Posted *飞飞*
#文档字符串 def square(x): ‘calculates the square of the number x‘ return x*x square.__doc__ help(square) #列表做实参 #当2个变量同时引用一个列表时,他们的确是同时引一个列表用 #当在序列中做切片时,返回的切片总是一个副本 def change(x): x[0]=‘***‘ name1=[‘aaa‘,‘bbb‘] #[‘***‘, ‘bbb‘] name2=[‘aaa‘,‘bbb‘] #[‘aaa‘, ‘bbb‘] change(name1) change(name2[:]) print(name1,name2) #函数应用 def init(data): data[‘first‘]={} data[‘middle‘]={} data[‘end‘]={} def lookup(data,label,name): return data[label].get(name) def store(data,full_name): names=full_name.split(); if len(names)==2: names.insert(1,‘‘) labels=‘first‘,‘middle‘,‘end‘ for label,name in zip(labels,names): people=lookup(data,label,name) #print(people,full_name,label,name) if people: people.append(full_name) else: data[label][name]=[full_name] MyName={} init(MyName) store(MyName,‘Ma LIe Het‘) print(lookup(MyName,‘middle‘,‘LIe‘)) store(MyName,‘Robin Hood‘) store(MyName,‘Robin Loksley‘) print(lookup(MyName,‘first‘,‘Robin‘)) print(lookup(MyName,‘middle‘,‘‘)) #关键字参数,默认值 def hello(greet=‘hello‘,name=‘world‘): print(‘%s, %s‘ % (greet,name)) hello() hello(‘Greeting‘) hello(‘Greeting‘,‘CC‘) hello(name=‘CC‘) def hello_2(name,greet=‘hello‘): print(‘%s,%s‘ % (greet,name)) try: hello_2() #error missing 1 required positional argument: ‘name‘ except Exception as e: print(e) #收集参数 #*收集成元组 def print_1(*arg): print(arg) def print_2(name,*arg): print(name) print(arg) def print_3(*arg,name): print(arg) print(name) print_1(‘abc‘) #(‘abc‘,)元组 print_1(1,2,3) #(1,2,3) print_2(‘no‘) #no () try: print_3(1,2,3) #error except Exception as e: print(e) print_3(1,2,name=3) #OK #**收集[关键字参数]成字典 def print_para(**arg): #必须是关键字参数,不能是字典 print(arg) #arg变成了字典 print_para(x=1,y=2,z=3) #{‘z‘: 3, ‘y‘: 2, ‘x‘: 1} a={‘z‘: 3, ‘y‘: 2, ‘x‘: 1} try: print_para(a) #error 参数不能是字典,而应是关键字参数 except Exception as e: print(e) def print_dict(**arg): print(‘%(name)s, is %(job)s‘ % arg) print_dict(job=‘a‘,name=2) #2 is a def print_para_2(x,y=1,*p1,**p2): print(x,y) print(p1) print(p2) print_para_2(1,2,3,4,a=1,b=2) #1 2 (3,4) {‘a‘: 1, ‘b‘: 2} print_para_2(1) #1 1 () {} #拓展 def test(size): a,b=size try: test(1,2) #error test(1) #error except Exception as e: print(e) a=(1,2) test(a) #OK try: test(*a) #error except Exception as e: print(e) #参数反转 #*号只在定义函数或调用时才有用 def add(a,b): return a+b t=(1,2) add(*t) #t元素个数要与add参数个数一致 def hello_2(name,greet=‘hello‘): print(‘%s,%s‘ % (greet,name)) t={‘greet‘:‘Well‘,‘name‘:‘CC‘} hello_2(**t) #t元素个数要与hello_2个数一致,对应 print(‘---嵌套函数---‘) def f1(x): print("x=",x) def f2(y): print(‘x=‘,x,‘y=‘,y) return x*y return f2 f1(2)(3) #x=2 m=f1(2) m(3)
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