Posted fengbingchun
支持两种损失函数:(1)、mean squared error(均方差);(2)、cross entropy(交叉熵)。在MNIST中使用的是mean squared error,代码段:
// mean-squared-error loss function for regression
class mse {
static float_t f(float_t y, float_t t) {
return (y - t) * (y - t) / 2;
static float_t df(float_t y, float_t t) {
return y - t;
支持六种激活函数:(1)、tanh;(2)、sigmoid;(3)、softmax;(4)、rectifiedlinear(relu);(5)、leaky relu;(6)、identity。MNIST中使用的是tanh,代码段:
class tan_h : public function {
float_t f(const vec_t& v, size_t i) const override {
const float_t ep = std::exp(v[i]);
const float_t em = std::exp(-v[i]);
return (ep - em) / (ep + em);
// fast approximation of tanh (improve 2-3% speed in LeNet-5)
/*float_t f(float_t x) const {
const float_t x2 = x * x;
x *= 1.0 + x2 * (0.1653 + x2 * 0.0097);
return x / std::sqrt(1.0 + x * x);// invsqrt(static_cast<float>(1.0 + x * x));
float_t df(float_t y) const override { return 1.0 - sqr(y); }
std::pair<float_t, float_t> scale() const override { return std::make_pair(-0.8, 0.8); }
const int width = header.num_cols + 2 * x_padding;
const int height = header.num_rows + 2 * y_padding;
std::vector<uint8_t> image_vec(header.num_rows * header.num_cols);
ifs.read((char*) &image_vec[0], header.num_rows * header.num_cols);
dst.resize(width * height, scale_min);
for (size_t y = 0; y < header.num_rows; y++)
for (size_t x = 0; x < header.num_cols; x++)
dst[width * (y + y_padding) + x + x_padding]
= (image_vec[y * header.num_cols + x] / 255.0) * (scale_max - scale_min) + scale_min;
C1层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(25+150)), sqrt(6.0/(25+150))];
S2层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(4+1)), - sqrt(6.0/(4+1))];
C3层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(150+400)), - sqrt(6.0/(150+400))];
S4层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(4+1)), - sqrt(6.0/(4+1))];
C5层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(400+3000)), - sqrt(6.0/(400+3000))];
输出层权值,初始化范围[sqrt(6.0/(120+10)), -sqrt(6.0/(120+10))]。
vec_t &a = a_[worker_index]; // w*x
vec_t &out = output_[worker_index]; // output
const vec_t &in = *(prev_out_padded_[worker_index]); // input
std::fill(a.begin(), a.end(), (float_t)0.0);
for_i(parallelize_, out_.depth_, [&](int o) {
for (layer_size_t inc = 0; inc < in_.depth_; inc++) {
if (!tbl_.is_connected(o, inc)) continue;
const float_t *pw = &this->W_[weight_.get_index(0, 0, in_.depth_ * o + inc)];
const float_t *pi = &in[in_padded_.get_index(0, 0, inc)];
float_t *pa = &a[out_.get_index(0, 0, o)];
for (layer_size_t y = 0; y < out_.height_; y++) {
for (layer_size_t x = 0; x < out_.width_; x++) {
const float_t * ppw = pw;
const float_t * ppi = pi + (y * h_stride_) * in_padded_.width_ + x * w_stride_;
float_t sum = (float_t)0.0;
// should be optimized for small kernel(3x3,5x5)
for (layer_size_t wy = 0; wy < weight_.height_; wy++) {
for (layer_size_t wx = 0; wx < weight_.width_; wx++) {
sum += *ppw++ * ppi[wy * in_padded_.width_ + wx];
pa[y * out_.width_ + x] += sum;
if (!this->b_.empty()) {
float_t *pa = &a[out_.get_index(0, 0, o)];
float_t b = this->b_[o];
std::for_each(pa, pa + out_.width_ * out_.height_, [&](float_t& f) { f += b; });
for_i(parallelize_, out_size_, [&](int i) {
out[i] = h_.f(a, i);
vec_t& a = a_[index];
for_i(parallelize_, out_size_, [&](int i) {
const wi_connections& connections = out2wi_[i];
a[i] = 0.0;
for (auto connection : connections)// 13.1%
a[i] += W_[connection.first] * in[connection.second]; // 3.2%
a[i] *= scale_factor_;
a[i] += b_[out2bias_[i]];
for_i(parallelize_, out_size_, [&](int i) {
output_[index][i] = h_.f(a, i);
vec_t &a = a_[index];
vec_t &out = output_[index];
for_i(parallelize_, out_size_, [&](int i) {
a[i] = 0.0;
for (layer_size_t c = 0; c < in_size_; c++) {
a[i] += W_[c*out_size_ + i] * in[c];
if (has_bias_)
a[i] += b_[i];
for_i(parallelize_, out_size_, [&](int i) {
out[i] = h_.f(a, i);
vec_t delta(out_dim());
const activation::function& h = layers_.tail()->activation_function();
if (is_canonical_link(h)) {
for_i(out_dim(), [&](int i){ delta[i] = out[i] - t[i]; });
} else {
vec_t dE_dy = gradient<E>(out, t);
// delta = dE/da = (dE/dy) * (dy/da)
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_dim(); i++) {
vec_t dy_da = h.df(out, i);
delta[i] = vectorize::dot(&dE_dy[0], &dy_da[0], out_dim());
const vec_t& prev_out = prev_->output(index);
