Posted miraculousb
#include <Windows.h> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include "HackProcess.h" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> CHackProcess fProcess; using namespace std; #define F6_Key 0x75 #define RIGHT_MOUSE 0x02 int NumOfPlayers = 32; const DWORD dw_PlayerCountOffs = 0x7994E0;//Engine.dll //自己人物模块偏移 const DWORD Player_Base = 0x4C5B3B4;//client_panorama.dll //阵营 const DWORD dw_mTeamOffset = 0xE8;//client_panorama.dll //血量 const DWORD dw_Health = 0xF4;//client_panorama.dll //人物坐标偏移 const DWORD dw_Pos = 0x12C;//client_panorama.dll //敌人地址 const DWORD EntityPlayer_Base = 0x4c5b3bc;//client_panorama.dll //敌人结构偏移 const DWORD EntityLoopDistance = 0x8; //鼠标指针 const DWORD dw_m_angRotation = 0x461A9C; RECT m_Rect; HDC HDC_Desktop; HBRUSH EnemyBrush; HFONT Font; //矩阵地址 const DWORD dw_vMatrix = 0x4C2CD04 + 0xb0; const DWORD dw_antiFlick = 0x58C2B8; HWND TargetWnd; HWND Handle; DWORD DwProcId; COLORREF SnapLineCOLOR; COLORREF TextCOLOR; typedef struct { float flMatrix [4][4]; }WorldToScreenMatrix_t; float Get3dDistance(float * myCoords, float * enemyCoords) { return sqrt( pow(double(enemyCoords[0] - myCoords[0]), 2.0) + pow(double(enemyCoords[1] - myCoords[1]), 2.0) + pow(double(enemyCoords[2] - myCoords[2]), 2.0)); } void SetupDrawing(HDC hDesktop, HWND handle) { HDC_Desktop =hDesktop; Handle = handle; EnemyBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0)); //Color SnapLineCOLOR = RGB(0, 0, 255); TextCOLOR = RGB(0, 255, 0); } struct MyPlayer_t { DWORD CLocalPlayer; int Team; int Health; WorldToScreenMatrix_t WorldToScreenMatrix; float Position[3]; int flickerCheck; void ReadInformation() { // 读自己地址 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordClient + Player_Base), &CLocalPlayer, sizeof(DWORD), 0); // 读阵营 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_mTeamOffset), &Team, sizeof(int), 0); // 读血量 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_Health), &Health, sizeof(int), 0); // 读坐标 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_Pos), &Position, sizeof(float[3]), 0); //读房间人数 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordEngine + dw_PlayerCountOffs), &NumOfPlayers, sizeof(int), 0); //anti flicker //ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordEngine + dw_antiFlick), &flickerCheck, sizeof(int), 0); //VMATRIX //if(flickerCheck == 0) //{ //读矩阵 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordClient + dw_vMatrix), &WorldToScreenMatrix, sizeof(WorldToScreenMatrix), 0); //} //-1A4 = ANTI FLICKER //Engine.dll+0x58C45C } }MyPlayer; //ENemy struct struct PlayerList_t { DWORD CBaseEntity; int Team; int Health; float Position[3]; float AimbotAngle[3]; char Name[39]; void ReadInformation(int Player) { // 读敌人地址 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordClient + EntityPlayer_Base + (Player * EntityLoopDistance)),&CBaseEntity, sizeof(DWORD), 0); // 读阵营 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_mTeamOffset), &Team, sizeof(int), 0); // 读血量 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_Health), &Health, sizeof(int), 0); // 读坐标 ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_Pos), &Position, sizeof(float[3]), 0); } }PlayerList[32]; bool WorldToScreen(float * from, float * to) { float w = 0.0f; to[0] = MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][0] * from[0] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][1] * from[1] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][2] * from[2] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][3]; to[1] = MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][0] * from[0] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][1] * from[1] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][2] * from[2] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][3]; w = MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][0] * from[0] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][1] * from[1] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][2] * from[2] + MyPlayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][3]; if(w < 0.01f) return false; float invw = 1.0f / w; to[0] *= invw; to[1] *= invw; int width = (int)(m_Rect.right - m_Rect.left); int height = (int)(m_Rect.bottom - m_Rect.top); float x = width/2; float y = height/2; x += 0.5 * to[0] * width + 0.5; y -= 0.5 * to[1] * height + 0.5; to[0] = x+ m_Rect.left; to[1] = y+ m_Rect.top ; return true; } void DrawFilledRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) { RECT rect = { x, y, x + w, y + h }; FillRect(HDC_Desktop, &rect, EnemyBrush); } void DrawBorderBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int thickness) { //Top horiz line DrawFilledRect(x, y, w, thickness); //Left vertical line DrawFilledRect( x, y, thickness, h); //right vertical line DrawFilledRect((x + w), y, thickness, h); //bottom horiz line DrawFilledRect(x, y + h, w+thickness, thickness); } void DrawLine(float StartX, float StartY, float EndX, float EndY, COLORREF Pen) { int a,b=0; HPEN hOPen; HPEN hNPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, Pen); hOPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(HDC_Desktop, hNPen); MoveToEx(HDC_Desktop, StartX, StartY, NULL); a = LineTo(HDC_Desktop, EndX, EndY); DeleteObject(SelectObject(HDC_Desktop, hOPen)); } void DrawString(int x, int y, COLORREF color, const char* text) { SetTextAlign(HDC_Desktop,TA_CENTER|TA_NOUPDATECP); SetBkColor(HDC_Desktop,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(HDC_Desktop,TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(HDC_Desktop,color); SelectObject(HDC_Desktop,Font); TextOutA(HDC_Desktop,x,y,text,strlen(text)); DeleteObject(Font); } void