通过 Bean Searcher 在数据库中对数据的排序

Posted guoleidd


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了通过 Bean Searcher 在数据库中对数据的排序相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

 想要H5页面中实现升序,降序的排序功能  : 


问题  :  


原因 : 

  小于0时无法排序, 原因是返回值为 int 类型, 小于0的值变为0,所以无法排序



但是在解决这个问题同时发现了另外一个问题, 因为要做分页处理(每页数据为15条), 数据超过15条数据时, 那么排序只会排当前页查到的数据, 前面页码数据不参与排序

所以需要在数据库中排序  而不能在 代码中排序(在代码中排序需要将所有数据全部查询出来, 数据过大时会对数据产生影响,不建议使用)

代码 : 

 1 @Secured(‘permitAll‘)
 2     def piles(Integer page, Integer size, String searchTerm, String sort, String order, Boolean online) {
 3         page = page ?: 0
 4         size = size ?: 15
 5         sort = sort ?: ‘income‘
 6         order = order ?: ‘desc‘
 7         def user = securityService.currUser
 8         def piles = ChargePile.createCriteria().list {
 9             eq ‘deleted‘, false
10             if (online) {
11                 eq ‘status‘, ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE
12             } else {
13                 eq ‘status‘, ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__OFFLINE
14             }
15             chargeSite {
16                 eq ‘platform‘, PlatformHolder.loadPlatform()
17                 eq ‘status‘, ModelConst.CHARGE_SITE__STATUS__APPROVED
18                 agent {
19                     eq ‘user‘, user
20                 }
21             }
22             if (searchTerm) {
23                 searchTerm = ‘%‘ + searchTerm + ‘%‘
24                 or {
25                     ilike ‘pileNo‘, searchTerm
26                     chargeSite {
27                         ilike ‘name‘, searchTerm
28                     }
29                 }
30             }
31             projections {
32                 property ‘id‘
33                 property ‘pileNo‘
34                 property ‘location‘
35                 property ‘portCount‘
36                 chargeSite {
37                     property ‘name‘
38                     property ‘address‘
39                     property ‘addressDetail‘
40                 }
41                 property ‘status‘
42                 property ‘type‘
43             }
44             maxResults size
45             firstResult page * size
46         }.collect { Object[] it ->
47             def pileId = it[0]
48             def pile = ChargePile.load(pileId as Long)
49             def pileReport = PileReport.createCriteria().get {
50                 eq ‘type‘, ModelConst.REPORT__TYPE__DATE
51                 eq ‘time‘, TimeUtils.getYesterdayyyyyMMdd()
52                 eq ‘chargePile‘, pile
53             } as PileReport
54             [
55                     id      : pileId,
56                     pileNo  : it[1],
57                     total   : it[3],
58                     siteName: it[4],
59                     address : AddressUtils.getFullAddress(it[5] as District, it[6] as String).concat(it[2] as String),
60                     status  : it[7],
61                     busy    : it[7] == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.busyPortCount(it[0] as long, it[3] as int) : 0,
62                     broken  : it[7] == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.brokenPortCount(it[0] as long, it[3] as int) : 0,
63                     avaliable  : it[7] == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.avaliablePortCount(it[0] as long, it[3] as int) : 0,
64                     usedRate: pileReport ? String.format(‘%.2f‘, pileReport?.useRate * 100) : ‘0‘,          // 排序字段
65                     income  : pileReport ? String.format(‘%.2f‘, pileReport?.pileIncomeAmount / 100) : ‘0.00‘,   // 排序字段
66             ]
67         } as List
68         def result = [
69                 piles: listSort(piles, sort, order),    // 上述图片中方法
70                 online: countPiles(ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE),
71                 offline: countPiles(ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__OFFLINE)
72         ]
73         render result as JSON

 通过 Bean Searcher 在数据库中进行排序 代码如下 : 

 1 @SearchBean(tables = ‘‘‘charge_pile p     // sql语句
 2 left join pile_report r on r.charge_pile_id = p.id and r.type = 1 and r.time = :time  // on后面是对局部条件做限制
 3 left join charge_site s on p.charge_site_id = s.id 
 4 left join agent a on s.agent_id = a.id ‘‘‘,
 5         joinCond = ‘‘‘p.deleted = 0 and a.user_id = :userId and s.platform_id = :platformId and  // joinCond 相当于在sql中的where, where后面是对全局做限制
 6  (s.name like :search or p.pile_no like :search)‘‘‘)  // 实现条件搜索(设备名称或设备编号)
 7 class PileReportBean implements BeanAware {
 9     @DbField(‘p.id‘)
10     Long id
12     @DbField(‘p.pile_no‘)
13     String pileNo
15     @DbField(‘p.location‘)
16     String location
18     @DbField(‘p.port_count‘)
19     Integer portCount
21     @DbField(‘p.status‘)
22     int status
24     @DbField(‘p.type‘)
25     int type
27     @DbField(‘s.name‘)
28     String name
30     @DbField(‘s.address_detail‘)
31     String address
33     @DbField(‘r.use_rate‘)
34     BigDecimal useRate
36     @DbField(‘r.pile_income_amount‘)
37     Integer pileIncomeAmount
40     @Override
41     void afterAssembly() {
43     }
45 }

控制层代码 :

 1 @Secured(‘permitAll‘)  //权限 所有人可以访问
 2     def piles(Integer page, Integer size, String searchTerm, String sort, String orderMode, Boolean online) {
 3         page = page ?: 0
 4         size = size ?: 15
 5         sort = sort ?: ‘pileIncomeAmount‘
 6         orderMode = orderMode ?: ‘desc‘
 7         def user = securityService.currUser
 8         log.info("user:${user},")
 9         def status = online ? 1 : 2
10         def params = [                    // sql的 wehre 条件
11                 platformId : PlatformHolder.loadPlatform().id,
12                 time       : TimeUtils.getYesterdayyyyyMMdd(),
13                 userId     : user.id,
14                 status     : status,
15                 search     : ‘%‘ +searchTerm + ‘%‘,  // 搜索条件(通过前端传入)
16                 sort       : sort,            // 排序字段(前端传入)
17                 order      : orderMode,          // 排序方式(desc or asc)
18                 max        : size,
19                 offset     : page
20         ]
22         def piles = searcher.search(PileReportBean, params)
23         piles = piles.dataList?.collect {  it ->
24             [
25                     id              : it.id,
26                     pileNo          : it.pileNo,
27                     total           : it?.portCount,
28                     siteName        : it.name,
29                     address         : it.address,
30                     status          : it.status,
31                     busy            : it.status == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.busyPortCount(it.id, it.portCount) : 0,
32                     broken          : it.status == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.brokenPortCount(it.id, it.portCount) : 0,
33                     avaliable       : it.status == ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE ? pileCacheService.avaliablePortCount(it.id, it.portCount) : 0,
34                     useRate         : it.useRate ? String.format(‘%.2f‘, it?.useRate * 100) : ‘0‘,
35                     pileIncomeAmount: it.pileIncomeAmount ? String.format(‘%.2f‘, it?.pileIncomeAmount / 100) : ‘0.00‘
36             ]
37         }
38         def result = [
39                 piles: piles,
40                 online: countPiles(ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__ONLINE),
41                 offline: countPiles(ModelConst.CHARGE_PILE__STATUS__OFFLINE)
42         ]
43         render result as JSON
44     }

以上 方法解决 本次所遇到的 排序问题


以上是关于通过 Bean Searcher 在数据库中对数据的排序的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章




Spring IOC 应用进阶


如何在Linux中安装和使用Silver Searcher(程序员的代码搜索工具)