
Posted wf-ml




GPU: 1.12.0













1.1 读取语料库

 1 import os
 2 import jieba
 3 import json
 4 from gensim.models import Word2Vec
 5 corpus_path = ./data/
 6 corpus_files = os.listdir(corpus_path)
 7 corpus = []
 8 for corpus_file in corpus_files:
 9     with open(os.path.join(corpus_path, corpus_file), r, encoding=utf-8) as f:
10         lines = f.readlines()
11         corpus.extend(lines)
12 corpus = [sentence.replace(\\n, ‘‘) for sentence in corpus]
13 corpus = [sentence.replace(\\ufeff, ‘‘) for sentence in corpus]
14 print(语料库读取完成.center(30, =))

1.2 分词,构建词典

1 corpus_cut = [jieba.lcut(sentence) for sentence in corpus]
2 print(分词完成.center(30, =))
3 from tkinter import _flatten
4 tem = _flatten(corpus_cut)
5 _PAD, _BOS, _EOS, _UNK = _PAD, _BOS, _EOS, _UNK
6 all_dict = [_PAD, _BOS, _EOS, _UNK] + list(set(tem))
7 print(词典构建完成.center(30, =))

1.3 构建映射关系

1 id2word = i: j for i, j in enumerate(all_dict)
2 word2id = j: i for i, j in enumerate(all_dict)
3 # dict(zip(id2word.values(), id2word.keys()))
4 print(映射关系构建完成.center(30, =))

1.4 语料转为id向量

1 ids = [[word2id.get(word, word2id[_UNK]) for word in sentence] for sentence in corpus_cut]

1.5 将语料拆分成source、target(问、答数据集)

1 # 拆分成问答数据集
2 fromids = ids[::2]
3 toids = ids[1::2]
4 len(fromids) == len(toids)

1.6 训练词向量

1 emb_size = 50
2 tmp = [list(map(str, id)) for id in ids]
3 if not os.path.exists(./tmp/word2vec.model):
4     model = Word2Vec(tmp, size=emb_size, window=10, min_count=1, workers=-1)
5     model.save(./tmp/word2vec.model)
6 else:
7     print(词向量模型已构建,可直接调取.center(50, =))

1.7 保存文件

1 # 用记事本存储
2 with open(./tmp/fromids.txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as f:
3     f.writelines([ .join(map(str, fromid)) for fromid in fromids])
4 # 用json存储
5 with open(./ids/ids.json, w) as f:
6     json.dump(fromids:fromids, toids:toids, fp=f, ensure_ascii=False)


2.1 读取文件

 1 with open(./ids/ids.json, r) as f:
 2     tmp = json.load(f)
 3 fromids = tmp[fromids]
 4 toids = tmp[toids]
 5 with open(./tmp/dic.txt, r, encoding=utf-8) as f:
 6     all_dict = f.read().split(\\n)
 7 word2id = j: i for i, j in enumerate(all_dict)
 8 id2word = i: j for i, j in enumerate(all_dict)
 9 model = Word2Vec.load(./tmp/word2vec.model)
10 emb_size = model.layer1_size

2.2 构建词向量矩阵

 1 vocab_size = len(all_dict)  # 词典大小
 2 corpus_size = len(fromids)  # 对话长度
 4 embedding_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size, emb_size), dtype=np.float32)
 5 tmp = np.diag([1] * emb_size) # 对于词典中不存在的词语
 7 k = 0
 8 for i in range(vocab_size):
 9     try:
10         embedding_matrix[i] = model.wv[str(i)]
11     except:
12         embedding_matrix[i] = tmp[k]
13         k += 1

2.3 统一长度

1 from_length = [len(i) for i in fromids]
2 max_from_length = max(from_length)
3 source = [i + [word2id[_PAD]] * (max_from_length - len(i)) for i in fromids]
4 to_length = [len(i) for i in toids]
5 max_to_length = max(to_length)
6 target = [i + [word2id[_PAD]] * (max_to_length - len(i)) for i in toids]

2.4 定义Tensor

 1 num_layers = 2 # 神经元层数
 2 hidden_size = 100 # 隐藏神经元个数
 3 learning_rate = 0.001 # 学习率,0.0001-0.001
 4 max_inference_sequence_length = 35
 5 with tf.variable_scope(tensor, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
 6     # 输入
 7     input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [corpus_size, None], name=source)
 8     # 输出
 9     output_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [corpus_size, None], name=target)
10     # 输入句子的长度
11     input_sequence_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [corpus_size,], name=source_sequence_length)
12     # 输出句子的长度
13     output_sequence_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [corpus_size,], name=target_sequence_length)
14     # 输出句子的最大长度
15     max_output_sequence_length = tf.reduce_max(output_sequence_length)
16     # 词向量矩阵
17     emb_matrix = tf.constant(embedding_matrix, name=embedding_matrix, dtype=tf.float32)

