xamarin.android 给View控件 添加数字提醒效果-BadgeView

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了xamarin.android 给View控件 添加数字提醒效果-BadgeView相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

本文代码从java项目移植到.net项目   java开源项目:https://github.com/jgilfelt/android-viewbadger

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Graphics;

using Java.Lang;
using Android.Util;
using Android.Content.Res;
using Android.Views.Animations;
using Android.Graphics.Drawables;
using Android.Graphics.Drawables.Shapes;
using static Android.Resource;
using static Android.App.ActionBar;

namespace Dorid.UI
    public class BadgeView : TextView
        public const int POSITION_TOP_LEFT = 1;
        public const int POSITION_TOP_RIGHT = 2;
        public const int POSITION_BOTTOM_LEFT = 3;
        public const int POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 4;
        public const int POSITION_CENTER = 5;

        private const int DEFAULT_MARGIN_DIP = 5;
        private const int DEFAULT_LR_PADDING_DIP = 5;
        private const int DEFAULT_CORNER_RADIUS_DIP = 8;
        private const int DEFAULT_POSITION = POSITION_TOP_RIGHT;
        private static Android.Graphics.Color DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR = Android.Graphics.Color.ParseColor("#CCFF0000"); //Color.RED;
        private static Android.Graphics.Color DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = Android.Graphics.Color.White;

        private static Android.Views.Animations.Animation fadeIn;
        private static Android.Views.Animations.Animation fadeOut;

        private Context context;
        private View target;

        private int badgePosition;
        private int badgeMarginH;
        private int badgeMarginV;
        private Android.Graphics.Color badgeColor;

        private bool isShown;

        private ShapeDrawable badgeBg;

        private int targetTabIndex;

        public BadgeView(Context context):this(context,(IAttributeSet)null, Android.Resource.Attribute.TextViewStyle)

        public BadgeView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) : this(context, attrs, Android.Resource.Attribute.TextViewStyle)

         * Constructor -
         * create a new BadgeView instance attached to a target {@link android.view.View}.
         * @param context context for this view.
         * @param target the View to attach the badge to.
        public BadgeView(Context context, View target) : this(context,null, Android.Resource.Attribute.TextViewStyle,target,0)

         * Constructor -
         * create a new BadgeView instance attached to a target {@link android.widget.TabWidget}
         * tab at a given index.
         * @param context context for this view.
         * @param target the TabWidget to attach the badge to.
         * @param index the position of the tab within the target.
        public BadgeView(Context context, TabWidget target, int index):this(context,null, Android.Resource.Attribute.TextViewStyle,target,index)

        public BadgeView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle):this(context,attrs,defStyle,null,0)

        public BadgeView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle, View target, int tabIndex):base(context,attrs,defStyle)
            init(context, target, tabIndex);

        private void init(Context context, View target, int tabIndex)

            this.context = context;
            this.target = target;
            this.targetTabIndex = tabIndex;

            // apply defaults
            badgePosition = DEFAULT_POSITION;
            badgeMarginH = DipToPixels(DEFAULT_MARGIN_DIP);
            badgeMarginV = badgeMarginH;
            badgeColor = DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR;

            Typeface = Typeface.DefaultBold;
            int paddingPixels = DipToPixels(DEFAULT_LR_PADDING_DIP);

            SetPadding(paddingPixels, 0, paddingPixels, 0);

            fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1);
            fadeIn.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
            fadeIn.Duration = 200;

            fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0);
            fadeOut.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
            fadeOut.Duration = 200;

            isShown = false;

            if (this.target != null)


        private void ApplyTo(View target)

            ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = target.LayoutParameters;
            IViewParent parent = target.Parent;
            FrameLayout container = new FrameLayout(context);

            if (target is TabWidget) {

                // set target to the relevant tab child container
                target = ((TabWidget)target).GetChildTabViewAt(targetTabIndex);
                this.target = target;

                        new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FillParent, LayoutParams.FillParent));

                this.Visibility= ViewStates.Gone;

            } else {

                // TODO verify that parent is indeed a ViewGroup
                ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup)parent;
                int index = group.IndexOfChild(target);

                group.AddView(container, index, lp);


                this.Visibility= ViewStates.Gone;




         * Make the badge visible in the UI.
        public void Show()
            Show(false, null);

         * Make the badge visible in the UI.
         * @param animate flag to apply the default fade-in animation.
        public void Show(bool animate)
            Show(animate, fadeIn);

         * Make the badge visible in the UI.
         * @param anim Animation to apply to the view when made visible.
        public void Show(Android.Views.Animations.Animation anim)
            Show(true, anim);

         * Make the badge non-visible in the UI.
        public void Hide()
            Hide(false, null);

         * Make the badge non-visible in the UI.
         * @param animate flag to apply the default fade-out animation.
        public void Hide(bool animate)
            Hide(animate, fadeOut);

         * Make the badge non-visible in the UI.
         * @param anim Animation to apply to the view when made non-visible.
        public void Hide(Android.Views.Animations.Animation anim)
            Hide(true, anim);

         * Toggle the badge visibility in the UI.
        public void Toggle()
            Toggle(false, null, null);

