
Posted zhaooshelbj



0. 前言







1. 演讲稿




How books can open your mind

So I was trained to become a gymnast for two years in Hunan, China in the 1970s.
When I was in the first grade, the government wanted to transfer me to a school
for athletes, all expenses paid. But my tiger mother said, "No." My parents
wanted me to become an engineer like them.After surviving the Cultural Revolution,
they firmly believed there‘s only one sure way to happiness: a safe and well-paid
job. It is not important if I like the job or not.

But my dream was to become a Chinese opera singer. That is me playing my imaginary
piano.An opera singer must start training young to learn acrobatics, so I tried
everything I could to go to opera school. I even wrote to the school principal and
the host of a radio show. But no adults liked the idea. No adults believed I was
serious. Only my friends supported me, but they were kids, just as powerless as I
was. So at age 15, I knew I was too old to be trained. My dream would never come
true. I was afraid that for the rest of my life some second-class happinesswould
be the best I could hope for.

But that‘s so unfair. So I was determined to find another calling. Nobody around
to teach me? Fine. I turned to books.

I satisfied my hunger for parental advice from this book by a family of writers
and musicians.["Correspondence in the Family of Fou Lei"]

I found my role model of an independent woman when Confucian tradition requires
obedience.["Jane Eyre"]

And I learned to be efficient from this book.["Cheaper by the Dozen"]

And I was inspired to study abroad after reading these.

["Complete Works of Sanmao" (aka Echo Chan)] ["Lessons From History" by Nan Huaijin]

I came to the U.S. in 1995, so which books did I read here first? Books banned in
China, of course. "The Good Earth" is about Chinese peasant life. That‘s just not
convenient for propaganda. Got it. The Bible is interesting, but strange. (Laughter)
That‘s a topic for a different day. But the fifth commandment gave me an epiphany:
"You shall honor your father and mother." "Honor," I said. "That‘s so different,
and better, than obey." So it becomes my tool to climb out of this Confucian guilt
trap and to restart my relationship with my parents.

Encountering a new culture also started my habit of comparative reading. It offers
many insights. For example, I found this map out of place at first because this is
what Chinese students grew up with. It had never occurred to me, China doesn‘t have
to be at the center of the world. A map actually carries somebody‘s view.

Comparative reading actually is nothing new. It‘s a standard practice in the academic
world. There are even research fields such as comparative religion and comparative

Compare and contrast gives scholars a more complete understanding of a topic. So I
thought, well, if comparative reading works for research, why not do it in daily life
too? So I started reading books in pairs. So they can be about people -- ["Benjamin
Franklin" by Walter Isaacson]["John Adams" by David McCullough] -- who are involved
in the same event, or friends with shared experiences.

["Personal History" by Katharine Graham]["The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business
of Life," by Alice Schroeder] I also compare the same stories in different genres
-- (Laughter) [Holy Bible: King James Version]["Lamb" by Chrisopher Moore] -- or
similar stories from different cultures, as Joseph Campbell did in his wonderful book.
["The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell] For example, both the Christ and the Buddha
went through three temptations. For the Christ, the temptations are economic,
political and spiritual.For the Buddha, they are all psychological: lust, fear and
social duty -- interesting.

So if you know a foreign language, it‘s also fun to read your favorite books in two
languages.["The Way of Chuang Tzu" Thomas Merton]["Tao: The Watercourse Way" Alan Watts]
Instead of lost in translation, I found there is much to gain. For example, it‘s
through translation that I realized "happiness" in Chinese literally means "fast joy."
Huh! "Bride" in Chinese literally means "new mother." Uh-oh. (Laughter)

Books have given me a magic portal to connect with people of the past and the present.

I know I shall never feel lonely or powerless again. Having a dream shattered really
is nothingcompared to what many others have suffered. I have come to believe that
coming true is not the only purpose of a dream. Its most important purpose is to get
us in touch with where dreams come from, where passion comes from, where happiness
comes from. Even a shattered dream can do that for you.

So because of books, I‘m here today, happy, living again with a purpose and a clarity,
most of the time. So may books be always with you.

Thank you.


