
Posted laonicc



docker的命令分两类Management CommandsCommands

Management Commands是对docker里的对象进行管理的

[[email protected] docker_test]# docker

Usage:    docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND

A self-sufficient runtime for containers

      --config string      Location of client config files (default "/root/.docker")
  -D, --debug              Enable debug mode
  -H, --host list          Daemon socket(s) to connect to
  -l, --log-level string   Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") (default "info")
      --tls                Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert string   Trust certs signed only by this CA (default "/root/.docker/ca.pem")
      --tlscert string     Path to TLS certificate file (default "/root/.docker/cert.pem")
      --tlskey string      Path to TLS key file (default "/root/.docker/key.pem")
      --tlsverify          Use TLS and verify the remote
  -v, --version            Print version information and quit

Management Commands:
  builder     Manage builds
  config      Manage Docker configs
  container   Manage containers
  engine      Manage the docker engine
  image       Manage images
  network     Manage networks
  node        Manage Swarm nodes
  plugin      Manage plugins
  secret      Manage Docker secrets
  service     Manage services
  stack       Manage Docker stacks
  swarm       Manage Swarm
  system      Manage Docker
  trust       Manage trust on Docker images
  volume      Manage volumes

  attach      Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
  build       Build an image from a Dockerfile
  commit      Create a new image from a containers changes
  cp          Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
  create      Create a new container
  diff        Inspect changes to files or directories on a containers filesystem
  events      Get real time events from the server
  exec        Run a command in a running container
  export      Export a containers filesystem as a tar archive
  history     Show the history of an image
  images      List images
  import      Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
  info        Display system-wide information
  inspect     Return low-level information on Docker objects
  kill        Kill one or more running containers
  load        Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
  login       Log in to a Docker registry
  logout      Log out from a Docker registry
  logs        Fetch the logs of a container
  pause       Pause all processes within one or more containers
  port        List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
  ps          List containers
  pull        Pull an image or a repository from a registry
  push        Push an image or a repository to a registry
  rename      Rename a container
  restart     Restart one or more containers
  rm          Remove one or more containers
  rmi         Remove one or more images
  run         Run a command in a new container
  save        Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
  search      Search the Docker Hub for images
  start       Start one or more stopped containers
  stats       Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
  stop        Stop one or more running containers
  tag         Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
  top         Display the running processes of a container
  unpause     Unpause all processes within one or more containers
  update      Update configuration of one or more containers
  version     Show the Docker version information
  wait        Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes

Run docker COMMAND --help for more information on a command.
[[email protected] docker_test]#


[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -a #查看所有container
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
1c4586fe95ee        centos              "/bin/bash"         18 minutes ago      Exited (127) 16 seconds ago                         agitated_banzai
7b1a19f1db72        bigni/test3         "/"        26 minutes ago      Exited (0) 26 minutes ago                           quizzical_elgamal
8c3e652d7321        bigni/test3         "/"        26 minutes ago      Exited (0) 26 minutes ago                           xenodochial_diffie
80e6e373f1d4        cfbfd0a29d1c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (0) About an hour ago                        dreamy_mendel
934e574a077d        e2b5b08cc31c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (1) About an hour ago                        nostalgic_lehmann
871a7d62acc1        f5620b92331c        "/soeasy2"          About an hour ago   Exited (15) About an hour ago                       serene_spence
72fd56c76100        hello-world         "/hello"            44 hours ago        Exited (0) 44 hours ago                             trusting_pasteur
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker rm 1c4586fe95ee #通过container id 删除container,
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
7b1a19f1db72        bigni/test3         "/"        28 minutes ago      Exited (0) 28 minutes ago                           quizzical_elgamal
8c3e652d7321        bigni/test3         "/"        28 minutes ago      Exited (0) 28 minutes ago                           xenodochial_diffie
80e6e373f1d4        cfbfd0a29d1c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (0) About an hour ago                        dreamy_mendel
934e574a077d        e2b5b08cc31c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (1) About an hour ago                        nostalgic_lehmann
871a7d62acc1        f5620b92331c        "/soeasy2"          About an hour ago   Exited (15) About an hour ago                       serene_spence
72fd56c76100        hello-world         "/hello"            44 hours ago        Exited (0) 44 hours ago                             trusting_pasteur
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker rm 7b #只要能区分,container id可以不写全
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
8c3e652d7321        bigni/test3         "/"        30 minutes ago      Exited (0) 30 minutes ago                           xenodochial_diffie
80e6e373f1d4        cfbfd0a29d1c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (0) About an hour ago                        dreamy_mendel
934e574a077d        e2b5b08cc31c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (1) About an hour ago                        nostalgic_lehmann
871a7d62acc1        f5620b92331c        "/soeasy2"          About an hour ago   Exited (15) About an hour ago                       serene_spence
72fd56c76100        hello-world         "/hello"            44 hours ago        Exited (0) 44 hours ago                             trusting_pasteur
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker ps -a #通过docker提供的commands 可以做到manager commands的效果,还简便些。
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
8c3e652d7321        bigni/test3         "/"        31 minutes ago      Exited (0) 31 minutes ago                           xenodochial_diffie
80e6e373f1d4        cfbfd0a29d1c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (0) About an hour ago                        dreamy_mendel
934e574a077d        e2b5b08cc31c        "/"        About an hour ago   Exited (1) About an hour ago                        nostalgic_lehmann
871a7d62acc1        f5620b92331c        "/soeasy2"          About an hour ago   Exited (15) About an hour ago                       serene_spence
72fd56c76100        hello-world         "/hello"            44 hours ago        Exited (0) 44 hours ago                             trusting_pasteur
[[email protected] docker_test]#


[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -qa #q参数和下面awk过滤效果类似
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -a | awk print$1
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker rm $(docker container ls -qa) #删除
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
[[email protected] docker_test]# 


[[email protected] docker_test]# docker image ls 
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
bigni/test3         latest              cfbfd0a29d1c        About an hour ago   202MB
bigni/test2         latest              e2b5b08cc31c        About an hour ago   36B
bigni/test1         latest              f5620b92331c        2 hours ago         861kB
ubuntu              14.04               2c5e00d77a67        7 weeks ago         188MB
centos              latest              9f38484d220f        3 months ago        202MB
hello-world         latest              fce289e99eb9        6 months ago        1.84kB
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker rmi bigni/test3 #通过repository删除
Untagged: bigni/test3:latest
Deleted: sha256:cfbfd0a29d1c13e7596dde977374fff34c384f65a50d80da4ffc9e8ae36a00fc
Deleted: sha256:9ae6ad56171a30de3d9f27c0015c5aaed332a82102bcae740ad50aee7145937f
Deleted: sha256:570ed3f49567e40d1810b6f29d951f09ad174132d83faef52b9a37b274a9402a
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker rmi e2b5b08cc31c #通过image id 删除
Untagged: bigni/test2:latest
Deleted: sha256:e2b5b08cc31c1ff0cfe13c94725ea658c08d1a222b25fd1bb979ff8fab04203e
Deleted: sha256:93d27c3e1b5b3ff9b4f9ce40af601bfb2dc26f29de06c129b6b28d4edc9098d5
Deleted: sha256:af79ac887464a533529523d6e2e8b780768de102ad87db7587c078dc0db1428e
[[email protected] docker_test]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
bigni/test1         latest              f5620b92331c        2 hours ago         861kB
ubuntu              14.04               2c5e00d77a67        7 weeks ago         188MB
centos              latest              9f38484d220f        3 months ago        202MB
hello-world         latest              fce289e99eb9        6 months ago        1.84kB
[[email protected] docker_test]# 




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