链表结构*/ 2 typedef struct studentNode 3 4 struct studentInfo data; 5 struct studentNode *pNext; 6 Node;
1 /*创建链表结构并且申请空间*/ 2 Node* makeNode(); 3 4 /*学生信息初始化*/ 5 StuInfo initData(); 6 7 /*头插法*/ 8 void headInsert(Node *pHead); 9 10 /*循环处理,将节点的数据域写入文件*/ 11 void writeToFile(Node *pHead); 12 13 /*遍历链表*/ 14 void showList(Node *pHead); 15 16 /*从文件中读取链表信息*/ 17 Node* readFromFile(Node *pHead); 18 19 /*查找学生*/ 20 Node* findnode(Node *pHead, const int ID); 21 22 /*录入查重*/ 23 Node* findstu(Node *pHead, const int ID); 24 25 /*按班级遍历链表*/ 26 void showClassList(Node *pHead, int classes); 27 28 /*按总成绩显示排序*/ 29 void showClassSortList(Node *pHead, int classes); 30 31 /*修改学生信息初始化*/ 32 StuInfo modinitData();

1 #ifndef __STUDENT_H_ 2 #define __STUDENT_H_ 3 4 #include <stdlib.h> 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 #include <string.h> 7 #include <malloc.h> 8 9 #define STU_LEN sizeof(StuInfo) 10 #define NODE_LEN sizeof(Node) 11 12 /****定义学生信息******/ 13 14 typedef struct studentInfo 15 16 int ID; 17 char name[16]; 18 char password[16]; 19 int age; 20 int classes; 21 char sex; 22 float math; 23 float chinese; 24 float clanguage; 25 StuInfo; 26 27 28 /*定义链表结构*/ 29 typedef struct studentNode 30 31 struct studentInfo data; 32 struct studentNode *pNext; 33 Node; 34 35 /*创建链表结构并且申请空间*/ 36 Node* makeNode(); 37 38 /*学生信息初始化*/ 39 StuInfo initData(); 40 41 /*头插法*/ 42 void headInsert(Node *pHead); 43 44 /*循环处理,将节点的数据域写入文件*/ 45 void writeToFile(Node *pHead); 46 47 /*遍历链表*/ 48 void showList(Node *pHead); 49 50 /*从文件中读取链表信息*/ 51 Node* readFromFile(Node *pHead); 52 53 /*查找学生*/ 54 Node* findnode(Node *pHead, const int ID); 55 56 /*录入查重*/ 57 Node* findstu(Node *pHead, const int ID); 58 59 /*按班级遍历链表*/ 60 void showClassList(Node *pHead, int classes); 61 62 /*按总成绩显示排序*/ 63 void showClassSortList(Node *pHead, int classes); 64 65 /*修改学生信息初始化*/ 66 StuInfo modinitData(); 67 68 #endif
1 /*创建链表节点*/ 2 Node* makeNode() 3 4 Node *newnode = (Node *)malloc(NODE_LEN);//为新节点分配空间 5 if(NULL == newnode)//容错处理,如果分配失败再次申请空间 6 7 newnode = (Node *)malloc(NODE_LEN); 8 9 memset(&newnode->data, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); 10 newnode->pNext = NULL; 11 return newnode; 12
1 /*学生信息初始化*/ 2 StuInfo initData() 3 4 StuInfo userInfo; 5 Node *temp = makeNode(); 6 Node *pHead = makeNode(); 7 pHead = readFromFile(pHead); 8 memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); 9 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); 10 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 11 getchar(); 12 temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); 13 while(temp != NULL)//防止学号重复 14 15 printf("\t\t\t\033[31m\033[1m学号重复,请重新录入\033[0m\033[33m\n"); 16 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); 17 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 18 getchar(); 19 temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); 20 21 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); 22 scanf("%s",userInfo.name); 23 getchar(); 24 strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 25 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); 26 scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); 27 getchar(); 28 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); 29 scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); 30 getchar(); 31 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); 32 scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); 33 getchar(); 34 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入数学成绩:"); 35 scanf("%f",&userInfo.math); 36 getchar(); 37 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入语文成绩:"); 38 scanf("%f",&userInfo.chinese); 39 getchar(); 40 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入c语言成绩:"); 41 scanf("%f",&userInfo.clanguage); 42 getchar(); 43 temp = NULL; 44 pHead = NULL; 45 return userInfo; 46