const activation::function& prev_h = prev_->activation_function();
vec_t& prev_delta = prev_delta_[index];
vec_t& dW = dW_[index];
vec_t& db = db_[index];
for (layer_size_t c = 0; c < this->in_size_; c++) {
// propagate delta to previous layer
// prev_delta[c] += current_delta[r] * W_[c * out_size_ + r]
prev_delta[c] = vectorize::dot(&curr_delta[0], &W_[c*out_size_], out_size_);
prev_delta[c] *= prev_h.df(prev_out[c]);
for_(parallelize_, 0, (size_t)out_size_, [&](const blocked_range& r) {
// accumulate weight-step using delta
// dW[c * out_size + i] += current_delta[i] * prev_out[c]
for (layer_size_t c = 0; c < in_size_; c++)
vectorize::muladd(&curr_delta[r.begin()], prev_out[c], r.end() - r.begin(), &dW[c*out_size_ + r.begin()]);
if (has_bias_) {
for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++)
db[i] += curr_delta[i];
const vec_t& prev_out = *(prev_out_padded_[index]);
const activation::function& prev_h = prev_->activation_function();
vec_t* prev_delta = (pad_type_ == padding::same) ? &prev_delta_padded_[index] : &prev_delta_[index];
vec_t& dW = dW_[index];
vec_t& db = db_[index];
std::fill(prev_delta->begin(), prev_delta->end(), (float_t)0.0);
// propagate delta to previous layer
for_i(in_.depth_, [&](int inc) {
for (layer_size_t outc = 0; outc < out_.depth_; outc++) {
if (!tbl_.is_connected(outc, inc)) continue;
const float_t *pw = &this->W_[weight_.get_index(0, 0, in_.depth_ * outc + inc)];
const float_t *pdelta_src = &curr_delta[out_.get_index(0, 0, outc)];
float_t *pdelta_dst = &(*prev_delta)[in_padded_.get_index(0, 0, inc)];
for (layer_size_t y = 0; y < out_.height_; y++) {
for (layer_size_t x = 0; x < out_.width_; x++) {
const float_t * ppw = pw;
const float_t ppdelta_src = pdelta_src[y * out_.width_ + x];
float_t * ppdelta_dst = pdelta_dst + y * h_stride_ * in_padded_.width_ + x * w_stride_;
for (layer_size_t wy = 0; wy < weight_.height_; wy++) {
for (layer_size_t wx = 0; wx < weight_.width_; wx++) {
ppdelta_dst[wy * in_padded_.width_ + wx] += *ppw++ * ppdelta_src;
for_i(parallelize_, in_padded_.size(), [&](int i) {
(*prev_delta)[i] *= prev_h.df(prev_out[i]);
// accumulate dw
for_i(in_.depth_, [&](int inc) {
for (layer_size_t outc = 0; outc < out_.depth_; outc++) {
if (!tbl_.is_connected(outc, inc)) continue;
for (layer_size_t wy = 0; wy < weight_.height_; wy++) {
for (layer_size_t wx = 0; wx < weight_.width_; wx++) {
float_t dst = 0.0;
const float_t * prevo = &prev_out[in_padded_.get_index(wx, wy, inc)];
const float_t * delta = &curr_delta[out_.get_index(0, 0, outc)];
for (layer_size_t y = 0; y < out_.height_; y++) {
dst += vectorize::dot(prevo + y * in_padded_.width_, delta + y * out_.width_, out_.width_);
dW[weight_.get_index(wx, wy, in_.depth_ * outc + inc)] += dst;
// accumulate db
if (!db.empty()) {
for (layer_size_t outc = 0; outc < out_.depth_; outc++) {
const float_t *delta = &curr_delta[out_.get_index(0, 0, outc)];
db[outc] += std::accumulate(delta, delta + out_.width_ * out_.height_, (float_t)0.0);
const vec_t& prev_out = prev_->output(index);
const activation::function& prev_h = prev_->activation_function();
vec_t& prev_delta = prev_delta_[index];
for_(parallelize_, 0, (size_t)in_size_, [&](const blocked_range& r) {
for (int i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) {
const wo_connections& connections = in2wo_[i];
float_t delta = 0.0;
for (auto connection : connections)
delta += W_[connection.first] * current_delta[connection.second]; // 40.6%
prev_delta[i] = delta * scale_factor_ * prev_h.df(prev_out[i]); // 2.1%
for_(parallelize_, 0, weight2io_.size(), [&](const blocked_range& r) {
for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++) {
const io_connections& connections = weight2io_[i];
float_t diff = 0.0;
for (auto connection : connections) // 11.9%
diff += prev_out[connection.first] * current_delta[connection.second];
dW_[index][i] += diff * scale_factor_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bias2out_.size(); i++) {
const std::vector<layer_size_t>& outs = bias2out_[i];
float_t diff = 0.0;
for (auto o : outs)
diff += current_delta[o];
db_[index][i] += diff;
void update(const vec_t& dW, const vec_t& /*Hessian*/, vec_t &W) {
vec_t& g = get<0>(W);
for_i(W.size(), [&](int i) {
g[i] += dW[i] * dW[i];
W[i] -= alpha * dW[i] / (std::sqrt(g[i]) + eps);
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