Posted rentu
求在流量为 F 时费用的最小值
在最大流中提到,每次增广都是在残余网络中通过询问 s 至 t 的残余网络进行增广
1 设有 f 为以以上方式求出的结果, 设 f ’ 和 f 流量相同,但是费用更少
因为 f ‘ - f 的流量流入流出为 0,所以他是成环的
又因为 f ’ - f 的费用是负的,所以在这些环中,存在负环
结论:f 是最小费用流 <====> 残余网络中没有负环
2 对于流量为 0 的流 f0 ,其残余网络为原图,原图没有负环,则f0 就是最小费用流
设流量为i 的流 fi 是最小流,并且下一步我们求得流量为 i + 1的流 f[i+1],按照方法,f[ i + 1 ] - f [ i ]就是 f[ i ]对应的参余网络中 s 到 t 的最短路
假设 f [ i + 1 ] ‘ 的费用比 f [ i + 1 ]还小,则 f [ i + 1 ] ‘- f [ i ] 的费用比f[ i + 1 ] - f [ i ] 还小,所以f [ i + 1 ] ‘- f [ i ] 中有负环

// luogu-judger-enable-o2 #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<queue> #include<cstring> #define ll long long using namespace std; const int MAXN = 50010; const int MAXM = 100010; const ll INF = (1ll << 62) - 1; typedef pair<int, int> P; struct note int to; int nt; int rev; ll cost; ll cal; ; struct edge note arr[MAXM]; int st[MAXN]; ll dis[MAXN]; ll h[MAXN]; int cur[MAXN]; int depth[MAXN]; int pre[MAXN]; int pree[MAXN]; int top; int n, m, s, t; edge() memset(st, -1, sizeof(st)); memset(depth, -1, sizeof(depth)); memset(dis, -1, sizeof(dis)); top = 0; void read() top = 0; scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &s, &t); for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) int x, y; ll z,c; scanf("%d%d%lld%lld", &x, &y, &z,&c); add(x, y, z,c); bool dep() queue<int> q; q.push(s); memset(depth, -1, sizeof(depth)); depth[s] = 0; while (!q.empty()) int v = q.front(); q.pop(); for (int i = st[v]; i != -1; i = arr[i].nt) int to = arr[i].to; if (!arr[i].cal) continue; if (depth[to] != -1) continue; depth[to] = depth[v] + 1; q.push(to); return (depth[t] != -1); void add(int x, int y, ll z,ll c) top++; arr[top] = y,st[x],top + 1,c,z ; st[x] = top; top++; arr[top] = x,st[y],top - 1,-c,0 ; st[y] = top; ll dfs(int now, ll val) if (now == t || !val) return val; ll flow = 0; for (int& i = cur[now]; i != -1; i = arr[i].nt) int to = arr[i].to; if (depth[to] != depth[now] + 1) continue; ll f = dfs(to, min(arr[i].cal, val)); if (!f || !arr[i].cal) continue; flow += f; arr[i].cal -= f; arr[arr[i].rev].cal += f; val -= f; if (!val) return flow; return flow; ll dinic() ll flow = 0; ll f; while (dep()) for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cur[i] = st[i]; while (f = dfs(s, INF)) flow += f; return flow; ll min_cost(ll f) ll res = 0; while (f > 0) fill(dis, dis + 1 + n, INF); priority_queue<P, vector<P>, greater<P>> q; dis[s] = 0; q.push(P(0, s)); while (!q.empty()) P p = q.top(); q.pop(); int v = p.second; if (dis[v] < p.first) continue; for (int i = st[v]; i != -1; i = arr[i].nt) note &e = arr[i]; if (e.cal > 0 && dis[e.to] > dis[v] + e.cost + h[v] - h[e.to]) dis[e.to] = dis[v] + e.cost + h[v] - h[e.to]; pre[e.to] = v; pree[e.to] = i; q.push(P(dis[e.to],e.to)); if (dis[t] == INF) return -1; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) h[i] += dis[i]; ll d = f; //printf("2\\n"); for (int i = t; i != s; i = pre[i]) d = min(d, arr[pree[i]].cal); f -= d; res += d * h[t]; for (int i = t; i != s; i = pre[i]) arr[pree[i]].cal -= d;; int rev = arr[pree[i]].rev; arr[rev].cal += d; //printf("3\\n"); return res; ; edge road; edge tmp; int main() int T; road.read(); tmp = road; ll f = tmp.dinic(); printf("%lld ", f); printf("%lld", road.min_cost(f)); return 0;