2.5 Encoder

 1 def get_lstm_cell(hidden_size):
 2     lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(
 3         num_units=hidden_size,
 4         initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.1, maxval=0.1, seed=2019)
 5     )
 6     return lstm_cell
 7 def encoder(hidden_size, num_layers, emb_matrix, input_data):
 8     encoder_embedding_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=emb_matrix, ids=input_data)
 9     encoder_cells = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(
10         [get_lstm_cell(hidden_size) for i in range(num_layers)]
11     )
12     encoder_output, encoder_state= tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=encoder_cells,
13                   inputs=encoder_embedding_input,
14                   sequence_length=input_sequence_length,
15                   dtype=tf.float32
16                  )
17     return encoder_output, encoder_state

2.6.1 普通Decoder

 1 def decoder(output_data, corpus_size, word2id, emb_matrix, hidden_size, num_layers,
 2             vocab_size, output_sequence_length, max_output_sequence_length, max_inference_sequence_length, encoder_state):
 3     # numpy数据切片 output_data[0:corpus_size:1,0:-1:1],删除output_data最后一列数据
 4     ending = tf.strided_slice(output_data, begin=[0, 0], end=[corpus_size, -1], strides=[1, 1])
 5     begin_sigmal = tf.fill(dims=[corpus_size, 1], value=word2id[_BOS])
 6     decoder_input_data = tf.concat([begin_sigmal, ending], axis=1, name=decoder_input_data)
 7     decoder_embedding_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=emb_matrix, ids=decoder_input_data)
 8     decoder_cells = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([get_lstm_cell(hidden_size) for i in range(num_layers)])
 9     project_layer = tf.layers.Dense(
10     units=vocab_size, # 全连接层神经元个数
11     kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.1) # 权重矩阵初始化
12     )
13     with tf.variable_scope(Decoder):
14         # Helper对象
15         training_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(
16             inputs=decoder_embedding_input,
17             sequence_length=output_sequence_length)
18         # Basic Decoder
19         training_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
20             cell=decoder_cells,
21             helper=training_helper,
22             output_layer=project_layer,
23             initial_state=encoder_state
24         )
25         # Dynamic RNN
26         training_final_output, training_final_state, training_sequence_length = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
27             decoder=training_decoder,
28             maximum_iterations=max_output_sequence_length,
29             impute_finished=True)
30     with tf.variable_scope(Decoder, reuse=True):
31         # Helper对象
32         start_tokens = tf.tile(input=tf.constant(value=[word2id[_BOS]], dtype=tf.int32),
33                                multiples=[corpus_size], name=start_tokens)
34         inference_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(
35             embedding=emb_matrix,
36             start_tokens=start_tokens,
37             end_token=word2id[_EOS])
38         # Basic Decoder
39         inference_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
40             cell=decoder_cells,
41             helper=inference_helper,
42             output_layer=project_layer,
43             initial_state=encoder_state
44         )
45         # Dynamic RNN
46         inference_final_output, inference_final_state, inference_sequence_length = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
47             decoder=inference_decoder,
48             maximum_iterations=max_inference_sequence_length,
49             impute_finished=True)
50     return training_final_output, training_final_state, inference_final_output, inference_final_state

