
Posted createyuan





The Proxmox Cluster file system (“pmxcfs”) is a database-driven file system for storing configuration files, replicated in real time to all cluster nodes using corosync. We use this to store all PVE related configuration files.
Although the file system stores all data inside a persistent database on disk, a copy of the data resides in RAM. That imposes restriction on the maximum size, which is currently 30MB. This is still enough to store the configuration of several thousand virtual machines.
We use the Corosync Cluster Engine for cluster communication, and SQlite for the database file. The file system is implemented in user space using FUSE.


The file system is mounted at:

This service is usually started and managed using systemd toolset. The service is called pve-cluster.

[email protected]:~# systemctl status pve-cluster
● pve-cluster.service - The Proxmox VE cluster filesystem
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-cluster.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-04-30 21:20:23 CST; 1 weeks 0 days ago
 Main PID: 3745 (pmxcfs)
    Tasks: 13 (limit: 17203)
   Memory: 88.9M
      CPU: 25min 56.856s
   CGroup: /system.slice/pve-cluster.service
           └─3745 /usr/bin/pmxcfs

May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: received all states
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: leader is 1/3745
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: synced members: 1/3745, 3/3878
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: start sending inode updates
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: sent all (3) updates
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [dcdb] notice: all data is up to date
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [status] notice: received sync request (epoch 1/3745/0000000F)
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [status] notice: received all states
May 08 15:39:22 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [status] notice: all data is up to date
May 08 15:39:23 cu-pve04 pmxcfs[3745]: [status] notice: received log

[email protected]:/var/lib/pve-cluster# ls -l
total 4136
-rw------- 1 root root   77824 May  8 15:17 config.db
-rw------- 1 root root   32768 May  8 15:18 config.db-shm
-rw------- 1 root root 4124152 May  8 15:18 config.db-wal
[email protected]:/var/lib/pve-cluster# file *
config.db:     SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3016002
config.db-shm: data
config.db-wal: SQLite Write-Ahead Log, version 3007000


pvedaemon - PVE API Daemon

This daemon exposes the whole Proxmox VE API on It runs as root and has permission to do all privileged operations.
The daemon listens to a local address only, so you cannot access it from outside. The pveproxy daemon exposes the API to the outside world.

[email protected]:~# pvedaemon status

[email protected]:~# ss -lntp|grep proxy
LISTEN   0         128          *        users:(("spiceproxy work",pid=2195573,fd=6),("spiceproxy",pid=7541,fd=6))
LISTEN   0         128          *        users:(("pveproxy worker",pid=2310656,fd=6),("pveproxy worker",pid=2305989,fd=6),("pveproxy worker",pid=2295860,fd=6),("pveproxy",pid=7522,fd=6))
[email protected]:~# ss -lntp|grep daemon
LISTEN   0         128          *        users:(("pvedaemon worke",pid=2252583,fd=6),("pvedaemon worke",pid=2250382,fd=6),("pvedaemon worke",pid=2250172,fd=6),("pvedaemon",pid=4500,fd=6))


pveproxy - PVE API Proxy Daemon

This daemon exposes the whole Proxmox VE API on TCP port 8006 using HTTPS. It runs as user www-data and has very limited permissions. Operation requiring more permissions are forwarded to the local pvedaemon.
Requests targeted for other nodes are automatically forwarded to those nodes. This means that you can manage your whole cluster by connecting to a single Proxmox VE node.

[email protected]:~# pveproxy status





Docker删除报错:Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete 08b152afcfae (must be forced)(代码片段



Proxmox VE 6.1从零带你了解之--虚拟机迁移(Migrate)

Proxmox VE 6.1从零到精通之--PVE的安装

Proxmox VE 6.1从零到精通之--WEB界面介绍