DrawESP(int x, int y, float distance) { int width = 18100/distance; int height = 36000/distance; DrawBorderBox(x-(width/2), y-height, width, height, 1); DrawLine((m_Rect.right - m_Rect.left)/2, m_Rect.bottom - m_Rect.top, x, y, SnapLineCOLOR); std::stringstream ss; ss << (int)distance; char * distanceInfo = new char[ss.str().size()+1]; strcpy(distanceInfo, ss.str().c_str()); DrawString(x, y, TextCOLOR, distanceInfo); delete [] distanceInfo; } void ESP() { GetWindowRect(FindWindow(NULL, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"), &m_Rect); for(int i = 0; i < NumOfPlayers; i ++) { PlayerList[i].ReadInformation(i); if(PlayerList[i].Health < 2) continue; if(PlayerList[i].Team == MyPlayer.Team) continue; float EnemyXY[3]; if(WorldToScreen(PlayerList[i].Position, EnemyXY)) { DrawESP(EnemyXY[0] - m_Rect.left, EnemyXY[1] - m_Rect.top, Get3dDistance(MyPlayer.Position, PlayerList[i].Position)); } } } int main() { fProcess.RunProcess(); ShowWindow(FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL), false); TargetWnd = FindWindow(0, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"); HDC HDC_Desktop = GetDC(TargetWnd); SetupDrawing(HDC_Desktop, TargetWnd); for(;;) { MyPlayer.ReadInformation(); ESP(); } return 0; }
#pragma once #include <Windows.h> #include <TlHelp32.h> //THIS FILE SIMPLY DOES MOST OF THE BACKEND WORK FOR US, //FROM FINDING THE PROCESS TO SETTING UP CORRECT ACCESS FOR US //TO EDIT MEMORY //IN MOST GAMES, A SIMPLER VERSION OF THIS CAN BE USED, or if you‘re injecting then its often not necessary //This file has been online for quite a while so credits should be shared but im using this from NubTIK //So Credits to him and thanks class CHackProcess { public: PROCESSENTRY32 __gameProcess; HANDLE __HandleProcess; HWND __HWNDCss; DWORD __dwordClient; DWORD __dwordEngine; DWORD __dwordOverlay; DWORD __dwordVGui; DWORD __dwordLibCef; DWORD __dwordSteam; DWORD FindProcessName(const char *__ProcessName, PROCESSENTRY32 *pEntry) { PROCESSENTRY32 __ProcessEntry; __ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; if (!Process32First(hSnapshot, &__ProcessEntry)) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return 0; } do{if (!_strcmpi(__ProcessEntry.szExeFile, __ProcessName)) { memcpy((void *)pEntry, (void *)&__ProcessEntry, sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return __ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID; }} while (Process32Next(hSnapshot, &__ProcessEntry)); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return 0; } DWORD getThreadByProcess(DWORD __DwordProcess) { THREADENTRY32 __ThreadEntry; __ThreadEntry.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32); HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0); if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; if (!Thread32First(hSnapshot, &__ThreadEntry)) {CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return 0; } do {if (__ThreadEntry.th32OwnerProcessID == __DwordProcess) { CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return __ThreadEntry.th32ThreadID; }} while (Thread32Next(hSnapshot, &__ThreadEntry)); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); return 0; } DWORD GetModuleNamePointer(LPSTR LPSTRModuleName, DWORD __DwordProcessId) { MODULEENTRY32 lpModuleEntry = {0}; HANDLE hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, __DwordProcessId); if(!hSnapShot) return NULL; lpModuleEntry.dwSize = sizeof(lpModuleEntry); BOOL __RunModule = Module32First( hSnapShot, &lpModuleEntry ); while(__RunModule) { if(!strcmp(lpModuleEntry.szModule, LPSTRModuleName ) ) {CloseHandle( hSnapShot ); return (DWORD)lpModuleEntry.modBaseAddr; } __RunModule = Module32Next( hSnapShot, &lpModuleEntry ); } CloseHandle( hSnapShot ); return NULL; } void runSetDebugPrivs() { HANDLE __HandleProcess=GetCurrentProcess(), __HandleToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES priv; LUID __LUID; OpenProcessToken(__HandleProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &__HandleToken); LookupPrivilegeValue(0, "seDebugPrivilege", &__LUID); priv.PrivilegeCount = 1; priv.Privileges[0].Luid = __LUID; priv.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges(__HandleToken, false, &priv, 0, 0, 0); CloseHandle(__HandleToken); CloseHandle(__HandleProcess); } void RunProcess() { //commented lines are for non steam versions of the game runSetDebugPrivs(); while (!FindProcessName("csgo.exe", &__gameProcess)) Sleep(12); while (!(getThreadByProcess(__gameProcess.th32ProcessID))) Sleep(12); __HandleProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); while(__dwordClient == 0x0) __dwordClient = GetModuleNamePointer("client_panorama.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); while(__dwordEngine == 0x0) __dwordEngine = GetModuleNamePointer("engine.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); //while(__dwordOverlay == 0x0) __dwordOverlay = GetModuleNamePointer("gameoverlayrenderer.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); //while(__dwordVGui == 0x0) __dwordVGui = GetModuleNamePointer("vguimatsurface.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); //while(__dwordLibCef == 0x0) __dwordLibCef = GetModuleNamePointer("libcef.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); // while(__dwordSteam == 0x0) __dwordSteam = GetModuleNamePointer("steam.dll", __gameProcess.th32ProcessID); __HWNDCss = FindWindow(NULL, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"); } }; extern CHackProcess fProcess;