Posted yangchin9
1、 wxml 页面
<button class=‘btn btn-theme‘ bindtap=‘setSaveImage‘>保存图片到本地</button> <!-- 使用画布站位--> <canvas hidden="canvasHidden" canvas-id=‘imageCanvas‘class=‘imageCanvas‘ style=‘width:canvasWidthpx; height:canvasHeightpx‘ disable-scroll=‘true‘> </canvas>
2、 js文件绑定方法
/** * 保存图片到本地 */ setSaveImage:function(e) var that = this; wx.showLoading( title: ‘图片生成中...‘, ) var res = ‘‘; //调用画图方法 that.drawImages(); , /** * 画图方法 */ drawImages:function() let that = this; // console.log(that.data); that.canvasHidden = false; //轮播图图片 // var banner_image = that.data.imgUrls[0]; //网络图片地址无法用画布截取到,故使用微信获取图片信息的接口,来设置网络图片地址 that.getImageInfo(that.data.imgUrls[0]); //二维码图片 var qrcode_image = that.data.imagePath; //标题 var title = that.data.goodsInfo.title; let context = wx.createCanvasContext(‘imageCanvas‘, that); context.setFillStyle(‘#fff‘); //绘制矩形的宽高 context.fillRect(0, 0, 375, 356); //绘制轮播图 context.drawImage(that.data.banner_image_url, 0, 0, 375,180); //绘制标题 context.setFontSize(14); context.setFillStyle("#000") context.fillText(title, 26, 228) //绘制描述 //绘制二维码图 x y width height context.drawImage(qrcode_image, 228, 200, 130, 130); // context.draw(); context.draw(false,that.drawCallBack); , /** * 绘制画布回调函数 */ drawCallBack:function() var that = this wx.canvasToTempFilePath( // x:0, // y:0, // width: that.data.canvasWidth, // height: that.data.canvasHeight, canvasId: ‘imageCanvas‘, fileType: ‘jpg‘, success: function (res) var shareImg = res.tempFilePath; // console.log(shareImg) wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum( filePath: res.tempFilePath, success(res) wx.hideLoading(); wx.showToast( title: ‘保存成功‘, icon: ‘success‘, duration: 2000 ); ) , fail: function (res) cosole.log(res, ‘<-fail res‘) ) , /** * 设置画布宽高 */ setCanvasSize:function() var that = this; wx.getSystemInfo( success: function (res) console.log(res); var myCanvasWidth = res.windowWidth; var myCanvasHeight = res.windowHeight; that.setData( canvasWidth: myCanvasWidth, canvasHeight: myCanvasHeight ); , ) , /** * 根据url获取图片信息 */ getImageInfo(ewmbgurl) if (typeof ewmbgurl === ‘string‘) var that = this; wx.getImageInfo( // 小程序获取图片信息API src: ewmbgurl, success: function (res) that.setData( banner_image_url: res.path ) , fail(err) console.log(err) ) ,
/** * x => x坐标 * y => y坐标 * width => 矩形宽 * height => 矩形高 */ context.fillRect(0, 0, 375, 356); /** * x => x坐标 * y => y坐标 */ context.fillText(title, 26, 228) /** * img_url => 图片地址 * x => x坐标 * y => y坐标 * width => 矩形宽 * height => 矩形高 */ context.drawImage(qrcode_image, 228, 200, 130, 130); /** * boolean => 是否接着上次绘制 * that.drawCallBack => 回调函数 */ context.draw(false,that.drawCallBack);
1. 图片地址如果是网络地址,可能会出现在ide中可以正常截图,但是在手机上变成空白,所以建议使用上面 获取图片信息的方法 2. 画布截图的宽高以及位置可根据自己的需求进行修改 3. 由于获取图片信息方法是异步通知,所以画布的后续操作可以放在success 里面操作
wx:if 跟 canvas绘图 一起使用的bug 微信小程序 canvas 绘图的踩坑