1 /*修改学生信息*/ 2 StuInfo modinitData(int stuID)//修改时学号可以和之前学号重复,但不能和其他人学号重复 3 4 StuInfo userInfo; 5 Node *temp = makeNode(); 6 Node *pHead = makeNode(); 7 pHead = readFromFile(pHead); 8 memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); 9 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); 10 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 11 getchar(); 12 temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); 13 while((temp != NULL) && (userInfo.ID != stuID)) 14 15 printf("\t\t\t\033[31m\033[1m学号重复,请重新录入\033[0m\033[33m\n"); 16 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); 17 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 18 getchar(); 19 temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); 20 21 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); 22 scanf("%s",userInfo.name); 23 getchar(); 24 strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 25 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); 26 scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); 27 getchar(); 28 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); 29 scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); 30 getchar(); 31 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); 32 scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); 33 getchar(); 34 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入数学成绩:"); 35 scanf("%f",&userInfo.math); 36 getchar(); 37 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入语文成绩:"); 38 scanf("%f",&userInfo.chinese); 39 getchar(); 40 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入c语言成绩:"); 41 scanf("%f",&userInfo.clanguage); 42 getchar(); 43 44 return userInfo; 45
1 /*链表操作之头插法*/ 2 void headInsert(Node *pHead) 3 4 if(NULL == pHead) 5 6 perror("the list head is NULL!\n"); 7 8 9 Node *newnode = makeNode(); 10 newnode->data = initData();//保存数据 11 newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext;//讲新的节点指针指向头结点的下一个节点 12 pHead->pNext = newnode;//头指针指向新节点 13 newnode = NULL; 14
1 /*遍历整个链表*/ 2 void showList(Node *pHead) 3 4 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 5 6 perror("the list is empty!"); 7 return; 8 9 Node *temp = pHead->pNext; 10 printf("|-- ID --|---- name ----|"); 11 printf("classes|-math-|chinese|clanguage|Total score|\n"); 12 while(temp != NULL) 13 14 printf("| %-6d | %-12s | %-3d |", 15 temp->data.ID, temp->data.name, temp->data.classes); 16 printf("%-5.1f |%-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f |\n", 17 temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage,temp->data.math+temp->data.chinese+temp->data.clanguage); 18 temp = temp->pNext;//指向下一个节点 19 20 temp = NULL; 21
1 //按班级遍历链表 2 void showClassList(Node *pHead, int classes) 3 4 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 5 6 perror("the list is empty!"); 7 return; 8 9 Node *temp = pHead->pNext; 10 printf("|-- ID --|---- name ----|"); 11 printf("classes|-math-|chinese|clanguage|Total score|\n"); 12 while(temp != NULL) 13 14 if(classes == temp->data.classes) 15 16 printf("| %-6d | %-12s | %-3d |", 17 temp->data.ID, temp->data.name, temp->data.classes); 18 printf("%-5.1f |%-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f |\n", 19 temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage,temp->data.math+temp->data.chinese+temp->data.clanguage); 20 21 temp = temp->pNext; 22 23 temp = NULL; 24