2. COMMENTS (千呼万唤始出来)


 这里从主角第一条 comments 开始,包含其他人的 回帖,十分精彩~


Do not delete or block my comment again please. I feel both excited and disappointed.
I am excited because I saw another Chinese speaking on TED but I am disappointed about
the distorted images she presented to the wide range of audience; I am excited because
comparative reading can be brought to a more daily and individual level, but I am
disappointed about her loss of awareness of the essence of comparative studies; I am
excited because she has found a lot in common between western and Chinese culture, but
I am disappointed about her misinterpretation about Chinese virtures and values
mentioned in her talk, let alone her shallow understanding of Buddhism; I am excited
because Chinese speakers may well serve as the cultural carrier that bridge the gap
of understanding from various cultures, but I am disappointed that her presentation
actually strengthens the embarrassing neither-nor scenario unfavored by both Chinese
viewers and western audiences. if TED really celebrates those ideas worth spreading,
participants there would never drive away the elements of the truth that they simply
do not want to hear. Rather it is these elements of the truth that they really need
to hear. Most westerners do not know about real China, not to mention the authentic
Chinese culture, nor would they care; Chinese speakers, if they are determined to stand
on that stage, should be held accountable and responsible for every word they say and
every message they convey, not acting as the advocate for the Communist Regime, but
not as irresponsible and irrational follower of the popular belief, but as a mature
and well-equipped global citizen who are not afraid of sharing the truth and facing
every challenge ahead. "May books be with you" might be a good wish but what really
matters is the independent thinking, the shining wisdom, the fact-based horizon, which
comes from but reaches far beyond reading.

信仰,但作为一个成熟和装备精良的全球公民,不怕分享真相,面对未来的每一项挑战。 “愿书




Please give at least one specific example from the talk to support your 
arguments. For those who do not know the Chinese culture, all what you wrote 
looks abstract.

====== 请至少给出一个具体的例子来支持你的论点。 对于那些不了解中国文化的人来说,你写 的所有内容都是抽象的。


 主角 comments 回帖:


This response is addressed to Mary and Yubai with absolutely no offense but a clear sincerity to explain to acheive better mutual understanding. During Lisa’s presentation, there are an awful number of mistakes and misinterpretations about Chinese culture relating to Confucius philosophies, conventional wisdom and what happened in the year 1995, not to mention her shallow understanding of the temptations Buddha once encountered, just to name a few. Let’s ignore the irrelevance between singing Chinese Opera and playing the imaginary piano and continue our examinations about several points she made. The banned books 210’’ It is clearly stated that she read books that were banned in China when she first arrived in the US. What actually happened is that it was to the point of wildest impossibility for Bible to be banned in China in 1995 or even in the year 1949. To honor or to obey 239’’ It is clearly stated that she got out of the Confucius trap by appreciate the difference between “to honor our parents” and “to obey”. What actually happens is Confucius never teaches us to simply obey; he teaches us to 孝, which means to honor and to pay enough respect. 孝even becomes the foundation of 教, which means education. It is indicated that real education should begin at home and to honor our parents is the first lesson. Unfortunately most people including Lisa have for years mixed 孝(to honor)and孝顺(to honor and to follow and obey). It is good for her to find a better place in family but unfair to attribute all the inferior scenarios to Confucius philosophies. What an irony when she learns to honor her parents but fails to honor her ancestor, or even at least to look through the exact idea Confucius honestly conveyed. Let’s not forget reading is what specializes in and let’s forgive her lack of time to read in-depth.
====== 这个回复是针对玛丽和Yubai的,绝对没有冒犯,但明确的诚意解释,以实现更好的相互理解。 在丽莎的演讲中,关于孔子哲学,传统智慧和1995年发生的事情的中国文化有很多错误和误解, 更不用说她对佛陀曾经遇到过的诱惑的浅薄理解,仅举几例。让我们忽略唱中国戏曲和演奏想 象中的钢琴之间的无关性,继续我们对她所做的几点的考试。 禁书2
10‘‘ 很明显,她读到中国首次抵达美国时被禁止的书籍。实际发生的事情是,1995年在中国甚至在 1949年被禁止使用圣经是最不可能的。 尊重或服从239‘‘




