react 使用antd的多选功能做一个单选与全选效果
Posted 知兮
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了react 使用antd的多选功能做一个单选与全选效果相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
import React from "react"; import {Modal,Table,Button,Checkbox,Card,Popconfirm } from \'antd\'; import LoadingMixin from \'../../../libs/loading.common.mixin\'; import RequestMixin from \'../../../libs/request.mixin\'; import NotificationMixin from \'../../../libs/notification.mixin\'; import Helper from \'../../../libs/helper\'; import \'./index.css\'; const { Meta } = Card; const CheckboxGroup = Checkbox.Group; export default React.createClass({ mixins: [LoadingMixin, NotificationMixin, RequestMixin], propTypes: { onManualClose:React.PropTypes.func, onOk: React.PropTypes.func, onCancel: React.PropTypes.func, title: React.PropTypes.string, item: React.PropTypes.object }, getInitialState() { return { item: this.props.item && this.props.item || {}, data: [], userObj: {}, deleteList:[], indeterminate: false, checkAll: false, checkedList:[] }; }, componentWillMount() { this.fetch(); }, fetch() { // console.log("11111111111------------》",this.props.item.frameid);{ url: "Api/historyPush/module/frame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { frameid: this.props.item.frameid // frameid:\'32frame_tj1\' }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { // console.log("result-----------------",result); this.setState({data: result.result || []}); }); // this.get({ // url: "Api/lists/module/user/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", // param: { // }, // noLoading: true // }).then(result=> { // let userObj = {}; // result.result && => { // userObj[] = item.nickname; // }); // this.setState({userObj: userObj|| {}}); // }); }, hideModal() { this.props.onCancel && this.props.onCancel(); }, onChange(checkedList){ // console.log(\'checked = \', checkedList); this.setState({ checkedList:checkedList, indeterminate: !!checkedList.length && (checkedList.length <, checkAll: checkedList.length ===, }); }, onCheckAllChange(e){ // console.log("全选1",; // console.log("全选2",; let dataList =[] for(var i=0;i<;i++){ dataList[i][i].imgid } // console.log("dataList--------",dataList) this.setState({ checkedList: ? dataList : [], indeterminate: false, checkAll:, }); }, handleClose(record) { var that = this; if (this.state.checkedList==null||this.state.checkedList.length==0) { that.error("请选择要删除的图片"); return false; }; // console.log("删除的图片",this.props.item.frameid,this.state.checkedList);{ url: "Api/clearCache/module/frame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { frameid:this.props.item.frameid, imglist: this.state.checkedList }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { if (result.result) { that.success("操作成功"); that.fetch(); } }); }, render() { let isMainObj = { 1 : "是", 0 : "否" } let columns = [ { title: \'用户\', dataIndex: \'userid\', key: \'userid\', width: \'20%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( this.state.userObj && this.state.userObj[text] ) } }, { title: \'主管理\', dataIndex: \'is_main\', key: \'is_main\', width: \'20%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( isMainObj[record[\'is_main\']] ) } }, { title: \'设备备注\', dataIndex: \'remark\', key: \'remark\', width: \'30%\' }, { title: \'绑定时间\', dataIndex: \'create_time\', key: \'create_time\', width: \'25%\' } ]; return ( <Modal title={this.props.title && this.props.title || \'新增\'} visible={true} width="700px" onCancel={this.hideModal} maskClosable={false} footer={ <Button key="back" type="ghost" size="large" onClick={this.hideModal}>关 闭</Button> }> <div className={\'boxTitle\'}> <Checkbox indeterminate={this.state.indeterminate} onChange={this.onCheckAllChange} checked={this.state.checkAll} // checked={this.state.checked} // disabled={this.state.disabled} // onChange={this.onChange} //this,record > {\'全选\'} </Checkbox> <Popconfirm placement="topRight" title={"您确定要删除这些数据吗?"} onConfirm={this.handleClose} okText="确定" cancelText="取消"> <Button type="primary">批量删除</Button> </Popconfirm> </div> <div className={\'cardBox\'}> <Checkbox.Group style={{ width: \'100%\' }} onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.checkedList}> <Card title=""> { &&,index) => { return ( <Card.Grid className={\'gridStyle\'} key={item.imgid}> <Checkbox className={\'CheckboxStyle\'} value={item.imgid} > </Checkbox> <img src={item.small_url} ></img> </Card.Grid> ) }) } </Card> </Checkbox.Group>, </div> </Modal> ) } });