1 //按总成绩显示排序 2 void showClassSortList(Node *pHead, int classes) 3 4 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 5 6 perror("the list is empty!"); 7 return; 8 9 Node *temp = pHead->pNext; 10 printf(" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? %d班成绩排名一览? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?\n\n",classes); 11 printf("| 姓名 | 学号 | 数学 | 语文 | C语言 | 总分 |\n"); 12 while(temp != NULL) 13 14 if(classes == temp->data.classes) 15 16 printf("| %-12s | %-4d | %-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-6.1f |\n", 17 temp->data.name, temp->data.ID, 18 temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage, 19 (temp->data.math + temp->data.chinese + temp->data.clanguage)); 20 21 temp = temp->pNext; 22 23 temp = NULL; 24
1 //循环处理,将节点的数据域写入文件 2 void writeToFile(Node *pHead) 3 4 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 5 6 perror("NO data to write...\n"); 7 return; 8 9 FILE *fpw = fopen("student.txt", "w");//可读写方式 10 if(NULL == fpw) 11 12 perror("open file student,txt failed!\n"); 13 return; 14 15 16 Node *temp = pHead->pNext; 17 while(NULL != temp)//循环写入 18 19 fwrite(&temp->data, STU_LEN, 1, fpw); 20 temp = temp->pNext; 21 22 system("clear"); 23 puts("========文件保存成功!=========="); 24 fclose(fpw);//关闭文件 25 return; 26
1 //链表的读文件 2 Node* readFromFile(Node *pHead)//从文件中将数据读取并且建立一个链表 3 4 if(NULL == pHead) 5 6 perror("the head is NULL!"); 7 return NULL; 8 9 10 FILE *fpr = fopen("student.txt", "r");//以可读方式打开 11 if(NULL == fpr) 12 13 perror("Open file student.txt failed!"); 14 return NULL; 15 16 17 Node *newnode = NULL;//新建节点 18 StuInfo stuInfo;// 19 memset(&stuInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN);//空间初始化 20 while(fread(&stuInfo, STU_LEN, 1, fpr) > 0)//边读文件边建立链表 21 22 newnode = makeNode(); 23 newnode->data = stuInfo; 24 newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext; 25 pHead->pNext = newnode; 26 27 fclose(fpr);//关闭文件 28 return pHead;//返回链表的头结点 29
1 /*查找学生*/ 2 Node* findnode(Node *pHead, const int ID)//用于登录时显示登录信息 3 4 Node *p = makeNode(); 5 p = pHead; 6 while(p != NULL) 7 8 if(ID == p->data.ID) 9 break; 10 p = p->pNext; 11 12 if(p == NULL) 13 14 printf("ID输入错误或此学生信息未录入\n"); 15 16 return p; 17

/*student.c*/ #include "student.h" #define STU_LEN sizeof(StuInfo) #define NODE_LEN sizeof(Node) /*void main() Node *pHead = makeNode(); // for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // // printf("=====第 %d 个学生的信息=====\n",i+1); // headInsert(pHead); // // writeToFile(pHead); readFromFile(pHead); showList(pHead); */ /*创建链表节点*/ Node* makeNode() Node *newnode = (Node *)malloc(NODE_LEN);//为新节点分配空间 if(NULL == newnode)//容错处理,如果分配失败再次申请空间 newnode = (Node *)malloc(NODE_LEN); memset(&newnode->data, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); newnode->pNext = NULL; return newnode; /*学生信息初始化*/ StuInfo initData() StuInfo userInfo; Node *temp = makeNode(); Node *pHead = makeNode(); pHead = readFromFile(pHead); memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); getchar(); temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); while(temp != NULL)//防止学号重复 printf("\t\t\t\033[31m\033[1m学号重复,请重新录入\033[0m\033[33m\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); getchar(); temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); scanf("%s",userInfo.name); getchar(); strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入数学成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.math); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入语文成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.chinese); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入c语言成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.clanguage); getchar(); temp = NULL; pHead = NULL; return userInfo; /*修改学生信息*/ StuInfo modinitData(int stuID)//修改时学号可以和之前学号重复,但不能和其他人学号重复 StuInfo userInfo; Node *temp = makeNode(); Node *pHead = makeNode(); pHead = readFromFile(pHead); memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); getchar(); temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); while((temp != NULL) && (userInfo.ID != stuID)) printf("\t\t\t\033[31m\033[1m学号重复,请重新录入\033[0m\033[33m\n"); printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入学号:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); getchar(); temp = findstu(pHead,userInfo.ID); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); scanf("%s",userInfo.name); getchar(); strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入数学成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.math); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入语文成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.chinese); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t? 请输入c语言成绩:"); scanf("%f",&userInfo.clanguage); getchar(); return userInfo; /*链表操作之头插法*/ void headInsert(Node *pHead) if(NULL == pHead) perror("the list head is NULL!\n"); Node *newnode = makeNode(); newnode->data = initData();//保存数据 newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext;//讲新的节点指针指向头结点的下一个节点 pHead->pNext = newnode;//头指针指向新节点 newnode = NULL; /*遍历整个链表*/ void showList(Node *pHead) if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) perror("the list is empty!"); return; Node *temp = pHead->pNext; printf("|-- ID --|---- name ----|"); printf("classes|-math-|chinese|clanguage|Total score|\n"); while(temp != NULL) printf("| %-6d | %-12s | %-3d |", temp->data.ID, temp->data.name, temp->data.classes); printf("%-5.1f |%-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f |\n", temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage,temp->data.math+temp->data.chinese+temp->data.clanguage); temp = temp->pNext;//指向下一个节点 temp = NULL; //按班级遍历链表 void showClassList(Node *pHead, int classes) if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) perror("the list is empty!"); return; Node *temp = pHead->pNext; printf("|-- ID --|---- name ----|"); printf("classes|-math-|chinese|clanguage|Total score|\n"); while(temp != NULL) if(classes == temp->data.classes) printf("| %-6d | %-12s | %-3d |", temp->data.ID, temp->data.name, temp->data.classes); printf("%-5.1f |%-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f |\n", temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage,temp->data.math+temp->data.chinese+temp->data.clanguage); temp = temp->pNext; temp = NULL; //按总成绩显示排序 void showClassSortList(Node *pHead, int classes) if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) perror("the list is empty!"); return; Node *temp = pHead->pNext; printf(" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? %d班成绩排名一览? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?\n\n",classes); printf("| 姓名 | 学号 | 数学 | 语文 | C语言 | 总分 |\n"); while(temp != NULL) if(classes == temp->data.classes) printf("| %-12s | %-4d | %-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-5.1f | %-6.1f |\n", temp->data.name, temp->data.ID, temp->data.math, temp->data.chinese,temp->data.clanguage, (temp->data.math + temp->data.chinese + temp->data.clanguage)); temp = temp->pNext; temp = NULL; //循环处理,将节点的数据域写入文件 void writeToFile(Node *pHead) if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) perror("NO data to write...\n"); return; FILE *fpw = fopen("student.txt", "w");//可读写方式 if(NULL == fpw) perror("open file student,txt failed!\n"); return; Node *temp = pHead->pNext; while(NULL != temp)//循环写入 fwrite(&temp->data, STU_LEN, 1, fpw); temp = temp->pNext; system("clear"); puts("========文件保存成功!