Posted but-you
一.用 preparedStatement.addBatch()配合preparedStatement.executeBatch()去批量插入
1 /** 2 * 执行数据库插入操作 4 * @param datas 插入数据表中key为列名和value为列对应的值的Map对象的List集合 5 * @param tableName 要插入的数据库的表名 6 * @return 影响的行数 7 * @throws SQLException SQL异常 8 */ 9 public static int insertAll(String tableName, List<Map<String, Object>> datas) throws SQLException { 10 /**影响的行数**/ 11 int affectRowCount = -1; 12 Connection connection = null; 13 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; 14 try { 15 /**从数据库连接池中获取数据库连接**/ 16 connection = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().getConnection(); 19 Map<String, Object> valueMap = datas.get(0); 20 /**获取数据库插入的Map的键值对的值**/ 21 Set<String> keySet = valueMap.keySet(); 22 Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); 23 /**要插入的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 24 StringBuilder columnSql = new StringBuilder(); 25 /**要插入的字段值,其实就是?**/ 26 StringBuilder unknownMarkSql = new StringBuilder(); 27 Object[] keys = new Object[valueMap.size()]; 28 int i = 0; 29 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 30 String key = iterator.next(); 31 keys[i] = key; 32 columnSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 33 columnSql.append(key); 34 35 unknownMarkSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 36 unknownMarkSql.append("?"); 37 i++; 38 } 39 /**开始拼插入的sql语句**/ 40 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); 41 sql.append("INSERT INTO "); 42 sql.append(tableName); 43 sql.append(" ("); 44 sql.append(columnSql); 45 sql.append(" ) VALUES ("); 46 sql.append(unknownMarkSql); 47 sql.append(" )"); 48 49 /**执行SQL预编译**/ 50 preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); 51 /**设置不自动提交,以便于在出现异常的时候数据库回滚**/ 52 connection.setAutoCommit(false); 53 System.out.println(sql.toString()); 54 for (int j = 0; j < datas.size(); j++) { 55 for (int k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { 56 preparedStatement.setObject(k + 1, datas.get(j).get(keys[k])); 57 } 58 preparedStatement.addBatch(); 59 } 60 int[] arr = preparedStatement.executeBatch(); 61 connection.commit(); 62 affectRowCount = arr.length; 63 System.out.println("成功了插入了" + affectRowCount + "行"); 64 System.out.println(); 65 } catch (Exception e) { 66 if (connection != null) { 67 connection.rollback(); 68 } 69 e.printStackTrace(); 70 throw e; 71 } finally { 72 if (preparedStatement != null) { 73 preparedStatement.close(); 74 } 75 if (connection != null) { 76 connection.close(); 77 } 78 } 79 return affectRowCount; 80 }
1 private static void testAll1() { 2 long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 3 try { 4 for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { 5 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); 6 map.put("emp_id", 1013); 7 map.put("name", "JDBCUtil测试"); 8 map.put("job", "developer"); 9 map.put("salary", 10000); 10 map.put("hire_date", new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); 11 DBUtil.insert("emp_test3", map); 12 } 13 System.out.println("共耗时" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); 14 } catch (SQLException e) { 15 e.printStackTrace(); 16 } 17 }
打印结果 共耗时44110
1 private static void testAll2() { 2 List<Map<String, Object>> datas = new ArrayList<>(); 3 for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { 4 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); 5 map.put("emp_id", 1013); 6 map.put("name", "JDBCUtil测试"); 7 map.put("job", "developer"); 8 map.put("salary", 10000); 9 map.put("hire_date", new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); 10 datas.add(map); 11 } 12 try { 13 long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 14 DBUtil.insertAll("emp_test3", datas); 15 System.out.println("共耗时" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); 16 } catch (SQLException e) { 17 e.printStackTrace(); 18 } 19 }
打印结果 共耗时649