import React from \'react\'; import { Table,Form,Input,Button,Popconfirm,Select} from \'antd\'; import LoadingMixin from \'../../../libs/loading.common.mixin\'; import RequestMixin from \'../../../libs/request.mixin\'; import NotificationMixin from \'../../../libs/notification.mixin\'; import Helper from \'../../../libs/helper\'; import ModalWrapper from \'../../../libs/modalwrapper\'; import \'./index.css\'; import AddOrUpdateModal from \'./addorupdatemodal\'; import BindUserModal from \'./bindusermodal\'; const FormItem = Form.Item; const createForm = Form.create; const Option = Select.Option; let equipmentList = React.createClass({ mixins: [LoadingMixin,NotificationMixin,RequestMixin], getInitialState(){ return { data: [], pagination: {showQuickJumper: true,showTotal: total => `共 ${total} 条`}, loading: false, tableCompanyName:[], param:[] } }, componentWillMount() { this.tableCompanyName(); }, tableCompanyName(){ this.get({ url:"Api/lists/module/company/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { let companyName = result.result; let companyMap = [] if(companyName==null||companyName.length==0){ companyMap =[] }else { for(var i=0;i<companyName.length;i++){ companyMap[companyName[i].id]=companyName[i].title; } } this.setState({ tableCompanyName: companyMap, },this.fetch) }); }, fetch(pageNum = 1, pageSize = 10) { this.get({ url: "Api/lists/module/frame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { companyid:this.state.param.companyid ? this.state.param.companyid :\'\', frameid:this.state.param.frameid ? this.state.param.frameid :\'\', has_kinect:this.state.param.has_kinect ? this.state.param.has_kinect :\'\', p: pageNum, n: pageSize }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { const pagination = this.state.pagination; = Number(result.count); const tableList = result.result; const tableCompanyName = this.state.tableCompanyName; const companyMap = tableCompanyName; for (var i=0;i<tableList.length;i++){ tableList[i].has_kinect && tableList[i].has_kinect == 0 ? tableList[i].has_kinect=\'普通\':tableList[i].has_kinect=\'体感\' if(tableList[i].companyid){ tableList[i].title = companyMap[tableList[i].companyid] }else { tableList[i].title = \'\' } } this.setState({ loading: false, data: tableList || [], pagination, }); }).catch(e => { const pagination = this.state.pagination; = 0; this.setState({ loading: false, data: [], pagination, }) }); }, handleSubmit(e) { var that = this; e && e.preventDefault(); this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => { if (!err) { let params ={} params.companyid = values.companyid; params.frameid = values.frameid; params.has_kinect = values.has_kinect; // console.log("查询条件paramsparams",params); this.setState({param: params},this.tableCompanyName); } }); }, handleReset(e) { e && e.preventDefault(); this.props.form.resetFields(); // this.searchQuery(); }, handleTableChange(pagination, filters, sorter) { const pager = this.state.pagination; pager.current = pagination.current; this.setState({ pagination: pager, }); this.fetch(pagination.current, pagination.pageSize); }, handleClose(record) { var that = this; if (!record) return;{ url: "Api/batchDelete/module/frame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { ids: }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { if (result.result) { that.success("操作成功"); that.fetch(); } }); }, // addOrUpdate(modal,e) { // e && e.preventDefault() ; // e && e.stopPropagation(); // console.log("this.state.tableCompanyName----------",this.state.tableCompanyName); // new ModalWrapper(AddOrUpdateModal, "addOrUpdateModal", () => { // this.fetch(); // }, null, { // shopList:this.state.shopList, // title: modal && ? \'编辑设备\' : \'新增设备\', // item: modal && ? Helper.copyObject(modal) : {}, // isEdit: modal && ? true:false, // tableCompanyName: modal && ? this.state.tableCompanyName:this.state.tableCompanyName, // }).show(); // }, handleBindCache(modal,e) { e && e.preventDefault() ; e && e.stopPropagation(); // console.log("modal---缓存管理--",modal); new ModalWrapper(AddOrUpdateModal, "addOrUpdateModal", () => { this.fetch(); }, null, {shopList:this.state.shopList,title: \'缓存管理\',item: modal && ? Helper.copyObject(modal) : {}}).show(); }, handleBindUser(modal,e) { e && e.preventDefault() ; e && e.stopPropagation(); // console.log("modal---人员管理--",modal); new ModalWrapper(BindUserModal, "bindUserModal", () => { this.fetch(); }, null, { shopList:this.state.shopList, title: \'人员管理\', item: modal && ? Helper.copyObject(modal) : {} }).show(); }, render() { const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form; let columns = [ { title: \'编号\',dataIndex: \'id\', key: \'id\', width: \'5%\'}, { title: \'设备编码\', dataIndex: \'frameid\', key: \'frameid\', width: \'20%\' }, { title: \'公司名称\', dataIndex: \'title\', key: \'#2\', width: \'25%\' }, { title: \'类型\', dataIndex: \'has_kinect\', key: \'has_kinect\', width: \'5%\' }, { title: \'绑定上限\', dataIndex: \'bind_limit\', key: \'bind_limit\', width: \'5%\' }, { title: \'备注\', dataIndex: \'mark\',key: \'mark\', width: \'15%\'}, { title: \'操作\', key: \'#\', width: \'25%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( <div> <Button type="primary" onClick={this.handleBindCache.bind(this,record)} style={{marginRight: "10px"}}>缓存管理</Button> <Button type="primary" onClick={this.handleBindUser.bind(this,record)} style={{marginRight: "10px"}}>人员管理</Button> {/*<Popconfirm placement="topRight" title={"您确定要删除该条数据吗?"