
Posted equinox-flower









你考虑有两个\(0\),一个的位置是\(i\),另一个是\(j\),且满足\(i < j\).







#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#define MEM(x,y) memset ( x , y , sizeof ( x ) )
#define rep(i,a,b) for (int i = a ; i <= b ; ++ i)
#define per(i,a,b) for (int i = a ; i >= b ; -- i)
#define pii pair < int , int >
#define X first
#define Y second
#define rint read<int>
#define int long long
#define pb push_back
#define ls ( rt << 1 )
#define rs ( rt << 1 | 1 )
#define mid ( ( l + r ) >> 1 )
using std::set ;
using std::pair ;
using std::max ;
using std::min ;
using std::priority_queue ;
using std::vector ;
template < class T >
    inline T read () 
        T x = 0 , f = 1 ; char ch = getchar () ;
        while ( ch < '0' || ch > '9' ) 
            if ( ch == '-' ) f = - 1 ;
            ch = getchar () ;
        while ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) 
            x = ( x << 3 ) + ( x << 1 ) + ( ch - 48 ) ;
            ch = getchar () ;
   return f * x ;

const int N = 2e5 + 100 ;
const int inf = 1e12 ;
struct seg  int left , right , data , pos , tag ;  t[(N<<2)] ;
int n , v[N] ;
inline void pushup (int rt) 
    t[rt].data = min ( t[ls].data , t[rs].data ) ;
    if ( t[ls].data < t[rs].data ) t[rt].pos = t[ls].pos ;
    else t[rt].pos = t[rs].pos ;
    return ;

inline void build (int rt ,  int l , int r) 
    t[rt].left = l ; t[rt].right = r ; t[rt].tag = 0 ;
    if ( l == r )  t[rt].data = v[l] ; t[rt].pos = l ; return ; 
    build ( ls , l , mid ) ; build ( rs , mid + 1 , r ) ;
    pushup ( rt ) ; return ;

inline void pushdown (int rt) 
    t[ls].tag += t[rt].tag ; t[rs].tag += t[rt].tag ;
    t[ls].data += t[rt].tag ; t[rs].data += t[rt].tag ;
    t[rt].tag = 0 ; return ;

inline pii query (int rt , int ll , int rr) 
    int l = t[rt].left , r = t[rt].right ;
    if ( ll == l && r == rr ) return  t[rt].data , t[rt].pos  ;
    if ( t[rt].tag != 0 ) pushdown ( rt ) ;
    if ( rr <= mid ) return query ( ls , ll , rr ) ;
    else if ( ll > mid ) return query ( rs , ll , rr ) ;
        pii lans = query ( ls , ll , mid ) ;
        pii rans = query ( rs , mid + 1 , rr ) ;
        if ( lans.X < rans.X ) return lans ;
        else return rans ;

inline void update (int rt , int ll , int rr , int val) 
    int l = t[rt].left , r = t[rt].right ;
    if ( ll == l && r == rr )  t[rt].tag += val ; t[rt].data += val ; return ; 
    if ( t[rt].tag != 0 ) pushdown ( rt ) ;
    if ( rr <= mid ) update ( ls , ll , rr , val ) ;
    else if ( ll > mid ) update ( rs , ll , rr , val ) ;
    else  update ( ls , ll , mid , val ) ; update ( rs , mid + 1 , rr , val ) ;  
    pushup ( rt ) ; return ;

signed main (int argc , char * argv[] ) 
    n = rint () ; rep ( i , 1 , n ) v[i] = rint () ;
    build ( 1 , 1 , n ) ; int idx = 0 ;
    while ( true ) 
        pii tmp = query ( 1 , 1 , n ) ;
        v[tmp.Y] = ++ idx ;
        update ( 1 , tmp.Y , n , - idx ) ;
        update ( 1 , tmp.Y , tmp.Y , inf ) ;
        if ( idx >= n ) break ;
    rep ( i , 1 , n ) printf ("%I64d " , v[i] ) ;
    return 0 ;


Codeforces Round #524 (Div. 2) codeforces 1080A~1080F



Codeforces 1208D Restore Permutation

CodeForces - 1208F Bits And Pieces(SOSdp+贪心)

Codeforces 1208F Bits And Pieces 位运算 + 贪心 + dp