         * Toggle the badge visibility in the UI.
         * @param animate flag to apply the default fade-in/out animation.
        public void Toggle(bool animate)
            Toggle(animate, fadeIn, fadeOut);

         * Toggle the badge visibility in the UI.
         * @param animIn Animation to apply to the view when made visible.
         * @param animOut Animation to apply to the view when made non-visible.
        public void Toggle(Android.Views.Animations.Animation animIn, Android.Views.Animations.Animation animOut)
            Toggle(true, animIn, animOut);

        private void Show(bool animate, Android.Views.Animations.Animation anim)
            if (Background == null)
                if (badgeBg == null)
                    badgeBg = getDefaultBackground();

            if (animate)
            this.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
            isShown = true;

        private void Hide(bool animate, Android.Views.Animations.Animation anim)
            this.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
            if (animate)
            isShown = false;

        private void Toggle(bool animate, Android.Views.Animations.Animation animIn, Android.Views.Animations.Animation animOut)
            if (isShown)
                Hide(animate && (animOut != null), animOut);
                Show(animate && (animIn != null), animIn);

         * Increment the numeric badge label. If the current badge label cannot be converted to
         * an integer value, its label will be set to "0".
         * @param offset the increment offset.
        public int Increment(int offset)
            var txt = Text;
            int i;
            if (txt != null)
                    i = Convert.ToInt32(txt.ToString());
                catch (NumberFormatException e)
                    i = 0;
                i = 0;
            i = i + offset;
            //Text = String.ValueOf(i);
            return i;

         * Decrement the numeric badge label. If the current badge label cannot be converted to
         * an integer value, its label will be set to "0".
         * @param offset the decrement offset.
        public int Decrement(int offset)
            return Increment(-offset);

        private ShapeDrawable getDefaultBackground()

            int r = DipToPixels(DEFAULT_CORNER_RADIUS_DIP);
            float[] outerR = new float[] { r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r };

            RoundRectShape rr = new RoundRectShape(outerR, null, null);
            ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(rr);
            drawable.Paint.Color = badgeColor;

            return drawable;


        private void ApplyLayoutParams()

            FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WrapContent, LayoutParams.WrapContent);

            switch (badgePosition)
                case POSITION_TOP_LEFT:
                    lp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top;
                    lp.SetMargins(badgeMarginH, badgeMarginV, 0, 0);
                case POSITION_TOP_RIGHT:
                    lp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Right | GravityFlags.Top;
                    lp.SetMargins(0, badgeMarginV, badgeMarginH, 0);
                case POSITION_BOTTOM_LEFT:
                    lp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Bottom;
                    lp.SetMargins(badgeMarginH, 0, 0, badgeMarginV);
                case POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT:
                    lp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Right | GravityFlags.Bottom;
                    lp.SetMargins(0, 0, badgeMarginH, badgeMarginV);
                case POSITION_CENTER:
                    lp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Center;
                    lp.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

            LayoutParameters = lp;

         * Returns the target View this badge has been attached to.
        public View GetTarget()
            return target;

         * Is this badge currently visible in the UI?
        public override bool IsShown
                return isShown;

         * Returns the positioning of this badge.
        public int getBadgePosition()
            return badgePosition;

         * Set the positioning of this badge.
        public void setBadgePosition(int layoutPosition)
            this.badgePosition = layoutPosition;

         * Returns the horizontal margin from the target View that is applied to this badge.
        public int getHorizontalBadgeMargin()
            return badgeMarginH;

         * Returns the vertical margin from the target View that is applied to this badge.
        public int getVerticalBadgeMargin()
            return badgeMarginV;

         * Set the horizontal/vertical margin from the target View that is applied to this badge.
         * @param badgeMargin the margin in pixels.
        public void setBadgeMargin(int badgeMargin)
            this.badgeMarginH = badgeMargin;
            this.badgeMarginV = badgeMargin;

         * Set the horizontal/vertical margin from the target View that is applied to this badge.
         * @param horizontal margin in pixels.
         * @param vertical margin in pixels.
        public void setBadgeMargin(int horizontal, int vertical)
            this.badgeMarginH = horizontal;
            this.badgeMarginV = vertical;

         * Returns the color value of the badge background.
        public int getBadgeBackgroundColor()
            return badgeColor;

         * Set the color value of the badge background.
         * @param badgeColor the badge background color.
        public void setBadgeBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color badgeColor)
            this.badgeColor = badgeColor;
            badgeBg = getDefaultBackground();

        private int DipToPixels(int dip)
            Resources r =Resources;
            float px = TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, dip, r.DisplayMetrics);
            return (int)px;



    [Activity(Label = "BadgeActivity", MainLauncher = true)]
    public class BadgeActivity : Activity
        private ZsCMS.Dorid.UI.BadgeView bv;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            View buttion= FindViewById(Resource.Id.button1);
            bv = new UI.BadgeView(this, buttion);
            bv.Text = "600";

            buttion.Click += Buttion_Click;
            // Create your application here

        private int i = 0;
        private void Buttion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bv.Text = (++i).ToString();


以上是关于xamarin.android 给View控件 添加数字提醒效果-BadgeView的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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