
Posted amyheartxy



Matricesmatrix 矩阵   vectors 向量

array  排列

Element 元素

A matrix  is a  rectangular array of numberswritten between square brackets



Square bracket 方括号

a bunch of  一堆

Row 行  column

Matrix is just another way for saying ,2D or two dimensional array




One over zero is not well defined   1除以0是无意义的

Timesmultiplied by.乘以  

Three times two is six  3x2=6

A  m by m matrix 一个m x m的矩阵


Dimension of matrix number of rows  x  number of columns



Matrices of a specific dimension 一个特定维度的矩阵


The dimension of this matrix  is 2 by 3


Standard notation 标准符号  notation 符号

Entry  条目

A12 is going to refer to the entry in the first row and the second column


Matrices let you quickly organize ,index and access lots of data.



The lecture notes 课程讲义

Course website课程网页  audible lecture音频


a four dimensional vector 一个四维的向量

A vector turns out to be a special case of a matrix.A vector  is a matrix that has only 1 column.


This R4,again just means a set of  all four-dimensional vector


Y subscript i is the ith element.




A more convenient notation 一个更方便的符号

By convention 按照惯例

Upper case Capital letter大写字母--matrix矩阵

Lower case小写字母--vector向量

Addition 加法 、  subtraction 减法、multiply 乘法、divide 除以

As well as

Scalar Multiplication 标量乘法

The same dimension 相同维度


You just add up the elements of these matrices one at a time.


A  three by two matrix一个3x2的矩阵


A scalar number 标量--常量

Real number 实数

Divide it by a number除以一个数

One quarter   1/4

three halves  1/3


One matrix multiplication operation 一次矩阵的乘法运算

Commutative  可交换

commutative property of multiplication of real numbers 实数乘法的交换率

Reverse the order 颠倒顺序

Concretely  具体地

Arbitrarily  随意地

As a concrete example 举一个具体的例子

Swap  交换

The associative property of real number multiplication 数乘的结合律

Enjoy the associative property 服从结合律

Terminology  术语




identity matrix ,which id special matrix  一种特殊的矩阵---单位矩阵

The identity matrix has the property that has ones along the diagonals ,and is zero everywhere else.



Sloppy  稀疏的    sloppily write随意的写

Diagonals  对角线

Implicit 暗含


Inverse  倒数

Matrix  inverse and matrix transpose operation 矩阵的逆和转置运算

One third   1/3

Twelve to the minus one ---- one twelve   12-1次方


Only matrices that are m by m for some value of m have an inverse.------a square matrix方阵

(只有m x m 的矩阵才有其逆矩阵only square matrices have inverses

It satisfies this equation.它满足这个等式

A concrete example 一个具体的例子


Numerical software for taking a matrix and computing its inverse


Open source libraries 开源库

A quick example  一个简单的例子



Type 键入

Pinv of A---- pinv(A)

Verify  证实

Essentially 基本上

Up to取决于、考虑到

Numerical  precision 计算精度

precision Precisely精确

Caveat 警告

Fix 处理


One intuition you might take away is that just as the number zero doesn’t have an inverse


Matrices that don’t have an inverse are “singular”  or “degenerate”


Superscript ---A superscript T----A矩阵的转置

45 degree axis  45度的轴

Mirror 镜子

Flip 翻转

Reverse 相反

Absorb 吸收

Linear algebra tools线性代数工具

Derive 推导

The more formal definition of a matrix transpose






机器学习 - 第3章 - 线性模型

机器学习 - 第3章 - 线性模型


机器学习:算法与应用 by XDU 2022冬季课程笔记1:线性回归与逻辑回归