1 import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable; 2 import java.sql.*; 3 import java.util.*; 4 import java.util.regex.Pattern; 5 6 /** 7 * 数据库JDBC连接工具类 8 */ 9 public class DBUtil { 10 11 /** 12 * 执行数据库插入操作 13 * 14 * @param valueMap 插入数据表中key为列名和value为列对应的值的Map对象 15 * @param tableName 要插入的数据库的表名 16 * @return 影响的行数 17 * @throws SQLException SQL异常 18 */ 19 public static int insert(String tableName, Map<String, Object> valueMap) throws SQLException { 20 21 /**获取数据库插入的Map的键值对的值**/ 22 Set<String> keySet = valueMap.keySet(); 23 Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); 24 /**要插入的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 25 StringBuilder columnSql = new StringBuilder(); 26 /**要插入的字段值,其实就是?**/ 27 StringBuilder unknownMarkSql = new StringBuilder(); 28 Object[] bindArgs = new Object[valueMap.size()]; 29 int i = 0; 30 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 31 String key = iterator.next(); 32 columnSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 33 columnSql.append(key); 34 35 unknownMarkSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 36 unknownMarkSql.append("?"); 37 bindArgs[i] = valueMap.get(key); 38 i++; 39 } 40 /**开始拼插入的sql语句**/ 41 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); 42 sql.append("INSERT INTO "); 43 sql.append(tableName); 44 sql.append(" ("); 45 sql.append(columnSql); 46 sql.append(" ) VALUES ("); 47 sql.append(unknownMarkSql); 48 sql.append(" )"); 49 return executeUpdate(sql.toString(), bindArgs); 50 } 51 52 /** 53 * 执行数据库插入操作 54 * 55 * @param datas 插入数据表中key为列名和value为列对应的值的Map对象的List集合 56 * @param tableName 要插入的数据库的表名 57 * @return 影响的行数 58 * @throws SQLException SQL异常 59 */ 60 public static int insertAll(String tableName, List<Map<String, Object>> datas) throws SQLException { 61 /**影响的行数**/ 62 int affectRowCount = -1; 63 Connection connection = null; 64 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; 65 try { 66 /**从数据库连接池中获取数据库连接**/ 67 connection = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().getConnection(); 68 69 70 Map<String, Object> valueMap = datas.get(0); 71 /**获取数据库插入的Map的键值对的值**/ 72 Set<String> keySet = valueMap.keySet(); 73 Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); 74 /**要插入的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 75 StringBuilder columnSql = new StringBuilder(); 76 /**要插入的字段值,其实就是?**/ 77 StringBuilder unknownMarkSql = new StringBuilder(); 78 Object[] keys = new Object[valueMap.size()]; 79 int i = 0; 80 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 81 String key = iterator.next(); 82 keys[i] = key; 83 columnSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 84 columnSql.append(key); 85 86 unknownMarkSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 87 unknownMarkSql.append("?"); 88 i++; 89 } 90 /**开始拼插入的sql语句**/ 91 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); 92 sql.append("INSERT INTO "); 93 sql.append(tableName); 94 sql.append(" ("); 95 sql.append(columnSql); 96 sql.append(" ) VALUES ("); 97 sql.append(unknownMarkSql); 98 sql.append(" )"); 99 100 /**执行SQL预编译**/ 101 preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); 102 /**设置不自动提交,以便于在出现异常的时候数据库回滚**/ 103 connection.setAutoCommit(false); 104 System.out.println(sql.toString()); 105 for (int j = 0; j < datas.size(); j++) { 106 for (int k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { 107 preparedStatement.setObject(k + 1, datas.get(j).get(keys[k])); 108 } 109 preparedStatement.addBatch(); 110 } 111 int[] arr = preparedStatement.executeBatch(); 112 connection.commit(); 113 affectRowCount = arr.length; 114 System.out.println("成功了插入了" + affectRowCount + "行"); 115 System.out.println(); 116 } catch (Exception e) { 117 if (connection != null) { 118 connection.rollback(); 119 } 120 e.printStackTrace(); 121 throw e; 122 } finally { 123 if (preparedStatement != null) { 124 preparedStatement.close(); 125 } 126 if (connection != null) { 127 connection.close(); 128 } 129 } 130 return affectRowCount; 131 } 132 133 /** 134 * 执行更新操作 135 * 136 * @param tableName 表名 137 * @param valueMap 要更改的值 138 * @param whereMap 条件 139 * @return 影响的行数 140 * @throws SQLException SQL异常 141 */ 142 public static int update(String tableName, Map<String, Object> valueMap, Map<String, Object> whereMap) throws SQLException { 143 /**获取数据库插入的Map的键值对的值**/ 144 Set<String> keySet = valueMap.keySet(); 145 Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); 146 /**开始拼插入的sql语句**/ 147 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); 148 sql.append("UPDATE "); 149 sql.append(tableName); 150 sql.append(" SET "); 151 152 /**要更改的的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 153 StringBuilder columnSql = new StringBuilder(); 154 int i = 0; 155 