itchat个人练习 语音与文本图灵测试例程
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了itchat个人练习 语音与文本图灵测试例程相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
pip安装 pydub,SpeechRecognition
pip install pydub pip install SpeechRecognition
@itchat.msg_register(RECORDING) def tuling_reply(msg):
其中用的是RECORDING是因为之前代码最开始有from itchat.content import *,否则就要使用itchat.content.RECORDING
def func1:
----- 等价于 ------
func1 = de( func1 )
1. 去调用de函数,de函数的入口参数就是那个叫“func1”的函数;
2. de函数被执行,入口参数的(也就是func1函数)会被调用(执行);
1 import binascii 2 import hashlib 3 import hmac 4 import urllib.parse 5 import urllib.request 6 import time 7 import random 8 import base64 9 10 def asr(msg): 11 msg[‘Text‘](msg[‘FileName‘])#保存mp3语音 12 timeData = str(int(time.time())) # 时间戳 13 nonceData = int(random.random()*10000) # Nonce,官网给的信息:随机正整数,与 Timestamp 联合起来, 用于防止重放攻击 14 with open(msg[‘FileName‘], ‘rb‘) as f: 15 voiceData =读取mp3语音,获得byte数据,格式是b‘x..‘ 16 os.remove(msg[‘FileName‘])#删除mp3语音 17 DataLenData = len(voiceData)#读取未base64编码之前的文件长度 18 tmp = int(timeData)#time stamp 19 signDictData = {#需要注意的是字典的key值要按照ascii码升序排序,并不一定是字典序,可以使用sorted(signDictData.keys())来查看ascii码排序结果 20 ‘Action‘ : actionData, 21 ‘Data‘: base64.b64encode(voiceData).decode(‘utf8‘),#base64编码,编码后是二进制,再用decode解码 22 # ‘Data‘: voiceData, 23 ‘DataLen‘: DataLenData, 24 ‘EngSerViceType‘: EngSerViceTypeData, 25 ‘Nonce‘ : nonceData, 26 ‘ProjectId‘:0, 27 ‘Region‘: ‘ap-shanghai‘, 28 ‘SecretId‘ : secretId, 29 # ‘SignatureMethod‘: ‘HmacSHA256‘,#加密算法可选,不指定这个参数默认是HmacSHA1加密 30 ‘SourceType‘: SourceTypeData, 31 ‘SubServiceType‘: SubServiceTypeData, 32 ‘Timestamp‘ : tmp, 33 ‘UsrAudioKey‘: UsrAudioKeyData, 34 ‘Version‘: versionData, 35 ‘VoiceFormat‘: VoiceFormatData 36 } 37 # 请求方法 + 请求主机 +请求路径 + ? + 请求字符串 38 requestStr = "%s%s%s%s%s"%(requestMethod,uriData,"/","?",dictToStr(signDictData)) 39 # signData = urllib.parse.quote(sign(secretKey,requestStr,‘HmacSHA1‘)) 40 #生成签名字符的时候一定是使用的没有经过urlencode编码的requestStr字符串,下面的加了encode的就是把字符串变成byte,sha1是算法,decode是把二进制解码为字符串。digest()是把的结果解析成字符串,然后经过base64编码为byte,再解码为字符串 41 signData = binascii.b2a_base64(‘utf-8‘), requestStr.encode(‘utf-8‘), hashlib.sha1).digest())[:-1].decode() 42 # 上述操作是实现签名,下面即进行请求 43 # 先建立请求参数, 此处参数只在签名时多了一个Signature 44 actionArgs = { 45 ‘Action‘ : actionData, 46 ‘Data‘: base64.b64encode(voiceData).decode(‘utf8‘), 47 # ‘Data‘: voiceData, 48 ‘DataLen‘: DataLenData, 49 ‘EngSerViceType‘: EngSerViceTypeData, 50 ‘Nonce‘ : nonceData, 51 ‘ProjectId‘:0, 52 ‘Region‘: ‘ap-shanghai‘, 53 ‘SecretId‘ : secretId, 54 ‘SourceType‘: SourceTypeData, 55 ‘SubServiceType‘: SubServiceTypeData, 56 ‘Timestamp‘ : tmp, 57 ‘UsrAudioKey‘: UsrAudioKeyData, 58 ‘Version‘: versionData, 59 ‘VoiceFormat‘: VoiceFormatData, 60 "Signature": signData 61 } 62 # 根据uri构建请求的url 63 requestUrl = "https://%s/?"%(uriData) 64 # 将请求的url和参数进行拼接,使用urlencode会修改掉参数中的/和=等符号的表示方式 65 requestUrlWithArgs = requestUrl + urllib.parse.urlencode(actionArgs) 66 67 # actionArgs = signDictData #这是深复制,两个字典就是一个字典 68 # actionArgs["Signature"] = signData 69 70 # # 根据uri构建请求的url 71 # requestUrl = "https://%s/?"%(uriData) 72 # # 将请求的url和参数进行拼接 73 # requestUrlWithArgs = requestUrl + dictToStr(actionArgs) 74 75 # 获得response 76 responseData = urllib.request.urlopen(requestUrlWithArgs).read().decode("utf-8")# 根据uri构建 77 # return json.loads(responseData)["Response"]["Error"]["Message"] #处理错误消息 78 return json.loads(responseData)["Response"]["Result"]#处理正确消息
后来一直在找能不能用别的语音api,由于百度的参考文档最多,我在其中就发现大家为了能够把音频发到百度语音api上,就使用了pydub对原音频文件进行了转码,这样我们就可以发送wav格式的语音,由于本来是想识别英文呢语音的,所以我还是尝试外国公司的api,尝试了微软语音识别,7天免费的那个,官方文档对于REST接口的参考太少了,并且都不是python的,这时候我在github上发现了一个SpeechRecognition项目,原来以为是只有谷歌语音识别的接口,尝试了一下结果果然被墙了,用了代理之后还是无法访问,然后我就看了github主页的Transcribe an audio file,在里面找到了不止一个接口,其中就有Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition的例程,调用非常简单,只需要语音文件和密钥,并且支持语音文件的格式转码,自动给你转成对应必应api的语音参数格式,各位可以自己进入r.recognize_bing()函数定义,在里面详细描述了如何使用必应语音服务(需要注意的是微软一元试用云服务的活动不支持必应语音识别这个模块),在这里把原话复制下来供参考:
""" Performs speech recognition on ``audio_data`` (an ``AudioData`` instance), using the Microsoft Bing Speech API. The Microsoft Bing Speech API key is specified by ``key``. Unfortunately, these are not available without `signing up for an account <>`__ with Microsoft Azure. To get the API key, go to the `Microsoft Azure Portal Resources <>`__ page, go to "All Resources" > "Add" > "See All" > Search "Bing Speech API > "Create", and fill in the form to make a "Bing Speech API" resource. On the resulting page (which is also accessible from the "All Resources" page in the Azure Portal), go to the "Show Access Keys" page, which will have two API keys, either of which can be used for the `key` parameter. Microsoft Bing Speech API keys are 32-character lowercase hexadecimal strings. The recognition language is determined by ``language``, a BCP-47 language tag like ``"en-US"`` (US English) or ``"fr-FR"`` (International French), defaulting to US English. A list of supported language values can be found in the `API documentation <>`__ under "Interactive and dictation mode". Returns the most likely transcription if ``show_all`` is false (the default). Otherwise, returns the `raw API response <>`__ as a JSON dictionary. Raises a ``speech_recognition.UnknownValueError`` exception if the speech is unintelligible. Raises a ``speech_recognition.RequestError`` exception if the speech recognition operation failed, if the key isn‘t valid, or if there is no internet connection. """
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import requests import itchat import json from itchat.content import * import os import speech_recognition as sr from pydub import Audiosegment def get_response_tuling(msg): # 这里我们就像在“3. 实现最简单的与图灵机器人的交互”中做的一样 # 构造了要发送给服务器的数据 apiUrl = ‘‘ data = { ‘key‘ : ‘8edce3ce905a4c1dbb965e6b35c3834d‘, ‘info‘ : msg, ‘userid‘ : ‘wechat-robot‘, } try: r =, data=data).json() # 字典的get方法在字典没有‘text‘值的时候会返回None而不会抛出异常 return r.get(‘text‘) # 为了防止服务器没有正常响应导致程序异常退出,这里用try-except捕获了异常 # 如果服务器没能正常交互(返回非json或无法连接),那么就会进入下面的return except: # 将会返回一个None return def asr(msg): #语音消息识别转文字输出 msg[‘Text‘](msg[‘FileName‘]) song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(msg[‘FileName‘]) song.export("tmp.wav", format="wav") r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.AudioFile(‘tmp.wav‘) as source: audio = r.record(source) # read the entire audio file os.remove(‘tmp.wav‘) os.remove(msg[‘FileName‘]) # recognize speech using Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition BING_KEY = "======修改成你自己的密钥=======" # Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition API keys 32-character lowercase hexadecimal strings try: text = r.recognize_bing(audio, key=BING_KEY,language="zh-CN") print("Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition thinks you said " + text) return text except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition could not understand audio") except sr.RequestError as e: print("Could not request results from Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition service; {0}".format(e)) @itchat.msg_register(TEXT)#因为之前把itchat.content全部import了,里面有TEXT变量 def tuling_reply_text(msg): # 注册文字消息获取后的处理 # 为了保证在图灵Key出现问题的时候仍旧可以回复,这里设置一个默认回复 defaultReply = ‘I received a: ‘ + msg[‘Text‘] return get_response_tuling(msg[‘Text‘]) or defaultReply @itchat.msg_register(RECORDING) def tuling_reply(msg): # 注册语音消息获取后的处理 # 为了保证在图灵Key出现问题的时候仍旧可以回复,这里设置一个默认回复 defaultReply = ‘I received a: ‘ + msg[‘Type‘] # 如果图灵Key出现问题,那么reply将会是None asrMessage = asr(msg) return get_response_tuling(asrMessage) or defaultReply # 为了让实验过程更加方便(修改程序不用多次扫码),我们使用热启动hotReload=True itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True)