} onConfirm={this.handleClose.bind(this,record)} okText="确定" cancelText="取消">*/} {/*<Button type="primary" >删除</Button>*/} {/*</Popconfirm>*/} </div> ) } } ]; return ( <div className="modular-main"> <div className="title"> <h2>设备管理</h2> </div> <div className="form-search"> <Form layout="inline" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} autoComplete="off"> <FormItem> { getFieldDecorator(\'frameid\')( <Input placeholder="请输入设备号" /> ) } </FormItem> <FormItem> { getFieldDecorator(\'companyid\',{ initialValue: this.state.param && this.state.param.companyid || \'\', })( <Select style={{ width: \'120px\' }}> <Option value=""> --公司名称-- </Option> { this.state.tableCompanyName &&,key,index) => { // console.log("-key.toString()--------",key.toString()) return ( <Option key={index} value={key.toString()}> {item}</Option> ) }) } </Select> ) } </FormItem> <FormItem> { getFieldDecorator(\'has_kinect\',{ initialValue: this.state.param && this.state.param.has_kinect || \'\', })( <Select style={{ width: \'120px\' }}> <Option value=""> --请选择类型-- </Option> <Option value="0"> 普通 </Option> <Option value="1"> 体感 </Option> </Select> ) } </FormItem> <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">查询</Button> {/*<Button type="primary" onClick={this.addOrUpdate.bind(this,\'\')}>添加</Button>*/} {/*<Button onClick={this.handleReset}>重置</Button>*/} </Form> </div> <div> <Table loading={this.state.loading} columns={columns} dataSource={} onChange={this.handleTableChange} pagination={this.state.pagination} scroll={{ y: 600 }} rowKey={(record) =>} > </Table> </div> </div> ) } }); equipmentList = createForm()(equipmentList); export default equipmentList;
import React from "react"; import {Modal,Table,Button,Popconfirm} from \'antd\'; import LoadingMixin from \'../../../libs/loading.common.mixin\'; import RequestMixin from \'../../../libs/request.mixin\'; import NotificationMixin from \'../../../libs/notification.mixin\'; import Helper from \'../../../libs/helper\'; export default React.createClass({ mixins: [LoadingMixin, NotificationMixin, RequestMixin], propTypes: { onManualClose:React.PropTypes.func, onOk: React.PropTypes.func, onCancel: React.PropTypes.func, title: React.PropTypes.string, item: React.PropTypes.object }, getInitialState() { return { item: this.props.item && this.props.item || {}, data: [], userObj: {} }; }, componentWillMount() { this.fetch(); }, fetch() { console.log("this.props.item.frameid",this.props.item.frameid); this.get({ url: "Api/getFrameUser/module/userFrame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { frameid: this.props.item.frameid }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { this.setState({data: result.result || []}); }); this.get({ url: "Api/lists/module/user/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { let userObj = {}; result.result && => { userObj[] = item.nickname; }); this.setState({userObj: userObj|| {}}); }); }, handleClose(record) { //解绑用户 console.log("222222",record) var that = this; if (!record) return;{ url: "Api/UnbindFrame/module/userFrame/key/dac509bd90a82719a3569291e12c24a6f1af4bac", param: { userid:record.userid, frameid: this.props.item.frameid }, noLoading: true }).then(result=> { if (result.result) { that.success("操作成功"); that.fetch(); } }); }, hideModal() { this.props.onCancel && this.props.onCancel(); }, render() { let isMainObj = { 1 : "是", 0 : "否" } let columns = [ { title: \'用户\', dataIndex: \'userid\', key: \'userid\', width: \'20%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( this.state.userObj && this.state.userObj[text] ) } }, { title: \'设备备注\', dataIndex: \'remark\', key: \'remark\', width: \'30%\' }, { title: \'主管理\', dataIndex: \'is_main\', key: \'is_main\', width: \'10%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( isMainObj[record[\'is_main\']] ) } }, { title: \'绑定时间\', dataIndex: \'create_time\', key: \'create_time\', width: \'25%\' }, { title: \'操作\', key: \'#\', width: \'15%\', render: (text, record) => { return ( <div> <Popconfirm placement="topRight" title={"您确定要解绑该条用户吗?"} onConfirm={this.handleClose.bind(this,record)} okText="确定" cancelText="取消"> <Button type="primary" >删除</Button> </Popconfirm> </div> ) } } ]; return ( <Modal title={this.props.title && this.props.title || \'新增\'} visible={true} width="700px" onCancel={this.hideModal} maskClosable={false} footer={ <Button key="back" type="ghost" size="large" onClick={this.hideModal}>关 闭</Button> }> <Table columns={columns} dataSource={} pagination ={false} scroll={{ y: 600 }} rowKey={(record) =>} > </Table> </Modal> ) } });
以上是关于react 使用antd的多选功能做一个单选与全选效果的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章