List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); 156 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 157 String key = iterator.next(); 158 columnSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : ","); 159 columnSql.append(key + " = ? "); 160 objects.add(valueMap.get(key)); 161 i++; 162 } 163 sql.append(columnSql); 164 165 /**更新的条件:要更改的的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 166 StringBuilder whereSql = new StringBuilder(); 167 int j = 0; 168 if (whereMap != null && whereMap.size() > 0) { 169 whereSql.append(" WHERE "); 170 iterator = whereMap.keySet().iterator(); 171 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 172 String key = iterator.next(); 173 whereSql.append(j == 0 ? "" : " AND "); 174 whereSql.append(key + " = ? "); 175 objects.add(whereMap.get(key)); 176 j++; 177 } 178 sql.append(whereSql); 179 } 180 return executeUpdate(sql.toString(), objects.toArray()); 181 } 182 183 /** 184 * 执行删除操作 185 * 186 * @param tableName 要删除的表名 187 * @param whereMap 删除的条件 188 * @return 影响的行数 189 * @throws SQLException SQL执行异常 190 */ 191 public static int delete(String tableName, Map<String, Object> whereMap) throws SQLException { 192 /**准备删除的sql语句**/ 193 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); 194 sql.append("DELETE FROM "); 195 sql.append(tableName); 196 197 /**更新的条件:要更改的的字段sql,其实就是用key拼起来的**/ 198 StringBuilder whereSql = new StringBuilder(); 199 Object[] bindArgs = null; 200 if (whereMap != null && whereMap.size() > 0) { 201 bindArgs = new Object[whereMap.size()]; 202 whereSql.append(" WHERE "); 203 /**获取数据库插入的Map的键值对的值**/ 204 Set<String> keySet = whereMap.keySet(); 205 Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); 206 int i = 0; 207 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 208 String key = iterator.next(); 209 whereSql.append(i == 0 ? "" : " AND "); 210 whereSql.append(key + " = ? "); 211 bindArgs[i] = whereMap.get(key); 212 i++; 213 } 214 sql.append(whereSql); 215 } 216 return executeUpdate(sql.toString(), bindArgs); 217 } 218 219 /** 220 * 可以执行新增,修改,删除 221 * 222 * @param sql sql语句 223 * @param bindArgs 绑定参数 224 * @return 影响的行数 225 * @throws SQLException SQL异常 226 */ 227 public static int executeUpdate(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) throws SQLException { 228 /**影响的行数**/ 229 int affectRowCount = -1; 230 Connection connection = null; 231 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; 232 try { 233 /**从数据库连接池中获取数据库连接**/ 234 connection = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().getConnection(); 235 /**执行SQL预编译**/ 236 preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); 237 /**设置不自动提交,以便于在出现异常的时候数据库回滚**/ 238 connection.setAutoCommit(false); 239 System.out.println(getExecSQL(sql, bindArgs)); 240 if (bindArgs != null) { 241 /**绑定参数设置sql占位符中的值**/ 242 for (int i = 0; i < bindArgs.length; i++) { 243 preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, bindArgs[i]); 244 } 245 } 246 /**执行sql**/ 247 affectRowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); 248 connection.commit(); 249 String operate; 250 if (sql.toUpperCase().indexOf("DELETE FROM") != -1) { 251 operate = "删除"; 252 } else if (sql.toUpperCase().indexOf("INSERT INTO") != -1) { 253 operate = "新增"; 254 } else { 255 operate = "修改"; 256 } 257 System.out.println("成功" + operate + "了" + affectRowCount + "行"); 258 System.out.println(); 259 } catch (Exception e) { 260 if (connection != null) { 261 connection.rollback(); 262 } 263 e.printStackTrace(); 264 throw e; 265 } finally { 266 if (preparedStatement != null) { 267 preparedStatement.close(); 268 } 269 if (connection != null) { 270 connection.close(); 271 } 272 } 273 return affectRowCount; 274 } 275 276 /** 277 * 通过sql查询数据, 278 * 慎用,会有sql注入问题 279 * 280 * @param sql 281 * @return 查询的数据集合 282 * @throws SQLException 283 */ 284 public static List<Map<String, Object>> query(String sql) throws SQLException { 285 return executeQuery(sql, null); 286 } 287 288 /** 289 * 执行sql通过 Map<String, Object>限定查询条件查询 290 * 291 * @param tableName 表名 292 * @param whereMap where条件 293 * @return List<Map<String, Object>> 294 * @throws SQLException 295 */ 296 public static List<Map<String, Object>> query(String tableName, 297 Map<String, Object> whereMap) throws Exception { 298 String whereClause = ""; 