Posted czl-01
M = 15;% the num of antenna L = 100; % the num of snapshot theta = [10 30]; %the DOA K = length(theta); %the num of the signal SNR = 10; searchgrid = 0:0.01:90;
S = (randn(K,L)+j*randn(K,L))/sqrt(2); loc = zeros(M,3); loc(:,1) = 0:M-1; A = zero(M,K); for k = 1:K rk = [cosd(phi(k))*sind( theta(k)),sind(phi(k))*sind(theta(k)),cosd(theta(k))].‘; % rk = [cos(φk) sin(θk); sin(φk) sin(θk); cos(θk)]T A(:,k) = exp(-j*pi*loc*rk); end X0 = A*S; Y = awgn(X0,SNR,‘measured‘,‘dB‘);
R = Y*Y‘/L; [V,D] = eig(R); %V:the characterist vector;D: the characterist value :all is matrix DD = diag(D); En = V(:,1:M-K);% the noise subspace
Un = En*En‘;%En‘转置操作 temp = zeros(3,length(searchgrid1));%源代码中运用了三种估计方法 phi1 = 0;%一维空间 tic, for num1 = 1:length(searchgrid1) theta1 = searchgrid1(num1); r1 = [cosd(phi1)*sind(theta1),sind(phi1)*sind(theta1),cosd(theta1)].‘; aa = exp(-j*pi*loc*r1);% direction matrix temp(1,num1)=1/abs(aa‘*Un*aa);%the objective function end tem_2(1) = tem_2(1)+toc;% the time spend
maxt1 = max(temp(1,:)); temp2 = 10*log(temp(1,:)/maxt1);%归一化并去对数使谱峰明显 [val2,indx2] =findpeaks(temp2);%val2为峰值大小,indx2为位置 [sval2,pos2] = sort(val2,‘descend‘);%sval2为降序排号的序列,pos2为索引地址 E_theta1 = sort(searchgrid1(indx2(pos2(1:K))));
雷达通信基于matlab均匀圆阵下CA-MUSIC的二维DOA估计含Matlab源码 2220期
text 来自Codyhouse框架的Browserlist片段源代码