=========="); fclose(fpw);//关闭文件 return; //链表的读文件 Node* readFromFile(Node *pHead)//从文件中将数据读取并且建立一个链表 if(NULL == pHead) perror("the head is NULL!"); return NULL; FILE *fpr = fopen("student.txt", "r");//以可读方式打开 if(NULL == fpr) perror("Open file student.txt failed!"); return NULL; Node *newnode = NULL;//新建节点 StuInfo stuInfo;// memset(&stuInfo, ‘\0‘, STU_LEN);//空间初始化 while(fread(&stuInfo, STU_LEN, 1, fpr) > 0)//边读文件边建立链表 newnode = makeNode(); newnode->data = stuInfo; newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext; pHead->pNext = newnode; fclose(fpr);//关闭文件 return pHead;//返回链表的头结点 /*查找学生*/ Node* findnode(Node *pHead, const int ID)//用于登录时显示登录信息 Node *p = makeNode(); p = pHead; while(p != NULL) if(ID == p->data.ID) break; p = p->pNext; if(p == NULL) printf("ID输入错误或此学生信息未录入\n"); return p; /*录入查重*/ Node* findstu(Node *pHead, const int ID)//不打印信息 Node *p = makeNode(); p = pHead; while(p != NULL) if(ID == p->data.ID) break; p = p->pNext; return p;

1 #ifndef __TEACHER_H_ 2 #define __TEACHER_H_ 3 /*teacher.h*/ 4 5 #include <stdlib.h> 6 #include <stdio.h> 7 #include <string.h> 8 #include <malloc.h> 9 10 11 /****定义教师信息******/ 12 13 typedef struct teacherInfo 14 15 int ID;//教师工号 16 char name[16]; 17 char password[16]; 18 int age; 19 int classes; 20 char sex; 21 char position[16]; //班主任 head, 数学math 语文 chinese, C语言 clanguage; 22 TeaInfo; 23 24 25 /*定义教师链表结构*/ 26 typedef struct teacherNode 27 28 struct teacherInfo data; 29 struct teacherNode *pNext; 30 TeaNode; 31 32 33 34 #define TEA_LEN sizeof(TeaInfo) 35 #define TEANODE_LEN sizeof(TeaNode) 36 37 /*构建节点*/ 38 TeaNode* makeTeaNode(); 39 40 /*初始化教师信息*/ 41 TeaInfo initTeaData(); 42 43 /*教师头插法*/ 44 void teaheadInsert(TeaNode *pHead); 45 46 /*教师信息保存*/ 47 void writeToTeaFile(TeaNode *pHead); 48 49 /*教师信息遍历*/ 50 void showTeaList(TeaNode *pHead); 51 52 /*从文件中读取教师信息*/ 53 TeaNode* readFromTeaFile(TeaNode *pHead); 54 55 /*查找教师*/ 56 TeaNode* findteanode(TeaNode *pHead, const int ID); 57 58 /*录入查重*/ 59 TeaNode* findtea(TeaNode *pHead, const int ID); 60 61 /*修改初始化调用*/ 62 TeaInfo modinitTeaData(); 63 64 #endif

1 /*teacher.c*/ 2 3 4 #include "teacher.h" 5 6 #define TEA_LEN sizeof(TeaInfo) 7 #define TEANODE_LEN sizeof(TeaNode) 8 9 10 /*void main() 11 12 TeaNode *pHead = makeTeaNode(); 13 //for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 14 // 15 // printf("=====第 %d 个教师的信息=====\n",i+1); 16 // teaheadInsert(pHead); 17 // 18 //writeToTeaFile(pHead); 19 pHead = readFromTeaFile(pHead); 20 showTeaList(pHead); 21 */ 22 23 /*申请空间*/ 24 TeaNode* makeTeaNode() 25 26 TeaNode *newnode = (TeaNode *)malloc(TEANODE_LEN); 27 if(NULL == newnode) 28 29 newnode = (TeaNode *)malloc(TEANODE_LEN); 30 31 memset(&newnode->data, ‘\0‘, TEA_LEN); 32 newnode->pNext = NULL; 33 return newnode; 34 35 36 37 /*教师信息初始化*/ 38 TeaInfo initTeaData() 39 40 TeaInfo userInfo; 41 TeaNode *temp = makeTeaNode(); 42 TeaNode *pTHead = makeTeaNode(); 43 pTHead = readFromTeaFile(pTHead); 44 memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, TEA_LEN); 45 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入工号:"); 46 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 47 getchar(); 48 temp = findtea(pTHead,userInfo.ID); 49 while(temp != NULL) 50 51 printf("\t\t\t\033[31m\033[1m工号重复,请重新录入\033[0m\033[33m\n"); 52 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入工号:"); 53 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 54 getchar(); 55 temp = findtea(pTHead,userInfo.ID); 56 57 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); 58 scanf("%s",userInfo.name); 59 getchar(); 60 strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 61 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); 62 scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); 63 getchar(); 64 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); 65 scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); 66 getchar(); 67 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); 68 scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); 69 getchar(); 70 printf("\n\t\t\t? 