uipath orchestrator installation
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了uipath orchestrator installation相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

UiPath Orchestrator Installation
In this tutorials, you will learn step by step uipath orchestrator installation.UiPath Orchestrator is a centralized robot management dashboard where you can easily deploy, secure, and manage your UiPath Robots at scale.
System Requirement
Orchestrator Server
- Windows Server Operating System – minimum required version: 2008 R2 SP1. Check the Software Requirements for the other supported versions.
- PowerShell – minimum required version: 4.0. To download PowerShell version 4.0, visit this link and install Windows Management Framework 4.0.
- .NET Framework – minimum required version: 4.6.1. To find out which .NET version is installed on your computer, please see Finding the Installed .NET Version.
- IIS – minimum required version: 7.5. this is part of the Web Server (IIS) role and is automatically enabled by the provided
script. - URL Rewrite – Enables the website to redirect the calls to https (
), instead of Http (http://servername
). Please download and install the URL Rewrite by accessing this link. - Server Roles and Features. We provide a PowerShell script,
, that automatically adds the required roles and features to the application server(s). The list of roles and features is presented in Server Roles and Features. Please note that this chapter is for informational purposes only. The archive containing the script and the XML file can be downloaded here. - Web-Deploy extension – minimum required version: 3.5, 64bit version. Please note that this is required only for PowerShell script installations, such as the Azure one. Enables you to deploy a website. Please download and install Web Deploy Extension 3.5 by accessing this link
Orchestrator Installation
After installing all pre-requisites, check the database is accessible from the Orchestrator server/not. It should be accessible.
Step 1: Open the Uipath Exe.
Check on Accept terms and click on the “Advanced” button.
You can see 3 things available installation:
- Studio– For
Development of workflows - Robot–
Execution of bot on target VM where bots are actually going to run (Target VM) - Orchestrator
Website– Monitor and schedule jobs/robots (Orchestrator server)
If you only install Orchestrator, Select “Entire feature will be installed on the local hard drive” from Orchestrator website option and select “Entire feature will be unavailable” for others two (Studio, Robot).
Next Step: Click Next
Please follow the steps given at below link to install
Orchestrator (Single Node) as given at below link: https://orchestrator.uipath.com/docs/the-windows-installer
Studio Installation/Robot
Select “Entire feature will be installed on the local hard drive” from Studio and robot option. Then click next.
SSL Certificate Installation
UiPath needs the SSL certificate to be installed on target VM. This is required robots can communicate with Orchestrator. Perform the below steps.
- Try to access Orchestrator URL in the browser on target VM. If it is not accessible, please liaise with your network/IT team to get access.
- It will give the error as a “security certificate not installed”. Click on it as below:
->Click View certificate -> Install certificate
->Select Local machine. Click on Next.
->Install license in “Trusted Root Certificate Authority” as below:
- Click Finish. It will show the message “Import is successful”
- Refresh orchestrator URL.
- Run C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe. Open UIRobot icon from System Tray.
- Click on UIRobot settings
- Mention Orchestrator URL and robot key. Click on connect. It should show “Status: Connected”.
License Activation and Uploading
Activate Orchestrator by following steps given at below link: https://orchestrator.uipath.com/docs/activating-and-uploading-your-license
After successful activation, you can see the expiry date of the license after logging in to Orchestrator.
UiPath creates a “default” tenant. If you want to create a new tenant click on “Become A Tenant” button:
Uipath Orchestrator Installation PDF Download
以上是关于uipath orchestrator installation的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
UiPath Studio Community如何连接orchestrator (Level2讲解)
uipath Orchestrator集群部署与高可用HAA部署简介