Sweep Line
Posted lizzyluvcoding
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Sweep Line相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
391. Number of Airplanes in the Sky
思路:将起飞时间和降落时间放到同一个数组中, 标识出是起飞还是降落时间, 然后对数组排序,遍历数组即可, 碰到起飞计数器加一, 碰到降落计数器减一. 维护最大值作为答案.
注意降落优先于起飞 可通过flag标记降落为0 上升为1,保证按time相等按flag排序降落为先

/** * Definition of Interval: * public classs Interval { * int start, end; * Interval(int start, int end) { * this.start = start; * this.end = end; * } * } */ class Point{ int time; int flag; Point(int t, int s) { this.time = t; this.flag = s; } public static Comparator<Point> PointComparator = new Comparator<Point>() { public int compare(Point p1, Point p2) { if(p1.time == p2.time) return p1.flag - p2.flag; else return p1.time - p2.time; } }; } public class Solution { /** * @param airplanes: An interval array * @return: Count of airplanes are in the sky. */ public int countOfAirplanes(List<Interval> airplanes) { // write your code here List<Point> list = new ArrayList<>(airplanes.size()*2); for(Interval i:airplanes){ list.add(new Point(i.start,1)); list.add(new Point(i.end,-1)); } Collections.sort(list,Point.PointComparator); int count=0,ans =1; for(Point p:list){ if(p.flag==1) count++; else count--; ans = Math.max(ans,count); } return ans; } }
919. Meeting Rooms II

/** * Definition of Interval: * public classs Interval { * int start, end; * Interval(int start, int end) { * this.start = start; * this.end = end; * } * } */ class Meeting{ int time; int flag; public Meeting(int time,int flag){ this.time = time; this.flag = flag; } public static Comparator<Meeting> comparator = new Comparator<Meeting>(){ @Override public int compare(Meeting m1, Meeting m2){ if(m1.time==m2.time){ return m1.flag - m2.flag; } return m1.time-m2.time; } }; } public class Solution { /** * @param intervals: an array of meeting time intervals * @return: the minimum number of conference rooms required */ public int minMeetingRooms(List<Interval> intervals) { // Write your code here if(intervals == null || intervals.size()==0){ return 0; } List<Meeting> meetings = new ArrayList<>(); for(Interval i:intervals){ meetings.add(new Meeting(i.start,1)); meetings.add(new Meeting(i.end,-1)); } Collections.sort(meetings,Meeting.comparator); int count =0; int ans =0; for(Meeting m:meetings){ if(m.flag==1){ count++; } if(m.flag==-1){ count--; } ans = Math.max(ans,count); } return ans; } }
821. Time Intersection

/** * Definition of Interval: * public classs Interval { * int start, end; * Interval(int start, int end) { * this.start = start; * this.end = end; * } * } */ class Point{ int time; int flag; Point(int t, int s) { this.time = t; this.flag = s; } public static Comparator<Point> PointComparator = new Comparator<Point>() { public int compare(Point p1, Point p2) { if(p1.time == p2.time) return p1.flag - p2.flag; else return p1.time - p2.time; } }; } public class Solution { /** * @param seqA: the list of intervals * @param seqB: the list of intervals * @return: the time periods */ public List<Interval> timeIntersection(List<Interval> seqA, List<Interval> seqB) { // Write your code here List<Interval> res = new ArrayList<>(); if(seqA==null || seqB==null){ return res; } List<Point> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(Interval i:seqA){ list.add(new Point(i.start,1)); list.add(new Point(i.end,-1)); } for(Interval i:seqB){ list.add(new Point(i.start,1)); list.add(new Point(i.end,-1)); } Collections.sort(list,Point.PointComparator); int start =-1; int count=0; for(Point p:list){ if(p.flag==1) count++; else count--; if(count==2){ start = p.time; } if(count==1 && start!=-1){ res.add(new Interval(start,p.time)); start = -1; } } return res; } }
131. The Skyline Problem

class Pair implements Comparable{ int index; //坐标 int status; //是up还是down int height; //高度 Pair(int index,int status,int height){ this.index = index; this.status = status; this.height = height; } //先按坐标,再按status,再按高度 public int compareTo(Object o){ Pair p = (Pair)o; if(this.index==p.index){ if(this.status==p.status){ return this.height - p.height; }else{ return this.status - p.status; } }else{ return this.index- p.index; } } } public class Solution { /** * @param buildings: A list of lists of integers * @return: Find the outline of those buildings */ private static int UP = 0; private static int DOWN = 1; public List<List<Integer>> buildingOutline(int[][] buildings) { // write your code here List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>(); if(buildings ==null || buildings.length==0||buildings[0].length==0){ return res; } List<Pair> pairs = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0;i< buildings.length;i++){ pairs.add(new Pair(buildings[i][0],UP,buildings[i][2])); pairs.add(new Pair(buildings[i][1],DOWN,buildings[i][2])); } Collections.sort(pairs); TreeMap<Integer,Integer> heightMap = new TreeMap<>(); int preIndex =0; int preHeight =0; for(Pair pair:pairs){ if(!heightMap.containsKey(pair.height)){ heightMap.put(pair.height,1); }else{ if(pair.status==UP){ heightMap.put(pair.height,heightMap.get(pair.height)+1); }else{ heightMap.put(pair.height,heightMap.get(pair.height)-1); if(heightMap.get(pair.height)==0){ heightMap.remove(pair.height); } } } int currHeight = heightMap.size()==0?0:heightMap.lastKey(); if(preHeight!=currHeight){ if(preHeight!=0 && preIndex!=pair.index){ res.add(eachSkyLine(preIndex,pair.index,preHeight)); } preHeight = currHeight; preIndex = pair.index; } } return res; } private List<Integer> eachSkyLine(int start,int end,int height){ List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(start); list.add(end); list.add(height); return list; } }
以上是关于Sweep Line的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #20: Error inflating class fragment