299 Object[] whereArgs = null; 300 if (whereMap != null && whereMap.size() > 0) { 301 Iterator<String> iterator = whereMap.keySet().iterator(); 302 whereArgs = new Object[whereMap.size()]; 303 int i = 0; 304 while (iterator.hasNext()) { 305 String key = iterator.next(); 306 whereClause += (i == 0 ? "" : " AND "); 307 whereClause += (key + " = ? "); 308 whereArgs[i] = whereMap.get(key); 309 i++; 310 } 311 } 312 return query(tableName, false, null, whereClause, whereArgs, null, null, null, null); 313 } 314 315 /** 316 * 执行sql条件参数绑定形式的查询 317 * 318 * @param tableName 表名 319 * @param whereClause where条件的sql 320 * @param whereArgs where条件中占位符中的值 321 * @return List<Map<String, Object>> 322 * @throws SQLException 323 */ 324 public static List<Map<String, Object>> query(String tableName, 325 String whereClause, 326 String[] whereArgs) throws SQLException { 327 return query(tableName, false, null, whereClause, whereArgs, null, null, null, null); 328 } 329 330 /** 331 * 执行全部结构的sql查询 332 * 333 * @param tableName 表名 334 * @param distinct 去重 335 * @param columns 要查询的列名 336 * @param selection where条件 337 * @param selectionArgs where条件中占位符中的值 338 * @param groupBy 分组 339 * @param having 筛选 340 * @param orderBy 排序 341 * @param limit 分页 342 * @return List<Map<String, Object>> 343 * @throws SQLException 344 */ 345 public static List<Map<String, Object>> query(String tableName, 346 boolean distinct, 347 String[] columns, 348 String selection, 349 Object[] selectionArgs, 350 String groupBy, 351 String having, 352 String orderBy, 353 String limit) throws SQLException { 354 String sql = buildQueryString(distinct, tableName, columns, selection, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit); 355 return executeQuery(sql, selectionArgs); 356 357 } 358 359 /** 360 * 执行查询 361 * 362 * @param sql 要执行的sql语句 363 * @param bindArgs 绑定的参数 364 * @return List<Map<String, Object>>结果集对象 365 * @throws SQLException SQL执行异常 366 */ 367 public static List<Map<String, Object>> executeQuery(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) throws SQLException { 368 List<Map<String, Object>> datas = new ArrayList<>(); 369 Connection connection = null; 370 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; 371 ResultSet resultSet = null; 372 373 try { 374 /**获取数据库连接池中的连接**/ 375 connection = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().getConnection(); 376 preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); 377 if (bindArgs != null) { 378 /**设置sql占位符中的值**/ 379 for (int i = 0; i < bindArgs.length; i++) { 380 preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, bindArgs[i]); 381 } 382 } 383 System.out.println(getExecSQL(sql, bindArgs)); 384 /**执行sql语句,获取结果集**/ 385 resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); 386 getDatas(resultSet); 387 System.out.println(); 388 } catch (Exception e) { 389 e.printStackTrace(); 390 throw e; 391 } finally { 392 if (resultSet != null) { 393 resultSet.close(); 394 } 395 if (preparedStatement != null) { 396 preparedStatement.close(); 397 } 398 if (connection != null) { 399 connection.close(); 400 } 401 } 402 return datas; 403 } 404 405 406 /** 407 * 将结果集对象封装成List<Map<String, Object>> 对象 408 * 409 * @param resultSet 结果多想 410 * @return 结果的封装 411 * @throws SQLException 412 */ 413 private static List<Map<String, Object>> getDatas(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { 414 List<Map<String, Object>> datas = new ArrayList<>(); 415 /**获取结果集的数据结构对象**/ 416 ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); 417 while (resultSet.next()) { 418 Map<String, Object> rowMap = new HashMap<>(); 419 for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { 420 rowMap.put(metaData.getColumnName(i), resultSet.getObject(i)); 421 } 422 datas.add(rowMap); 423 } 424 System.out.println("成功查询到了" + datas.size() + "行数据"); 425 for (int i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++) { 426 Map<String, Object> map = datas.get(i); 427 System.out.println("第" + (i + 1) + "行:" + map); 428 } 429 return datas; 430 } 431 432 433 /** 434 * Build an SQL query string from the given clauses. 435 * 436 * @param distinct true if you want each row to be unique, false otherwise. 437 * @param tables The table names to compile the query against. 