Posted Joye Zhou

var s1 = [["2002-01-01", 112000], ["2003-01-01", 122000], ["2004-01-01", 104000], ["2005-01-01", 99000], ["2006-01-01", 121000], ["2007-01-01", 148000], ["2008-01-01", 114000], ["2009-01-01", 133000], ["2010-01-01", 161000]]; var s2 = [["2002-01-01", 10200], ["2003-01-01", 10800], ["2004-01-01", 11200], ["2005-01-01", 11800], ["2006-01-01", 12400], ["2007-01-01", 12800], ["2008-01-01", 13200], ["2009-01-01", 12600], ["2010-01-01", 13100]]; plot1 = $.jqplot("systolicChart2", [s2, s1], { animate: true, animateReplot: true, cursor: { show: true, zoom: true, looseZoom: true, showTooltip: false }, series:[ { pointLabels: { show: true }, showHighlight: false, yaxis: \'y2axis\', rendererOptions: { animation: { speed: 2500 }, barWidth: 15, barPadding: -15, barMargin: 0, highlightMouseOver: false } }, { rendererOptions: { animation: { speed: 2000 } } } ], axesDefaults: { pad: 0, tickOptions: { angle: -30 }, }, axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, }, yaxis: { tickOptions: { formatString: "$%\'d" }, rendererOptions: { forceTickAt0: true } }, y2axis: { tickOptions: { formatString: "$%\'d" }, rendererOptions: { alignTicks: true, forceTickAt0: true } } }, highlighter: { show: true, showLabel: true, tooltipAxes: \'y\', sizeAdjust: 7.5 , tooltipLocation : \'ne\' } });
2. 由于需要从数据库中读取数据并且X轴需要显示为日期格式,所以我将从数据库中获取的数据的日期格式转为"yyyy-MM-dd":
另外,由于需要对数据进行重新组织,可能会用到JS中的Push()方法,在定义对象并调用Push()方法时,无论对象定义为new Array()或[],对结果均无任何影响。

function getPointList(pList) { var DataLists = [];//无论此处定义为new Array()或[],均对显示效果无影响。 for (var x in pList) { DataLists.push([pList[x].PointShowDate, pList[x].PointValue]); } return DataLists; }

$.jqplot(ChartId, [LineList, LineListBG], { animate: true, animateReplot: true, seriesColors: ColorList, title: { text: v_Title, textAlign: \'left\' }, seriesDefaults: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, pointLabels: { show: false, formatString: "%.0f", location: "s", ypadding: 1, }, markerOptions: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, size: 12 } }, series: [{ yaxis: \'y2axis\' }], axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, show: true, ticks: X_Ticks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%d %b %n %Y %n %a\', show: true, showGridline: false, showMark: false }, showTicks: true, useSeriesColor: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } }, yaxis: { show: true, ticks: Y_Ticks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%.0f\', mark: \'inside\', show: true, showMark: false, showGridLine: false, showLabel: true, }, label: \'Blood Pressure\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, useSeriesColor: true, showTickMarks: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } }, y2axis: { show: true, ticks: Y_BGTicks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%.0f\', mark: \'inside\', show: true, showMark: true, showGridLine: false, showLabel: true, }, label: \'Glucose\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, useSeriesColor: true, showTickMarks: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } } }, highlighter: { show: true, sizeAdjust: 4, tooltipContentEditor: tooltipContentEditor, tooltipLocation: \'n\', }, cursor: { show: false }, grid: { background: \'#FFFFFF\', gridLineColor: \'#cccccc\', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, borderColor: \'#FFFFFF\', borderWidth: 2, }, legend: { show: false, location: \'ne\', background: \'#FFFFFF\', placement: "insideGrid", fontSize: 5 } });
3. 修改第一步的代码,我怀疑是定义对象并调用Push()方法时,对象定义为new Array()或[]时引起了异常:

$(document).ready(function () { var s1 = new Array(); var s2 = new Array(); s1.push(["2002-01-01", 112000]); s1.push(["2003-01-01", 122000]); s1.push(["2004-01-01", 104000]); s1.push(["2005-01-01", 99000]); s1.push(["2006-01-01", 121000]); s1.push(["2007-01-01", 148000]); s1.push(["2008-01-01", 114000]); s1.push(["2009-01-01", 133000]); s1.push(["2010-01-01", 161000]); s2.push(["2002-01-01", 10200]); s2.push(["2003-01-01", 10800]); s2.push(["2004-01-01", 11200]); s2.push(["2005-01-01", 11800]); s2.push(["2006-01-01", 12400]); s2.push(["2007-01-01", 12800]); s2.push(["2008-01-01", 13200]); s2.push(["2009-01-01", 12600]); s2.push(["2010-01-01", 13100]); $.jqplot("systolicChart2", [s2, s1], { animate: true, animateReplot: true, cursor: { show: true, zoom: true, looseZoom: true, showTooltip: false }, series:[ { pointLabels: { show: true }, showHighlight: false, yaxis: \'y2axis\', rendererOptions: { animation: { speed: 2500 }, barWidth: 15, barPadding: -15, barMargin: 0, highlightMouseOver: false } }, { rendererOptions: { animation: { speed: 2000 } } } ], axesDefaults: { pad: 0, tickOptions: { angle: -30 }, }, axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, }, yaxis: { tickOptions: { formatString: "$%\'d" }, rendererOptions: { forceTickAt0: true } }, y2axis: { tickOptions: { formatString: "$%\'d" }, rendererOptions: { alignTicks: true, forceTickAt0: true } } }, highlighter: { show: true, showLabel: true, tooltipAxes: \'y\', sizeAdjust: 7.5 , tooltipLocation : \'ne\' } }); });

$(document).ready(function () { var s3 = []; var s4 = []; s3.push(["2016-04-28",105]); s3.push(["2016-04-29",90]); s3.push(["2016-05-18",80]); s3.push(["2016-05-18",80]); s4.push(["2016-05-04",17]); s4.push(["2016-05-08",8]); s4.push(["2016-05-12",6]); s4.push(["2016-05-16", 4]); $.jqplot(ChartId, [s3, s4], { animate: true, animateReplot: true, title: { text: v_Title, textAlign: \'left\' }, seriesDefaults: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, pointLabels: { show: false, formatString: "%.0f", location: "s", ypadding: 1, }, markerOptions: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, size: 12 } }, series: [{ yaxis: \'y2axis\' }], axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, }, yaxis: { label: \'Blood Pressure\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, }, y2axis: { label: \'Glucose\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, } }, highlighter: { show: true, sizeAdjust: 4, tooltipContentEditor: tooltipContentEditor, tooltipLocation: \'n\', }, cursor: { show: false }, grid: { background: \'#FFFFFF\', gridLineColor: \'#cccccc\', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, borderColor: \'#FFFFFF\', borderWidth: 2, }, legend: { show: false, location: \'ne\', background: \'#FFFFFF\', placement: "insideGrid", fontSize: 5 } }); });
4. 启用Google Chrome的调试:
5. 修改代码并显示正确结果:

$(document).ready(function () { $.jqplot(ChartId, [LineListBG[0][0], LineList[0][0]], { animate: true, animateReplot: true, //seriesColors: ColorList, title: { text: v_Title, textAlign: \'left\' }, seriesDefaults: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, pointLabels: { show: false, formatString: "%.0f", location: "s", ypadding: 1, }, markerOptions: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, size: 12 } }, series: [{ yaxis: \'y2axis\' }], axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, show: true, ticks: X_Ticks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%d %b %n %Y %n %a\', show: true, showGridline: false, showMark: false }, showTicks: true, //useSeriesColor: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } }, yaxis: { show: true, ticks: Y_Ticks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%.0f\', mark: \'inside\', show: true, showMark: false, showGridLine: false, showLabel: true, }, label: \'Blood Pressure\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, //useSeriesColor: true, showTickMarks: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } }, y2axis: { show: true, ticks: Y_BGTicks, tickOptions: { formatString: \'%.0f\', mark: \'inside\', show: true, showMark: true, showGridLine: false, showLabel: true, }, label: \'Glucose\', labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, //useSeriesColor: true, showTickMarks: true, rendererOptions: { drawBaseline: false } } }, highlighter: { show: true, sizeAdjust: 4, tooltipContentEditor: tooltipContentEditor, tooltipLocation: \'n\', }, cursor: { show: false }, grid: { background: \'#FFFFFF\', gridLineColor: \'#cccccc\', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, borderColor: \'#FFFFFF\', borderWidth: 2, }, legend: { show: false, location: \'ne\', background: \'#FFFFFF\', placement: "insideGrid", fontSize: 5 } }); });
6. 总结:
$(document).ready(function () { $.jqplot(ChartId, LineList, {})
补充(Supplement): The parameters of property tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot)(tooltipContentEditor参数用法):
str:The value of current point;
seriesIndex:The thread number,if there are 2 threads in current chart and you move the cursor to the second thread,the value will be 2;
pointIndex:The order number of the point,such as 1,2,3,4... ...
plot:Can includes all of and all kinds of the value you want display when you move the cursor to any point,you can get what you want from this parameter!
7. 感谢
最后衷心感谢Google Chrome浏览器强大的调试功能!!!
R语言ggplot2可视化:将条形图(bar plot)和线图(line plot)组合在一起并使用双Y轴(double y axis)进行可视化其中一个Y轴显示为百分比