管理科学与工程 国内核心期刊 国外a刊及SCI
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了管理科学与工程 国内核心期刊 国外a刊及SCI相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
管理科学学报 A+ (匿名审稿,绝对牛刊,不比一般的SCi期刊的质量差)
系统工程理论与实践 A (实名审稿,关系稿很多,尤其是挂编委的文章很多,但质量尚可)
系统工程学报 A (匿名审稿,侧重方法论多写,编辑部的老师特好)
中国管理科学 A (实名审稿,因大约投稿一年才真正外审,稿源相对同类期刊较少,但质量尚可)
管理工程学报A- (版面费太高,稿源质量有下降的趋势)
运筹与管理B+ 导师推荐,方向比较对口
管理科学B+ (非主流的管科类理论模型期刊)
预测B+ (版面费超高)
(1)A+journal A+期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)
MIS Quarterly
Management Science
Operations Research
Information Systems Research
(2)A-journal A期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)
INFORMS Journal on computing
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Transportation Science
IIE Transactions
Production and Operations Management
Journal of Management Information Systems
Decision Sciences
Journal of Operations Management
(3)B+journal B+期刊(排序有先后,前面的难发)
Naval Research Logistics
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological
European Journal of Operational Research
International Journal of Production Research
Communications of the ACM
Decision Support Systems
European Journal of Information Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Information and Management
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Annals of Operations Research
Computers and Operations Research
(4)B-journal B期刊(排序无先后)
ACM Transactions on Information Systems
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Communication Research
Computers and Industrial Engineering
IEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics B: Cybermatics
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics A; systems and humans
Information Processing and Management
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems Management
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
International Journal of Information Management
International Journal of Logistics Management
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
International Journal of Project Management
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
International Journal of Technology Management
International Transactions in Operational Research
Journal of Air Transport management
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Journal of Business Logistics
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Information Management
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (formerly European Journal of
Purchasing and Supply Management)
Journal of Scheduling
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Journal of Supply Chain Management
Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (formerly Zeitschrift für Operations
Networks (Wiley)
OR Spectrum
Operations Research Letters
Production Planning and Control
Production and Inventory Management Journal
Project Management Journal
Quality Management Journal
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (formerly Total Quality
Management )
Transport Reviews
Transportation Journal
Transportation Research D-Transport and Environment
Transportation Research Part A , Policy and Practice
Transportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review
刊 名 ISSN号 2000年SCI收录影响因子 2000年SCI总引用次数 年载
文量 2000年EI收录篇数
Journal of Quality Technology《质量技术杂志》美国 0022-4065 1.133 776 38
Journal of Product Innovation Management《产品革新管理杂志》美国 0737-6782 1.123 582 32 23
Ergonomics《人机学》英国 0014-0139 0.671 2564 114 47
International Journal of Production Research《国际生产研究杂志》英国 0020-7543 0.512 2717 225 36
Journal of Manufacturing Systems《制造系统杂志》英国 0278-6125 0.507 421 35
Probability in the Engineering and Information Science《工程与信息科学中的概率》英国 0269-9648 0.507 106 35
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing《国际计算机集成制造杂志》英国 0951-192X 0.494 200 40
IIE Transactions《工业工程师协会汇刊》荷兰 0740-817X 0.448 1179 101 80
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management《IEEE工程管理汇刊》美国 0018-9391 0.421 447 37 34
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications《IEEE工业应用汇刊》美国 0093-9994 0.374 1812 178 199
Journal of Engineering Design《工程设计杂志》英国 0954-4828 0.367 90 24
Applied Ergonomics《应用人机学》英国 003-6870 0.356 552 53 18
Research in Engineering Design《工程设计研究》德国 0934-9839 0.353 64 13 15
Research Technology Management《研究技术管理》美国 0895-6308 0.320 171 41
Computers & Operations Research《计算机与运筹学研究》英国 0305-0548 0.317 552 88 80
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics《国际工业人机工程学杂志》荷兰 0169-8141 0.314 399 135 89
Issues in Science and Technology《科学与技术问题》美国 0748-5492 0.299 100 25
Technovation《技术革新》英国 0166-4972 0.283 155 57 44
Travail Humain《人类劳动》法国 0041-1868 0.257 98 16
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management《工程和技术管理杂志》荷兰 0923-4748 0.231 39 14 14
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing《制造业中的人因素和人机工程学》美国 1045-2699 0.225 9 24 18
Safety Science《安全科学》荷兰 0925-7535 0.217 138 23 36
Reliability Engineering & System Safety《可靠性工程与系统安全》英国 0951-8320 0.214 446 112 92
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research《科学与工业研究杂志》印度 0022-4456 0.201 319 101
Production Planning & Control《生产规划与管理》英国 0953-7287 0.180 112 79
IIE Solutions《工业工程师协会杂志》美国 1085-1259 0.170 42 59
Journal of Management in Engineering《工程管理杂志》美国 0742-597X 0.164 65 49 34
Engineering Optimization《工程优选法》英国 0305-215X 0.159 134 23 32
International Journal of Industrial Engineering《国际工业工程杂志》 1072-4761 0.158 22 31 43
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing《机器人学与计算机集成制造》英国 0736-5845 0.156 73 39 40
Computers & Industrial Engineering《计算机与工业工程》荷兰 0360-8352 0.093 467 164 31
Quality Progress《质量进展》美国 0033-524X 0.067 149 82 53
Industrial Management & Data Systems《工业管理与数据系统》英国 0263-5577 0.024 14 40
首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking而已。
目前为止,最有说服力的期刊排名标准是AIS。根据JCR的官方说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal‘s articles over the first five years after publication。也就是说,一个期刊的AIS是指这个期刊上的文章在其发表后的5年内的平均影响力。另外,AIS比5-year impact factor更具说服力;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超高的,这代表Operations Research是个极具影响力的期刊(这当然是废话)。
1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)
2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)
3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1.895)
这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。算作A+期刊是没有争议的。UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)。
4. Journal of Operations Management (1.892)
5. Operations Research (1.832)

34. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (0.668)
35. Journal of the Operational Research Society (0.650)
36. Optimization Letters(0.646)
37. Interfaces(0.595)(博主按:这个期刊应该排到A去)
37. Optimization and Engineering (0.595)
39. Technovation (0.584)
40. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (0.566)
41. Optimization Methods & Software (0.553)
42. Optimization (0.531)
43. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (0.526)
44. Safety Science (0.517)
45. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (0.515)
46. Expert Systems with Applications (0.467)
47. International Journal of Systems Science (0.441)
48. Optimal Control Applications and Methods (0.434)
49. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (0.395)
50. Engineering Optimalization (0.395)
51. International Journal of Production Research (0.384)
1. Marketing Science有些OM学者也在这上面发文章,是marekting领域的top,在A+。是UTdalls24排名期刊
2. Decision Sciences应该排在A类或者B+期刊。
3. C&IE应该排在B类期刊。
4. IEEE on Engineering Management应该排在B或者B+类期刊。
5. 可能还有MS/OR领域的其他优秀期刊被JCR遗忘了。
以上是关于管理科学与工程 国内核心期刊 国外a刊及SCI的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章