Hive Order By操作
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Hive Order By操作相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Hive中常见的高级查询包括:group by、Order by、join、distribute by、sort by、cluster by、Union all。今天我们来看看order by操作,Order by表示按照某些字段排序,语法如下:
- select col,col2...
- from tableName
- where condition
- order by col1,col2 [asc|desc]
(1):order by后面可以有多列进行排序,默认按字典排序。
(2):order by为全局排序。
(3):order by需要reduce操作,且只有一个reduce,无法配置(因为多个reduce无法完成全局排序)。
order by操作会受到如下属性的制约:
- set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict; (default value / 默认值)
- set hive.mapred.mode=strict;
注:如果在strict模式下使用order by语句,那么必须要在语句中加上limit关键字,因为执行order by的时候只能启动单个reduce,如果排序的结果集过大,那么执行时间会非常漫长。
下面我们通过一个示例来深入体会order by的用法:
- hive> select * from employees;
- OK
- lavimer 15000.0 ["li","lu","wang"] {"k1":1.0,"k2":2.0,"k3":3.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":101} 2015-01-24 love
- liao 18000.0 ["liu","li","huang"] {"k4":2.0,"k5":3.0,"k6":6.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":102} 2015-01-24 love
- zhang 19000.0 ["xiao","wen","tian"] {"k7":7.0,"k8":8.0,"k8":8.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":103} 2015-01-24 love
- hive> select * from employees order by salary desc;
- //执行MapReduce的过程
- Job 0: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 2.62 sec HDFS Read: 415 HDFS Write: 245 SUCCESS
- Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 2 seconds 620 msec
- OK
- zhang 19000.0 ["xiao","wen","tian"] {"k7":7.0,"k8":8.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":103} 2015-01-24 love
- liao 18000.0 ["liu","li","huang"] {"k4":2.0,"k5":3.0,"k6":6.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":102} 2015-01-24 love
- lavimer 15000.0 ["li","lu","wang"] {"k1":1.0,"k2":2.0,"k3":3.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":101} 2015-01-24 love
- Time taken: 20.484 seconds
- hive>
- hive> set hive.mapred.mode;
- hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict
- hive>
现在我们将它改为strict,然后再使用order by进行查询:
- hive> set hive.mapred.mode=strict;
- hive> select * from employees order by salary desc;
- FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: 1:33 In strict mode, if ORDER BY is specified, LIMIT must also be specified. Error encountered near token ‘salary‘
- hive>
- hive> select * from employees order by salary desc limit 3;
- FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: No partition predicate found for Alias "employees" Table "employees"
- hive> show partitions employees;
- OK
- date_time=2015-01-24/type=love
- Time taken: 0.096 seconds
在strict模式先使用order by查询:
- hive> select * from employees where partition(date_time=‘2015-01-24‘,type=‘love‘) order by salary desc limit 3;
- FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:30 cannot recognize input near ‘partition‘ ‘(‘ ‘date_time‘ in expression specification
- hive
- > select * from employees where date_time=‘2015-01-24‘ and type=‘love‘ order by salary desc limit 3;
- //执行MapReduce程序
- Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 3 seconds 510 msec
- OK
- zhang 19000.0 ["xiao","wen","tian"] {"k7":7.0,"k8":8.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":103} 2015-01-24 love
- liao 18000.0 ["liu","li","huang"] {"k4":2.0,"k5":3.0,"k6":6.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":102} 2015-01-24 love
- lavimer 15000.0 ["li","lu","wang"] {"k1":1.0,"k2":2.0,"k3":3.0} {"street":"dingnan","city":"ganzhou","num":101} 2015-01-24 love
- Time taken: 19.861 seconds
- hive>
以上是关于Hive Order By操作的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Hive中sort by,order by,cluster by,distribute by总结
Hive中的Order by与关系型数据库中的order by语句的异同点
hive的 order by & distribute by & cluter by