 comments 3


About the map 310’’ She uses the different versions of the world map to illustrate that a map sometimes delivers somebody’s point of view. 中国(China) literally means the Middle Kingdom, because ancient Chinese believed that their territory was at the center, but in modern China, the design of the map is only for better readability. Born in 1982 (4 years after the reform and opening-up policy by Deng Xiaoping), I grew up with both of the two sets of maps Lisa mentioned. Neither teachers nor textbooks intended to convey that China is the center of the planet, but rather lies always in the East hemisphere. Interestingly I even saw an Australian version of world map where the world’s view is turned upside down to make sure Australia to be the first part that seizes the viewers’ eyes. What is the problem with that I wonder, or is there a message that SOMEBODY in Australia desires to convey? About the Buddha 410’’ She compares and contrasts the three temptations Christ and Buddha have been through. I am not in the position to talk about Christ but for Buddhism, the essence of the religion is to honor the highest laws that Buddha has been enlightened by. The temptations such as lust and social duties are by no means psychological. Lisa will agree with me if she really reads the fundamentals of psychology and sociology. Later, her ironic tone carrying the strange word “interesting” seems to enhance Lisa’s irony about her being ignorant of her ignorance.
====== 关于地图3
10‘‘ 她使用世界地图的不同版本来说明地图有时会提供某人的观点。中国(中国)字面意思是中国, 因为古代中国人认为他们的领土是中心,但在现代中国,地图的设计只是为了更好的可读性。 出生于1982年(邓小平改革开放4年后),我在丽莎所提到的两套地图中长大。教师和教科书都 没有打算传达中国是地球的中心,而是始终在东半球。有趣的是,我甚至看到了澳大利亚版的 世界地图,其中世界的观点被颠倒过来,以确保澳大利亚成为第一个抓住观众眼睛的部分。我 想知道的问题是什么,或者澳大利亚的某些人希望传达的信息是什么? 关于佛410‘‘ 她比较和对比了基督和佛陀所经历的三种诱惑。我不能谈论基督,但对于佛教而言,宗教的本质 是尊重佛陀所启迪的最高法则。欲望和社会责任等诱惑决不是心理上的。如果她真的读过心理学 和社会学的基础知识,丽莎会同意我的看法。后来,她讽刺的语气带着“有趣”这个奇怪的词语


 comments 4


About the Chi-Eng translation 438’’ She clearly stated that instead of loss of the translation, she found there is much to gain, but what she actually gained is the false and the distorted image of Chinese culture carried in Chinese characters. Happiness literally refers to 幸福(the highest self-fulfillment)rather than “快乐”(instant pleasure—forgive me that I have no idea what she meant when she said “fast joy”). Otherwise the movie named “the pursuit of happiness”, definitely one of my favorite, should’ve been disastrously mistranslated into the pursuit of fast joy. Fortunately that is not what really happens. The bride in Chinese refers to “新娘”,where “新”means “new” and “娘”means “virtuous adult woman”. That explains why we referred our mothers to “娘”. Hence “新娘” means that marriage symbolizes the new beginning of a woman’s journey to greater virtues. Once again there comes her strange pitch and unpleasant tone that followed “new mother”, which indicates her contempt and irony and which is of course degrading. It is reasonable for others not to realize this misunderstanding or to have the superficial impression about Chinese culture, but for Lisa who is born in China for nearly 20 years and claims to do comparative studies in daily life, her ideas conveyed in presentation is, beyond any reasonable doubt, helplessly unacceptable.
====== 关于Chi

(即时愉快 - 原谅我,当她说“快乐”时我不知道她的意思)。否则这部电影名为“追求幸福”,



comments 5


Lisa’s talk has value. It brings us back to the significance of reading, especially since we are living
in the age when an awful number of people probably don’t read or don’t enjoying reading. However, what matters more is not simply to read for reading’s sake, but to think independently and analytically. An amount of critical analysis or even cynicism would not hurt, as long as they are all based on facts, or based on the in-depth research if facts are not easy to find. Comparative reading means much, much more than to compare similarities and to contrast differences between two books, and I bet Lisa would agree with me on that. If books may still serves as the magic to open our eyes, our brain to think and our heart to dig are truly the highest gifts endowed to us to cross the boundary of time and space, not to mention the culture and ideology. The only way to honor these gifts is to use them wisely so that it can make us fly without wings, but not to tread them under our feet so that it can make us seem taller.
====== 丽莎的谈话很有价值。它让我们回到了阅读的重要性,特别是因为我们生活在一个可怕的人可 能不读或不喜欢阅读的时代。然而,更重要的不仅仅是为阅读而阅读,而是要独立思考和分析 思考。只要基于事实,或者基于深入研究,如果事实不容易找到,一定数量的批判性分析甚至 玩世不恭都不会受到伤害。比较阅读意味着更多,远远超过比较相似之处和对比两本书之间的 差异,我打赌丽莎会同意我的看法。如果书本仍然可以作为睁开眼睛的魔力,那么我们思考的 大脑和我们挖掘的心脏确实是赋予我们跨越时空界限的最高礼物,更不用说文化和意识形态了。 尊重这些礼物的唯一方法就是明智地使用它们,这样它才能让我们在没有翅膀的情况下飞翔, 而不是将它们踩在脚下,这样它才能让我们看起来更高。