请输入职位:"); 71 scanf("%s",userInfo.position); 72 getchar(); 73 return userInfo; 74 75 76 /*修改初始化调用*/ 77 TeaInfo modinitTeaData() 78 79 TeaInfo userInfo; 80 memset(&userInfo, ‘\0‘, TEA_LEN); 81 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入工号:"); 82 scanf("%d",&userInfo.ID); 83 getchar(); 84 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入姓名:"); 85 scanf("%s",userInfo.name); 86 getchar(); 87 strncpy(userInfo.password,"000000",6);//初始密码为000000 88 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入年龄:"); 89 scanf("%d",&userInfo.age); 90 getchar(); 91 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入班级:"); 92 scanf("%d",&userInfo.classes); 93 getchar(); 94 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入性别:"); 95 scanf("%c",&userInfo.sex); 96 getchar(); 97 printf("\t\t\t? 请输入职位:"); 98 scanf("%s",userInfo.position); 99 getchar(); 100 return userInfo; 101 102 103 /*教师头插法*/ 104 void teaheadInsert(TeaNode *pHead) 105 106 if(NULL == pHead) 107 108 perror("the teacher list head is NULL!\n"); 109 110 111 TeaNode *newnode = makeTeaNode(); 112 newnode->data = initTeaData(); 113 newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext; 114 pHead->pNext = newnode; 115 newnode = NULL; 116 117 118 /*遍历链表*/ 119 void showTeaList(TeaNode *pHead) 120 121 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 122 123 perror("the teacher list is empty!"); 124 return; 125 126 TeaNode *temp = pHead->pNext; 127 int i = 1; 128 printf("-- ID -- |---- name ----|-- password --|"); 129 printf("-age-|classes|sex|--position--|\n"); 130 while(temp != NULL) 131 132 printf("| %-6d | %-12s | %-12s |", 133 temp->data.ID, temp->data.name, temp->data.password); 134 printf(" %-3d | %-3d |%-3c| %-10s |\n", 135 temp->data.age,temp->data.classes, temp->data.sex, temp->data.position); 136 i++; 137 temp = temp->pNext; 138 139 temp = NULL; 140 return; 141 142 143 //循环处理,将节点的数据域写入文件 144 void writeToTeaFile(TeaNode *pHead) 145 146 if(NULL == pHead || NULL == pHead->pNext) 147 148 perror("NO teacher data to write...\n"); 149 return; 150 151 FILE *fpw = fopen("teacher.txt", "w"); 152 if(NULL == fpw) 153 154 perror("open file teacher.txt failed!\n"); 155 return; 156 157 158 TeaNode *temp = pHead->pNext; 159 while(NULL != temp) 160 161 fwrite(&temp->data, TEA_LEN, 1, fpw); 162 temp = temp->pNext; 163 164 system("clear"); 165 puts("========文件保存成功!=========="); 166 fclose(fpw); 167 return; 168 169 170 //链表的读文件 171 TeaNode* readFromTeaFile(TeaNode *pHead) 172 173 if(NULL == pHead) 174 175 perror("the teacher head is NULL!"); 176 return NULL; 177 178 179 FILE *fpr = fopen("teacher.txt", "r"); 180 if(NULL == fpr) 181 182 FILE *fpr = fopen("teacher.txt", "w"); 183 184 185 TeaNode *newnode = NULL; 186 TeaInfo teaInfo; 187 memset(&teaInfo, ‘\0‘, TEA_LEN); 188 while(fread(&teaInfo, TEA_LEN, 1, fpr) > 0) 189 190 newnode = makeTeaNode(); 191 newnode->data = teaInfo; 192 newnode->pNext = pHead->pNext; 193 pHead->pNext = newnode; 194 195 fclose(fpr); 196 return pHead; 197 198 199 /*查找教师*/ 200 TeaNode* findteanode(TeaNode *pHead, const int ID) 201 202 TeaNode *p = makeTeaNode(); 203 p = pHead; 204 while(p != NULL) 205 206 if(ID == p->data.ID) 207 break; 208 p = p->pNext; 209 210 if(p == NULL) 211 212 printf("ID输入错误或此教师信息未录入\n"); 213 214 return p; 215 216 217 /*录入查重*/ 218 TeaNode* findtea(TeaNode *pHead, const int ID) 219 220 TeaNode *p = makeTeaNode(); 221 p = pHead; 222 while(p != NULL) 223 224 if(ID == p->data.ID) 225 break; 226 p = p->pNext; 227 228 return p; 229