Posted shihuc
1 @ConditionalOnBean
1.1 基本使用案例
@Component @ConditionalOnBean(name="aBean") public class BBean private final ABean aBean; public BBean(ABean aBean) // ...
1.2 使用说明
2 @ConditionalOnMissingBean
2.1 基本案例
@Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "notExistsBean") public BeanToCreate createOneBean() return new BeanToCreate("notExistsBean");
2.2 使用说明
3 @ConditionalOnClass
3.1 基本使用案例
@Bean @ConditionalOnClass(DependedClz.class) public InjectIfClzExists injectIfClzExists() return new InjectIfClzExists("dependedClz");
3.2 使用说明
4 @ConditionalOnMissingClass
4.1 使用案例
@Bean @ConditionalOnMissingClass("com.shihuc.bean.clz.DependedClz") public InjectIfClzNotExists injectIfClzNotExists() return new InjectIfClzNotExists("com.shihuc.bean.clz.DependedClz");
4.2 使用说明
5 @ConditionalOnProperty
5.1 基本使用案例
#..... section.condition_field=noti section.condition_property=test #...
@Bean @ConditionalOnProperty("section.condition_field") public PropertyExistBean propertyExistBean() return new PropertyExistBean("section.condition_field");
5.2 使用说明
5.3 扩展用法
5.3.1 注解定义
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target( ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD ) @Documented @Conditional(OnPropertyCondition.class) public @interface ConditionalOnProperty /** * Alias for @link #name(). * @return the names * 注意,这个value和name不能同时使用 */ String[] value() default ; /** * A prefix that should be applied to each property. The prefix automatically ends * with a dot if not specified. * @return the prefix */ String prefix() default ""; /** * The name of the properties to test. If a prefix has been defined, it is applied to * compute the full key of each property. For instance if the prefix is * @code app.config and one value is @code my-value, the full key would be * @code app.config.my-value * <p> * Use the dashed notation to specify each property, that is all lower case with a "-" * to separate words (e.g. @code my-long-property). * @return the names */ String[] name() default ; /** * The string representation of the expected value for the properties. If not * specified, the property must <strong>not</strong> be equal to @code false. * @return the expected value */ String havingValue() default ""; /** * Specify if the condition should match if the property is not set. Defaults to * @code false. * @return if should match if the property is missing */ boolean matchIfMissing() default false;
@Bean("dddd") @ConditionalOnProperty(value="aaa.bbbb", havingValue="ccc") public DDDD propertyExistBean() return new DDDD("aaa.bbb");
6 @ConditionalOnExpression
6.1 使用案例
@Bean @ConditionalOnExpression("#‘true‘.equals(environment[‘conditional.flag‘])") public ExpressTrueBean expressTrueBean() return new ExpressTrueBean("express true");
6.2 使用说明
第二大点: spring基于Condition接口和@Conditional注解进行注入bean
1 @Conditional注解定义
//此注解可以标注在类和方法上 @Target(ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface Conditional /** * All @link Conditions that must @linkplain Condition#matches match * in order for the component to be registered. */ Class<? extends Condition>[] value();
2 Condition是什么?
@FunctionalInterface public interface Condition /** * Determine if the condition matches. * @param context the condition context * @param metadata metadata of the @link org.springframework.core.type.AnnotationMetadata class * or @link org.springframework.core.type.MethodMetadata method being checked * @return @code true if the condition matches and the component can be registered, * or @code false to veto the annotated component‘s registration */ boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata);
3. 使用案例
3.1 配置文件参数
#温度数据,摄氏温度 conditional.prop.temp=29 #湿度数据,百分比,这里不带百分号,相当于扩大100倍,使用的时候除以100 conditional.prop.humi=51
3.2 定义bean
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 16:17 */ public interface HeWoBean public String toString();
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 15:52 */ public class HelloBean implements HeWoBean public String getHhh() return hhh; public void setHhh(String hhh) this.hhh = hhh; public String getEee() return eee; public void setEee(String eee) this.eee = eee; String hhh; String eee; public HelloBean(String hh, String ee) this.hhh = hh; this.eee = ee; @Override public String toString() return this.hhh + ", " + this.eee;
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 15:54 */ public class WorldBean implements HeWoBean public String getWww() return www; public void setWww(String www) this.www = www; public String getOoo() return ooo; public void setOoo(String ooo) this.ooo = ooo; String www; String ooo; public WorldBean(String ww, String oo) this.www = ww; this.ooo = oo; @Override public String toString() return this.www + ", " + this.ooo;
3. condition接口实现类及@Conditional应用
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 9:08 * @Description: 配置信息中,温度和湿度条件满足的时候,即当温度temp大于30度,湿度大于50%,启用Linux */ public class LinuxTime implements Condition @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) String tempStr = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("conditional.prop.temp"); float temp = Float.valueOf(tempStr); String humiStr = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("conditional.prop.humi"); float humi = Float.valueOf(humiStr); if(temp > 30 && humi > 60) return true; return false;
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 9:07 * @Description: 配置信息中,温度和湿度条件满足的时候,即当温度temp小于30度,湿度小于50%,启用windows */ public class WindowsTime implements Condition @Override public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) String tempStr = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("conditional.prop.temp"); float temp = Float.valueOf(tempStr); String humiStr = context.getEnvironment().getProperty("conditional.prop.humi"); float humi = Float.valueOf(humiStr); if(temp < 30 && humi < 60) return true; return false;
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 15:50 */ @Configuration public class MyConditional @Bean("mybean") @Conditional(LinuxTime.class) public HelloBean createHello() return new HelloBean("hello", "Linux"); @Bean("mybean") @Conditional(WindowsTime.class) public WorldBean createWorld() return new WorldBean("world", "Windows");
/** * @Author: chengsh05 * @Date: 2019/8/29 16:03 */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/condition") public class ConditionalController @Autowired @Qualifier("mybean") private HeWoBean myBean; @RequestMapping("/check") @ResponseBody public void check() System.out.println("///||||\\\\ ==> " + myBean.toString());
///||||\\ ==> world, Windows
1. 基于springboot内置的条件注解,开发一些应用,基于某种条件进行bean的注入还是很方便的,基本可以解决大部分常见场景需求。
2. 基于内置的条件注入注解的组合使用,可以实现多条件约束的bean的注入需求,只有多个条件注入条件都成立时,对应的bean才会被注入到spring的容器。
3. 内置注解不管单独用还是组合使用,都不能搞定你的应用需求,那么可以选择实现condition接口,基于@Conditional注解来自己完成条件注入的需求了。
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