438 * @param columns A list of which columns to return. Passing null will 439 * return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent reading 440 * data from storage that isn‘t going to be used. 441 * @param where A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL 442 * WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will 443 * return all rows for the given URL. 444 * @param groupBy A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted as an SQL 445 * GROUP BY clause (excluding the GROUP BY itself). Passing null 446 * will cause the rows to not be grouped. 447 * @param having A filter declare which row groups to include in the cursor, 448 * if row grouping is being used, formatted as an SQL HAVING 449 * clause (excluding the HAVING itself). Passing null will cause 450 * all row groups to be included, and is required when row 451 * grouping is not being used. 452 * @param orderBy How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause 453 * (excluding the ORDER BY itself). Passing null will use the 454 * default sort order, which may be unordered. 455 * @param limit Limits the number of rows returned by the query, 456 * formatted as LIMIT clause. Passing null denotes no LIMIT clause. 457 * @return the SQL query string 458 */ 459 private static String buildQueryString( 460 boolean distinct, String tables, String[] columns, String where, 461 String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit) { 462 if (isEmpty(groupBy) && !isEmpty(having)) { 463 throw new IllegalArgumentException( 464 "HAVING clauses are only permitted when using a groupBy clause"); 465 } 466 if (!isEmpty(limit) && !sLimitPattern.matcher(limit).matches()) { 467 throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid LIMIT clauses:" + limit); 468 } 469 470 StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(120); 471 472 query.append("SELECT "); 473 if (distinct) { 474 query.append("DISTINCT "); 475 } 476 if (columns != null && columns.length != 0) { 477 appendColumns(query, columns); 478 } else { 479 query.append(" * "); 480 } 481 query.append("FROM "); 482 query.append(tables); 483 appendClause(query, " WHERE ", where); 484 appendClause(query, " GROUP BY ", groupBy); 485 appendClause(query, " HAVING ", having); 486 appendClause(query, " ORDER BY ", orderBy); 487 appendClause(query, " LIMIT ", limit); 488 return query.toString(); 489 } 490 491 /** 492 * Add the names that are non-null in columns to s, separating 493 * them with commas. 494 */ 495 private static void appendColumns(StringBuilder s, String[] columns) { 496 int n = columns.length; 497 498 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 499 String column = columns[i]; 500 501 if (column != null) { 502 if (i > 0) { 503 s.append(", "); 504 } 505 s.append(column); 506 } 507 } 508 s.append(‘ ‘); 509 } 510 511 /** 512 * addClause 513 * 514 * @param s the add StringBuilder 515 * @param name clauseName 516 * @param clause clauseSelection 517 */ 518 private static void appendClause(StringBuilder s, String name, String clause) { 519 if (!isEmpty(clause)) { 520 s.append(name); 521 s.append(clause); 522 } 523 } 524 525 /** 526 * Returns true if the string is null or 0-length. 527 * 528 * @param str the string to be examined 529 * @return true if str is null or zero length 530 */ 531 private static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable CharSequence str) { 532 if (str == null || str.length() == 0) 533 return true; 534 else 535 return false; 536 } 537 538 /** 539 * the pattern of limit 540 */ 541 private static final Pattern sLimitPattern = 542 Pattern.compile("\\s*\\d+\\s*(,\\s*\\d+\\s*)?"); 543 544 /** 545 * After the execution of the complete SQL statement, not necessarily the actual implementation of the SQL statement 546 * 547 * @param sql SQL statement 548 * @param bindArgs Binding parameters 549 * @return Replace? SQL statement executed after the 550 */ 551 private static String getExecSQL(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) { 552 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql); 553 if (bindArgs != null && bindArgs.length > 0) { 554 int index = 0; 555 for (int i = 0; i < bindArgs.length; i++) { 556 index = sb.indexOf("?", index); 557 sb.replace(index, index + 1, String.valueOf(bindArgs[i])); 558 } 559 } 560 return sb.toString(); 561 } 562 }