2.6.2 Attention-Decoder

 1 def attention_decoder(output_data, corpus_size, word2id, emb_matrix, hidden_size, num_layers,
 2             vocab_size, output_sequence_length, max_output_sequence_length, max_inference_sequence_length, encoder_output):
 3     # numpy数据切片 output_data[0:corpus_size:1,0:-1:1],删除output_data最后一列数据
 4     ending = tf.strided_slice(output_data, begin=[0, 0], end=[corpus_size, -1], strides=[1, 1])
 5     begin_sigmal = tf.fill(dims=[corpus_size, 1], value=word2id[_BOS])
 6     decoder_input_data = tf.concat([begin_sigmal, ending], axis=1, name=decoder_input_data)
 7     decoder_embedding_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=emb_matrix, ids=decoder_input_data)
 8     decoder_cells = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([get_lstm_cell(hidden_size) for i in range(num_layers)])
 9     # Attention机制
10     attention_mechanism = tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention(
11         num_units=hidden_size,
12         memory=encoder_output,
13         memory_sequence_length=input_sequence_length
14     )
15     decoder_cells = tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(
16         cell=decoder_cells,
17         attention_mechanism=attention_mechanism,
18         attention_layer_size=hidden_size
19     )
20     project_layer = tf.layers.Dense(
21     units=vocab_size, # 全连接层神经元个数
22     kernel_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.1) # 权重矩阵初始化
23     )
24     with tf.variable_scope(Decoder):
25         # Helper对象
26         training_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(
27             inputs=decoder_embedding_input,
28             sequence_length=output_sequence_length)
29         # Basic Decoder
30         training_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
31             cell=decoder_cells,
32             helper=training_helper,
33             output_layer=project_layer,
34             initial_state=decoder_cells.zero_state(batch_size=corpus_size, dtype=tf.float32)
35         )
36         # Dynamic RNN
37         training_final_output, training_final_state, training_sequence_length = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
38             decoder=training_decoder,
39             maximum_iterations=max_output_sequence_length,
40             impute_finished=True)
41     with tf.variable_scope(Decoder, reuse=True):
42         # Helper对象
43         start_tokens = tf.tile(input=tf.constant(value=[word2id[_BOS]], dtype=tf.int32),
44                                multiples=[corpus_size], name=start_tokens)
45         inference_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(
46             embedding=emb_matrix,
47             start_tokens=start_tokens,
48             end_token=word2id[_EOS])
49         # Basic Decoder
50         inference_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
51             cell=decoder_cells,
52             helper=inference_helper,
53             output_layer=project_layer,
54             initial_state=decoder_cells.zero_state(batch_size=corpus_size, dtype=tf.float32)
55         )
56         # Dynamic RNN
57         inference_final_output, inference_final_state, inference_sequence_length = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
58             decoder=inference_decoder,
59             maximum_iterations=max_inference_sequence_length,
60             impute_finished=True)
61     return training_final_output, training_final_state, inference_final_output, inference_final_state

2.7 Encoder-Decoder Model

1 encoder_output, encoder_state = encoder(hidden_size, num_layers, emb_matrix, input_data)
2 # training_final_output, training_final_state, inference_final_output, inference_final_state = decoder(
3 #     output_data, corpus_size, word2id, emb_matrix, hidden_size, num_layers, vocab_size,
4 #     output_sequence_length, max_output_sequence_length, max_inference_sequence_length, encoder_state)
5 training_final_output, training_final_state, inference_final_output, inference_final_state = attention_decoder(
6     output_data, corpus_size, word2id, emb_matrix, hidden_size, num_layers, vocab_size,
7     output_sequence_length, max_output_sequence_length, max_inference_sequence_length, encoder_output)

2.7.1 Loss Fuction

1 # tf.identity 相当与 copy
2 training_logits = tf.identity(input=training_final_output.rnn_output, name=training_logits)
3 inference_logits = tf.identity(input=inference_final_output.sample_id, name=inference_logits)
4 # [2,5] -> [[1,1,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1,1]]
5 mask = tf.sequence_mask(lengths=output_sequence_length, maxlen=max_output_sequence_length, name=mask, dtype=tf.float32)

2.7.2 Optimize

1 optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)

2.7.3 梯度剪枝

1 gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(cost) # 计算损失函数的梯度
2 clip_gradients = [(tf.clip_by_value(t=grad, clip_value_max=5, clip_value_min=-5),var)
3                   for grad, var in gradients if grad is not None]
4 train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(clip_gradients)

3 Train

 1 with tf.Session() as sess:
 2     sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
 3     ckpt_dir = ./checkpoint/ 
 4     saver = tf.train.Saver()
 5     ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=ckpt_dir)
 6     if ckpt:
 7         saver.restore(sess, ckpt)
 8         print(加载模型完成)
 9     else:
10         print(没有找到训练过的模型)
11     for i in range(500):
12         _, training_pre, loss = sess.run([train_op, training_final_output.sample_id, cost],
13             feed_dict=
14                 input_data:source,
15                 output_data:target,
16                 input_sequence_length:from_length,
17                 output_sequence_length:to_length
18         )
19         if i % 100 == 0:
20             print(f第i次训练.center(50, =))
21             print(f损失值为loss.center(50, =))
22             print(输入:, .join([id2word[i] for i in source[0] if i != word2id[_PAD]]))
23             print(输出:, .join([id2word[i] for i in target[0] if i != word2id[_PAD]]))
24             print(Train预测:, .join([id2word[i] for i in training_pre[0] if i != word2id[_PAD]]))
25             saver.save(sess, ckpt_dir + trained_model.ckpt)
26             inference_pre = sess.run(
27                 inference_final_output.sample_id,
28                 feed_dict=
29                     input_data:source,
30                     input_sequence_length:from_length
31                 )
32             print(Inference预测:, .join([id2word[i] for i in inference_pre[0] if i != word2id[_PAD]]))
33             print(模型已保存.center(50, =))




代码部分参考在网上找到的最新的Tensorflow API视频讲解,特手敲一遍供大家学习。由于Tensorflow Seq2Seq API经常大改,如运行出错,请参考官网对应版本API。



学习笔记CB014:TensorFlow seq2seq模型步步进阶



