An Array of Sequences

Posted neozheng


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了An Array of Sequences相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

1.  Listcomps (List comprehensions) do everything the map and filter functions do. (map 函数和 filter函数能做的,列表生成式都可以做)

列表生成式和 map, filter 函数运行时间的比较示例:

import timeit

TIMES = 10000

SETUP = """
symbols = ‘$¢£¥€¤‘
def non_ascii(c):
    return c > 127

def clock(label, cmd):
    res = timeit.repeat(cmd, setup=SETUP, number=TIMES)
    print(label, *({:.3f}.format(x) for x in res))

clock(listcomp        :, [ord(s) for s in symbols if ord(s) > 127])
clock(listcomp + func :, [ord(s) for s in symbols if non_ascii(ord(s))])
clock(filter + lambda :, list(filter(lambda c: c > 127, map(ord, symbols))))
clock(filter + func   :, list(filter(non_ascii, map(ord, symbols))))

# 测试一段代码的运行时间,可以用 timeit 模块
timeit 模块中主要函数有两个:
1. timeit(stmt=‘pass‘, setup=‘pass‘, timer=<defaulttimer>, number=1000000)




2. repeat(stmt=‘pass‘, setup=‘pass‘, timer=<defaulttimer>, repeat=3, number=1000000)

timeit 参考链接:


2. Tuple

In [44]: traveler_ids = [(USA,31195855), (BRA,CE342567), (ESP, XDA205856)]

In [45]: for passport in sorted(traveler_ids):
    ...:     print(%s/%s % passport)

# The % formatting operator understands tuples and treats each item as a separate field.

# Tuple Unpacking
In [46]: t = (20, 8)

In [47]: divmod(*t)
Out[47]: (2, 4)

In [48]: quotient,remainder = divmod(*t)

In [49]: quotient, remainder
Out[49]: (2, 4)

# Using * to grab excess items
In [50]: a, b, *rest = range(5)

In [51]: a, b, rest
Out[51]: (0, 1, [2, 3, 4])

In [52]: a, b, *rest = range(2)

In [53]: a, b, rest
Out[53]: (0, 1, [])

In [54]: a, *body, c, d = range(5)

In [55]: a, body, c, d
Out[55]: (0, [1, 2], 3, 4)

# In the context of parallel assignment, the * prefix can be applied to exactly one variable, but it can appear in any position

# Nested Tuple Unpacking
metro_areas = [
    (Tokyo, JP, 36.933, (35.689722, 139.691667)),
    (Mexico City, MX, 20.142, (19.433333, -99.133333)),
    (New York-Newark, US, 20.104, (40.808611, -74.020386)),

print({:15} | {:^9} | {:^9}.format(‘‘, lat., long.))
fmt = {:15} | {:9.4f} | {:9.4f}

# By assigning the last field to a tuple, we unpack the coordinates.
for name, cc, pop, (latitude, longitude) in metro_areas:
    if longitude <= 0:
        print(fmt.format(name, latitude, longitude))

# Output:
                |   lat.    |   long.  
Mexico City     |   19.4333 |  -99.1333
New York-Newark |   40.8086 |  -74.0204














以上是关于An Array of Sequences的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

LeetCode Degree of an Array

[leetcode]Array-697. Degree of an Array

Degree of an Array

697. Degree of an Array

Equal Sides Of An Array

697. Degree of an Array