 被惊艳到的老外接着回帖:WoW ~

WOW, I need to read several times what you wrote in order to fully comprehend it. 
Nevertheless, I highly appreciate your input and efforts.
After reading once all this I think I generally understand your protest. You are 
protesting against the spirit of adopting blindly something new and kicking out 
everything that one was belonging to it in the past until he/she encountered that 
new substance. I am familiar with this type of pattern of behavior from my own 
cultures when some (only some, not all) adopt blindly anything from the West and 
hate everything of their past wisdom, traditions and cultures. I have seen this 
both with some Indians as well as Israelis.
But this also works vice versa. There are and were some Westerners which I had 
seen who idealize Indian culture -- take for example the Hare Rama Hare Krishna 
movement in the USA at the 60s which idealized the Hindu 


哇,我需要多次阅读你所写的内容才能完全理解它。 不过,我非常感谢您的投入和努力。
在阅读完所有这些后,我想我一般都理解你的抗议。 你正在抗议盲目采用新事物的精神,
并在过去直到他/她遇到这种新物质时踢出一切属于它的东西。 我熟悉这种来自我自己
并且讨厌他们过去的智慧,传统和文化的一切。 我和一些印度人以及以色列人都看过这个。
但这也是相反的。 有一些西方人,我曾经看到他们理想化了印度文化 - 例如60年代在美
国的Hare Rama Hare Krishna运动,理想化了印度教的概念/信仰/哲学/文化。



惊艳的不要不要的,在读几遍后 继续补充

OK. After reading again your remarks and watching again the talk, I agree 
with your remarks. I am not an expert in Chinese philosophy and culture. 
But indeed her attitude looks like degrading the Chinese thought in front 
of her seemingly new revelations from her new way of life. My gut feeling 
is that she does this because she confuses between the Chinese totalitarian 
regime and the Chinese philosophy/tradition. She starts the talk with 
describing what she was expected to do or to be by her present society and 
then she jumps to analyzing the Chinese tradition. While doing this, she 
drags her criticism from the Chinese regime towards the Chinese 
philosophy/tradition. But I guess it‘s not only that because you point out 
that some of the things she says about present China are also untrue.


好。 在再次阅读你的评论并再次观看演讲之后,我同意你的意见。 我不是中国哲学
和文化方面的专家。 但事实上,她的态度看起来像是在她对新生活方式的看似新的启
示面前贬低中国思想。 我的直觉是,她这样做是因为她混淆了中国的极权主义政权和
中国哲学//传统。 她开始谈论描述她应该做什么或者是现在的社会,然后她开始分析
中国传统。 在这样做的同时,她将中国政权的批评拖向中国哲学//传统。 但我想这


 主角 回帖老外

Millions of thanks Yubai, for your sincerity and kind efforts to go through 
my comments several times, and i highly appreciate you echoing my remakes 
and showing empathetic comprehension to the values and background that lie 
behind what I am trying to prove. Frankly most people including some Chinese 
would take what I have done here as nothing but nonsense or a waste of time. 
We are losing our cultures because a lot of people in China do not care about 
it,and they take misinterpretation and misunderstanding for granted. Anyway, 
i hope my reply eariier did not bother you too much. Once more here comes my 
gratitude to you. All the best.

====== 太...太...感谢Yubai了,感谢您的诚意和善意努力多次通过我的评论,我非常感谢您 回应我的重拍,并对我想要证明的背后的价值观和背景表现出同理心的理解。 坦率地说,包括一些中国人在内的大多数人会把我在这里所做的只不过是胡说八道或浪 费时间。 我们正在失去我们的文化,因为中国很多人都不关心它,他们把误解和误解 视为理所当然。 无论如何,我希望我的回复更加困扰你。 再一次,感谢你们。 祝一切顺利。


 3. 后记


 不知道能惊艳到其他人不,反正我被惊艳的不要不要的,这里的翻译也是大体粘到google 翻译






 P.S. 我的偶像,Kawhi Leonard 


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