Posted pengingintent

# teacher.py # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ import os import pickle class Path: teacher_path = "%s\\\\log" % os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) class Teacher: def __init__(self, name, age, phone): self.name = name self.age = age self.phone = phone def look_teacher(self): teacher_list = """姓名:%s\\n年龄:%s\\n手机号:%s """ % (self.name, self.age, self.phone) print(teacher_list) def write_text(self): teacher_path = "%s\\\\%s" % (Path.teacher_path, self.name) with open(teacher_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def read_file(word_one): student_bool = False teacher_bool = False while True: for i_text_one in os.listdir(Path.teacher_path): text_path = "%s\\\\%s" % (Path.teacher_path, i_text_one) with open(text_path, "rb") as f: text_word = pickle.load(f) if text_word.phone == word_one: st_obj = text_word teacher_bool = True if student_bool or teacher_bool: print("%s已创建过" % st_obj.name) no_write_bool = True else: no_write_bool = False break return no_write_bool def run_teacher(): while True: name = input("name:") age = int(input("age:")) phone = int(input("phone:")) t_bool = read_file(phone) if not t_bool: Teacher(name, age, phone).write_text() print("\\033[1;34m%s创建成功\\033[0m" % name) else: print("\\033[1;34m%s已创建\\033[0m" % name) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: run_teacher() # start.py # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ from core import teacher if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: teacher.run_teacher()

# teacher.py # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ import os import pickle class Path: teacher_path = "%s\\\\log" % os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) class Teacher: def __init__(self, name, age, phone): self.name = name self.age = age self.phone = phone def look_teacher(self): teacher_list = """姓名:%s\\n年龄:%s\\n手机号:%s """ % (self.name, self.age, self.phone) print(teacher_list) def write_text(self): teacher_path = "%s\\\\%s" % (Path.teacher_path, self.name) with open(teacher_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def read_file(word_one): student_bool = False teacher_bool = False while True: for i_text_one in os.listdir(Path.teacher_path): text_path = "%s\\\\%s" % (Path.teacher_path, i_text_one) with open(text_path, "rb") as f: text_word = pickle.load(f) if text_word.phone == word_one: st_obj = text_word teacher_bool = True if student_bool or teacher_bool: print("%s已创建过" % st_obj.name) no_write_bool = True else: no_write_bool = False break return no_write_bool def run_teacher(): while True: name = input("name:") age = int(input("age:")) phone = int(input("phone:")) t_bool = read_file(phone) if not t_bool: Teacher(name, age, phone).write_text() print("\\033[1;34m%s创建成功\\033[0m" % name) else: print("\\033[1;34m%s已创建\\033[0m" % name) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: run_teacher() # start.py # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ from core.teacher import Teacher from core import teacher if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: teacher.run_teacher()
总结:当在写入文件内用到新建类的属性时,需要在运行代码.py文件内调用类的名称,不管是否用这个新建类,否则在程序运行中会出现AttributeError: Can‘t get attribute “类名称的错误”
无法安装模块 - AttributeError: 'NoneType' 对象没有属性 'loader'