Posted 小葱葱葱包
import {NgModule} from "@angular/core"; import {CommonModule} from "@angular/common" import {PpInputComponent} from \'./pp-input\' import {FormsModule} from "@angular/forms"; @NgModule({ declarations: [PpInputComponent], imports: [ CommonModule, FormsModule, ], exports: [PpInputComponent], }) export class PpInputComponentModule { }
import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, Renderer2, AfterViewInit} from \'@angular/core\'; /** * Generated class for the PpInputComponent component. * * See https://angular.io/api/core/Component for more info on Angular * Components. */ @Component({ selector: \'pp-input\', templateUrl: \'pp-input.html\' }) export class PpInputComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit { constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) { } @ViewChild(\'ppLabel\') private ppLabel: ElementRef; // 获取元素 @Input() ppValue: any; // input的值,双向绑定 @Input(\'pp-label\') label: string = \'Label\'; // label文案 @Input() validate: any = function (input) { // 验证数据方法 if (input) { return true } else { return false } }; @Input() type: string = \'text\'; // input类型 @Input() x: string; // label的X轴偏移量 @Input() isRequired: boolean; // false @Input(\'error-message\') errorMessage: string = \'validate error\'; // 错误提示信息 @Output() ppValueChange = new EventEmitter(); actived: boolean = false; // 样式控制 float: boolean; // label是否浮动 showErrMsg: boolean = false; // 是否显示错误信息 ngOnInit() { if (this.ppValue) { this.float = true; this.actived = true; } else { this.float = false; } } ngAfterViewInit() { if (this.x) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.ppLabel.nativeElement, \'transform\', `translate3d(${Number(this.x) / 100}rem, 0.48rem, 0)`) } } // 获得焦点 ppFocus() { this.float = true; } // 失去焦点 ppBlur() { if (this.ppValue) { this.float = true; } else { this.float = false; } if (this.validate(this.ppValue)) { this.showErrMsg = false; } else { this.showErrMsg = true; } } // 更新父组件model值 changeValue() { this.ppValueChange.emit(this.ppValue); if (this.validate(this.ppValue)) { this.actived = true; this.showErrMsg = false; } else { this.actived = false; } } }
pp-input { .pp-input-container { border-bottom: 1px solid #C1CCD5; height: 0.92rem; &.actived { border-color: #6308C7 } .label { font-size: 0.28rem; color: #95A1AB; position: relative; font-family: Avenir-Medium; pointer-events: none; transform: translate3d(0,0.48rem, 0); transition: all 0.2s; margin: 0.11rem 0.08rem 0.11rem 0; &.actived { transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)!important; font-size: 0.22rem; transition: all 0.2s; .actived { color: #6308C7 } } .required { color: #F44E4E } } .pp-input { border: none; font-size: 0.28rem; height: 0.5rem; line-height: 0.5rem; } .content { display: flex; align-items: center; } } .error-message { color: #F44E4E; font-size: 0.22rem; height: 0; line-height: 0.4rem; opacity: 0.5; transition: all 0.2s; overflow: hidden; &.show { opacity: 1; height: 0.4rem; transition: all 0.2s; } } }
<!-- Generated template for the PpInputComponent component --> <div class="pp-input-wrapper"> <div class="pp-input-container" [class.actived]="actived"> <div class="label" [class.actived]="float" #ppLabel> <span class="required" *ngIf="isRequired">*</span><span [class.actived]="actived">{{label}}</span> </div> <div class="content"> <ng-content></ng-content> <input class="pp-input" (focus)="ppFocus()" (blur)="ppBlur()" (keyup)="changeValue()" [type]="type" [(ngModel)]="ppValue"> </div> </div> <div class="error-message" [class.show]="showErrMsg">{{errorMessage}}</div> </div>
目前实现可传入label文案, label的x轴偏移,input类型,验证数据的validate方法,input的双向绑定value值,错误提示信息等
ps: 之前用vue组件也写过类型的组件,传送门:https://www.cnblogs.com/cong-bao/p/9204940.html
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