SublimeText 括号插件 Bracket Highlighter高亮设置

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SublimeText 括号插件 Bracket Highlighter高亮设置相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



1. ctrl + shift + p,打开命令面板,输入install,在菜单中选择Package Control:Install Package如图

2. 步骤1后弹出的命令输入框中 输入:BracketHighlighter, 同样选择BracketHighlighter项,回车即可安装

3. 安装完成后,点击菜单栏的【Preferences】->【Package Settings】->【BracketHighlighter】->【Bracket Settings】

4. 在弹出的窗口中, 全选左侧的文件并复制粘贴到右侧的user文件中,保存

5.  大概在661行,将"bracket_styles"中的style改为hightlight,如下:


    "bracket_styles": {
        // `default` and `unmatched` styles are special
        // styles. If they are not defined here,
        // they will be generated internally with
        // internal defaults.

        // `default` style defines attributes that
        // will be used for any style that does not
        // explicitly define that attribute.  So if
        // a style does not define a color, it will
        // use the color from the "default" style.
        "default": {
            "icon": "dot",
            // Support the old convention of `brackethighlighter.default`
            // for themes that already provide something.
            // As this has always been the only one we‘ve provided
            // by default, all the others will use region-ish colors.
            "color": "region.yellowish brackethighlighter.default",
            "style": "highlight"  这里修改该值。

6. 高亮的颜色默认是白色的,修改右侧的default->,默认的Monokai主题下会变成绿色  ,这个步骤可以省略

7.  步骤6保存后,回到编辑器中,输入{} [] ()进行测试

以上是关于SublimeText 括号插件 Bracket Highlighter高亮设置的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


Bracket Match Problem(括号匹配问题)

Bracket Sequences Concatenation Problem CodeForces - 990C(括号匹配水题)

Gym 240084E - Correct Bracket Sequence Editor - [线段树]

Least Cost Bracket Sequence 思维

CF 612C. Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence括号匹配