Hands On Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Hands On Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
2. Game Loop and Update Method
1. Unity Engine Architecture
2. Game Loop and Update Method
3. Prototype

public interface iCopyable iCopyalbe Copy(); public class Enemy: MonoBehaviour, iCopyable public iCopyable Copy() return Instantiate(this); public class Sniper: Enemy public void Shoot() // Implement shooting functionality public class Drone: Enemy public void Fly() // Implement flying functionality public void Fire() // Implement laser fire functionality. public class EnemySpawner: MonoBehaviour public iCopyable m_Copy; public Enmey SpawnEnemy(Enemy prototype) m_Copy = prototype.Copy(); return (Enemy)m_Copy; public class Client: MonoBehaviour public Drone m_Drone; public Sniper m_Sniper; public EnemySpawner m_Spawner; private Enemy m_Spawn; private int m_IncrementorDrone = 0; private int m_IncrementorSniper = 0; public void Update() if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) m_Spawn = m_Spawner.SpawnEnemy(m_Drone); m_Spawn.name = "Drone_Clone_" + ++m_IncrementorDrone; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) m_Spawn = m_Spawner.SpawnEnemy(m_Sniper); m_Spawn.name = "Sniper_Clone_" + ++m_IncrementorSniper;
4. The Factory Method

public enum NPCType Farmer, Beggar, Shopowner public interface INPC void Speak(); public class Farmer: INPC public void Speak() Debug.Log("Farmer: You reap what you sow!"); public class Beggar: INPC public void Speak() Debug.Log("Beggar: Do you have some change to spare?"); public class Shopowner: INPC public void Speak() Debug.Log("Shopowner: Do you wish to purchase something"); public class NPCFactory: MonoBehaviour public INPC GetNPC(NPCType type) switch (type) case NPCType.Beggar: INPC beggar = new Beggar(); return beggar; case NPCType.Farmer: INPC farmer = new Farmer(); return farmer; case NPCType.Shopowner: INPC shopowner = new Shopowner(); return shopowner; return null; public class NPCSpanwer: MonoBehaviour public NPCFactory m_Factory; private INPC m_Farmer; private INPC m_Beggar; private INPC m_Shopowner; public void SpawnVillagers() m_Beggar = m_Factory.GetNPC(NPCType.Beggar); m_Farmer = m_Factory.GetNPC(NPCType.Farmer); m_Shopowner = m_Factory.GetNPC(NPCType.Shopowner); m_Beggar.Speak(); m_Farmer.Speak(); m_Shopowner.Speak(); public class Client: MonoBehaviour public NPCSpanwer m_SpawnerNPC; public void Update() if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) m_SpawnerNPC.SpawnVillagers();
5. Abstract Factory
6. Singleton
7. Strategy
8. Command
9. Observer
10. State
11. Visitor
12. Facade
13. Adapter
14. Decorator
15. Event Bus
16. Service Locator
17. Dependency Injection
18. Object Pool
19. Spatial Partition
20. The Anti-Patterns
以上是关于Hands On Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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